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livingfortoday said:
Ah, what the hell. When in Rome...

(sorry it's so blurry, I can't hold the camera still when I'm so caffeinated)

I am liking your style, I am....
livingfortoday said:
Ah, what the hell. When in Rome...

(sorry it's so blurry, I can't hold the camera still when I'm so caffeinated)

So we have a sweater over oxford (which I enjoy) in front of what seems to be a bathtub and the bathroom? Come now, you surely have a bedroom or a Mac to pose in front of right? ;)

Nice pic though, welcome to the faced MR members.
Thanks all.

Yeah, I tend to either severely overdress (see pic above), or severely underdress. When I dress nice, though, I feel like I can get away with not knowing anything in class, 'cause I at lease look like I know what I'm talking about!

And yeah, I'll try to get a picture of me in front of some Macs, and not in the bathroom. It just happened to be the cleanest room in the house. Sadly enough.
~Shard~ said:
It wouldn't happen to be Vachon, would it? My brother lived there for a couple years before moving to Seattle and it's a very beautiful island. Of course, there's so many of them out there! ;)

Yeah, if you ever make it out there, I'll have to see if we can hook up (that was for devilot76's benefit), since my brother just moved back there from New York a couple months ago. I'll definitely be heading out there for a couple weeks next summer... :cool:

They live on Bainbridge. Sorry it took so long, I couldn't remember which one it was and had to ask. :)
katie ta achoo said:
Enjoy the Vaca Doc Q!

and I thought I'd post a really young pic..
Just GUESS which one I am.. hahaha
(I'm not the robot, but he is writing a piece for my recital. He sits behind me in Calculus and government and he's generally cool. I've known him basically all my life. We give him crap about being a robot. :D)
I'm late to respond to this, but it appears that the picture of the kid next to you has been mechanically altered by someone's pen... is it just me, or were you pissed he had Spaghetti-o's with your friend? :p
here's one of my on the deck of my new apartment


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emw said:
I'm late to respond to this, but it appears that the picture of the kid next to you has been mechanically altered by someone's pen... is it just me, or were you pissed he had Spaghetti-o's with your friend? :p

Ahahaha we are just dumb nerds.
He was a scarecrow! wooaaaww!

neut said:
Holy cow!

Someone hasn't changed a bit ... im guessing that pic was taken just the other day.

peace | neut
Dude, I'm totally the same height. I'm like 3'2". I can't reach the top shelf.

/ok, I'm actually 5'8"
//still can't reach the top shelf
///has to stand on chair to get to the salt
You are automatically cool for giving us that cool black and white photo and stare. ;)

I feel like posting a photo myself to keep this train moving, but Leekohler owes us a photo with 'Dis and co.
Abstract said:
You are automatically cool for giving us that cool black and white photo and stare. ;)

I feel like posting a photo myself to keep this train moving, but Leekohler owes us a photo with 'Dis and co.

Thanks dude!! :D

Go on!! where's yours - 1 shot, 0.5 seconds in iPhoto to convert to b/w and whammo!!


:eek: edit - another one like this would be good :D


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Damn, these photos are up forever, aren't they. That "icy vagina" photo is gonna haunt me forever.

Wow, these photos look so artistic in black and white.


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    My finger smells like J Lo --- YUCK!!.JPG
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I'll get on the B&W bandwagon here, too, and post a pic for a very limited time only. This was from the wrap-up party of the 2004 Kimchi Pot Hockey Tournament in Korea. It is, undoubtedly, the most inebriated I've been in the last 5 years.

(By the way, I suck at hockey and we came 4th out of 8 teams so there was reason to celebrate, I guess.)

Squire said:
I'll get on the B&W bandwagon here, too, and post a pic for a very limited time only. This was from the wrap-up party of the 2004 Kimchi Pot Hockey Tournament in Korea. It is, undoubtedly, the most inebriated I've been in the last 5 years.

(By the way, I suck at hockey and we came 4th out of 8 teams so there was reason to celebrate, I guess.)


Nice, I love photos like that :)

You realize it's too attached the image and it's already being backed up by thousands on MR alone, and soon it will grace the pages of the Member Directory (as soon as someone ;) gets back from vacation) and you will forever have a face here, in the best way possible of course :)

Anyway, nicely done, looks like quite the swell time.

Abstract, you seem to have a lot of pent up aggression in your photos, save for the calming ones with buddah statues (whomever that was), you feeling alright?
Abstract said:
Damn, these photos are up forever, aren't they. That "icy vagina" photo is gonna haunt me forever.

Wow, these photos look so artistic in black and white.
I like the shadows one!
I actually took that shadow photo myself while being shadow-kicked in the ass. It was tricky.

efoto said:
Abstract, you seem to have a lot of pent up aggression in your photos, save for the calming ones with buddah statues (whomever that was), you feeling alright?

How so, sans the middle-finger one?
Abstract said:
I actually took that shadow photo myself while being shadow-kicked in the ass. It was tricky.
Darn you... prior to you telling us that I had fantastical day dreams of kids playing on a warm summer afternoon... now I just see tweens dickin' around having shadow wars! :p
Abstract said:
Tweens? I was 24 and was being kicked by a 25 year old! :D
That is precisely why I said, 'tween' and not 'teen'... teen is for those typically aged 13-18 while 'tween' refers to those of us in our twenties. ;) Get w/ the program you old fogey!
devilot76 said:
That is precisely why I said, 'tween' and not 'teen'... teen is for those typically aged 13-18 while 'tween' refers to those of us in our twenties. ;) Get w/ the program you old fogey!

It's okay devilot76, not everyone can be hip and in-the-know like us... :p ;) :D
~Shard~ said:
It's okay devilot76, not everyone can be hip and in-the-know like us...
Heh, heh. HAHAH, we are so cool. How's the wedded life treating you btw? Gotten used to wearing that ring yet? :p
devilot76 said:
That is precisely why I said, 'tween' and not 'teen'... teen is for those typically aged 13-18 while 'tween' refers to those of us in our twenties. ;) Get w/ the program you old fogey!

- J. R. R. Tolkien used it in The Fellowship of the Ring (published in 1954) to cover hobbit ages from twenty to thirty-two, too old to be teenagers but short of "coming of age" at 33.
- In popular culture around the start of the 21st century, it has been used for children just before their teens, "between" childhood and being teenagers. The word is used to evoke children in this stage of adolescence as a market for products generally associated with somewhat older role models like the Olsen twins.
- To add to the age group confusion, in some educational and parenting circles "tweenies", children in their "tweens", are in the transition between toddlerhood and regular childhood, typically in their twos.

-- wiki link

peace | neut
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