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katie ta achoo said:
Nooo I was the better princess!

(geez, I think there's about 8 princesses in that pic)
Duff-Man says...I almost picked that one first...there is a similarity between the two and that threw me off a bit I guess....always go with your first instinct! ...oh yeah!
devilot76 said:
I was right, right?! You're in the blue dress w/ that crazy mischievous grin! :D

Hahaha, I was staring at the guy next to me. I've always been a dumb punk!

Let me tell you something, my friends and I already had drama even in pre-school.
Sooooo, Gracie (girl in front of me) and I totally thought christopher (guy to the right of me) was cute.
Guess who didn't!

That's right!

Hahaha, we joke about it now, but if I could remember it, I probably was mad back then.
Oh no! Oh no!

So, I get a birthday card 2 years ago from Gracie, and it says "Happy Birthday! From Christopher" and she drew spaghettios on it.

So much nerd in two people.
katie ta achoo said:
You win!

the girl sitting in front of me is doing her senior recital with me. She sits to my left in calculus.

she and the robot are AWESOME cellists.
they both did fed challenge last year...
It's neat that you all still know each other. Especially neat because cello is so incredibly hot. I dunno what 'fed challenge' is... :( I guess all my years of orchestra and private lessons still amount to nothing since I haven't even heard of this.

katie ta achoo said:
<snip evil back stabbing story> Hahaha, we joke about it now, but if I could remember it, I probably was mad back then.
That is so evil. You must have such a resilient spirit to be able to laugh it off... I'd probably tear up just thinking about it. :eek: By the way, dunno how I left it out, but you look adorable!
BTW- hey guys, I'm meeting PlaceofDis and Chip NoVaMac for dinner tomorrow! It's gonna be fun. I can't wait. 'Dis will probably have a shirt on though. :( I have got to find that guy a nice, kinky girl.
devilot76 said:
It's neat that you all still know each other. Especially neat because cello is so incredibly hot. I dunno what 'fed challenge' is... :( I guess all my years of orchestra and private lessons still amount to nothing since I haven't even heard of this.

Fed Challenge = loser competition for economics nerds.
Fed challenge is why I'm such a friggin' finance loser, but HA! I'll control the economy, so I don't wanna hear it!

leekohler said:
BTW- hey guys, I'm meeting PlaceofDis and Chip NoVaMac for dinner tomorrow! It's gonna be fun. I can't wait. 'Dis will probably have a shirt on though.

He asked me what he should wear. When I said "nothing" he disagreed. :(

leekohler said:
BTW- hey guys, I'm meeting PlaceofDis and Chip NoVaMac for dinner tomorrow! It's gonna be fun. I can't wait. 'Dis will probably have a shirt on though. :( I have got to find that guy a nice, kinky girl.
Dare I photos of you guys in 2 days?
OK- dinner with Chip NoVaMac and PlaceofDis was great! We had a really nice time and we have photos for you guys! Now I want to meet more members of these forums, particularly stubeef and MacAddicttt. It was really cool to meet these two very cool guys. Thanks for flying out chip! :)
leekohler said:
OK- dinner with Chip NoVaMac and PlaceofDis was great! We had a really nice time and we have photos for you guys! Now I want to meet more members of these forums, particularly stubeef and MacAddicttt. It was really cool to meet these two very cool guys. Thanks for flying out chip! :)

lovely time, Lee, and many thanks for Chip for coming into Chicago, hope he enjoys the city.

pics will be up when Chip gets back home from his trip.
and rollerderby for sure next month lee, i have to meet your girls ;)
PlaceofDis said:
lovely time, Lee, and many thanks for Chip for coming into Chicago, hope he enjoys the city.

pics will be up when Chip gets back home from his trip.
and rollerderby for sure next month lee, i have to meet your girls ;)

Yes you do. My friend Elle Destructo (Melissa) is a babe. Look her up on the website. ;)
leekohler said:
Yes you do. My friend Elle Destructo (Melissa) is a babe. Look her up on the website. ;)

babe indeed from the pictures i saw :D

edit: and i hop ei didn't disappoint you tonight lee ;) :p
PlaceofDis said:
babe indeed from the pictures i saw :D

edit: and i hop ei didn't disappoint you tonight lee ;) :p

Yes- a hottie indeed.

What? Disappoint me? PlaceofDis, you are one hot tamale. I'm sorry, I should have given you a hug and a kiss. :) BTW- I told you I can be an intimidating person, people tell me that all the time. It has cost me dates before, but I can't be other than what I am, hence the acting roles I get. I'll try to be nicer. :)
leekohler said:
Yes- a hottie indeed.

What? Disappoint me? PlaceofDis, you are one hot tamale. I'm sorry, I should have given you a hug and a kiss. :) BTW- I told you I can be an intimidating person, people tell me that all the time. It has cost me dates before, but I can't be other than what I am, hence the acting roles I get. I'll try to be nicer. :)

you were hardly intimidating to me, but maybe thats because you weren't hitting on me? LoL. its cool that you get acting roles though, and you get the best ones too i think! and thank you for the compliments, much appreciated
PlaceofDis said:
you were hardly intimidating to me, but maybe thats because you weren't hitting on me? LoL. its cool that you get acting roles though, and you get the best ones too i think! and thank you for the compliments, much appreciated

Oh good- I've been working on that. And you're more than welcome. :) BTW- check out MacAztec's post. I gave him a compliment and he responded positively. Maybe we can all get along after all.
~Shard~ said:
Sounds like you guys had a great time! Dunno if we'll ever be in the same area, but I'd love to hook up with ya at some point too. :cool:
*snort* Hee. 'round these parts you'd probably be wiser to watch your choice of words... :p ;)
~Shard~ said:
Sounds like you guys had a great time! Dunno if we'll ever be in the same area, but I'd love to hook up with ya at some point too. :cool:

Shard- how close are you to Montreal/Quebec City? I've been wanting to go there for a long time. Maybe we could meet up there at some point. I want to scope it out as a possible place to live when I get old-no drama, just cool people. And yes, I know enough French to get by.
devilot76 said:
*snort* Hee. 'round these parts you'd probably be wiser to watch your choice of words... :p ;)

Really? Funny, I know what you mean, however I use that phrase with both meanings quite frequently, depending on the situation... must be a Canadian thing, eh? :p ;) :D
leekohler said:
Shard- how close are you to Montreal/Quebec City? I've been wanting to go there for a long time. Maybe we could meet up there at some point. I want to scope it out as a possible place to live when I get old-no drama, just cool people. And yes, I know enough French to get by.

Unfortunately Montreal is very East of me - probably a 35-hour drive or a 3 hour flight, give or take. Yeah, that's what I get for living in the second largest country on Earth... ;)

If you ever plan on making it out west though, to Vancouver for instance, that would be more do-able for me for sure. :) And I think you'd like Vancouver, or at least the surrounding areas - especially the Island. Awesome scenery, activities and ambience - it's a lot like New Zealand actually, and some aspects of it are even better in my opinion!
~Shard~ said:
Unfortunately Montreal is very East of me - probably a 35-hour drive or a 3 hour flight, give or take. Yeah, that's what I get for living in the second largest country on Earth... ;)

If you ever plan on making it out west though, to Vancouver for instance, that would be more do-able for me for sure. :) And I think you'd like Vancouver, or at least the surrounding areas - especially the Island. Awesome scenery, activities and ambience - it's a lot like New Zealand actually, and some aspects of it are even better in my opinion!

Oh- yeah, I've heard Vancouver is great. I could do that too. I have some friends who live on an island off the coast of Washington State.
leekohler said:
Oh- yeah, I've heard Vancouver is great. I could do that too. I have some friends who live on an island off the coast of Washington State.

It wouldn't happen to be Vachon, would it? My brother lived there for a couple years before moving to Seattle and it's a very beautiful island. Of course, there's so many of them out there! ;)

Yeah, if you ever make it out there, I'll have to see if we can hook up (that was for devilot76's benefit), since my brother just moved back there from New York a couple months ago. I'll definitely be heading out there for a couple weeks next summer... :cool:
Ah, what the hell. When in Rome...

(sorry it's so blurry, I can't hold the camera still when I'm so caffeinated)


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