I saw on the first post that SwitchResX is broken under Ventura. I have Ventura 13.1 Beta build 22C5050e running on my Mid 2015 15-inch MacBook Pro and have SwitchResX (vers 4.12.2 Intel) running with no issues. I have full functionality of SwitchResX.
In that case add it to the working apps. It would be better if you can run it on the current macOS 13.0.1.
There are quite a few apps in both the Working and Broken section (including at least one I added to Working). I guess we are all reluctant to delete someone else's post in the broken section even when something is working for us.
The 1st post needs a cleanup. Is that for the
@walterpaisley (the OP) to do? Edit: Maybe not as he has not posted on any thread for two months. I will make a start and report back here.
I have some edits to 1st post. I think we should assume that everyone has the latest version of each app otherwise this becomes unmanageable.
Added Onyx 4.3.2
Partially working (should we Strikethrough some of these?):
Hyperdock - added note.
OneDrive - working for others
Preview - working for others
PIA VPN - working for others
Totally Broken:
Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw Editor - Photoshop is in the working list.
Dropbox - strikethrough as recent and current versions work.
Malwarebytes - strikethrough
Onyx - strikethrough as current version works.
If you disagree, say so.
Needs someone to fix/comment re current status:
Parallels - does current release version work? If so add to Working
Rogue Amoeba apps - do current releases of all apps work and then list them. (I only have Piezo and it works).