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devilot said:
I know! I'm so excited! Hee. Gonna meet an MR member, and a woman/lady/bird/chick at that! :D

Oops, better tone it down or I'll scare her off.

Oooooh!! Well you'd better get over to London to meet the rest of us MR birds at some point :)
dietcokevanilla said:
Oooooh!! Well you'd better get over to London to meet the rest of us MR birds at some point :)

That is officially true. I'll donate a fiver towards your fare! :D
Ot Alert!

dietcokevanilla said:
Oooooh!! Well you'd better get over to London to meet the rest of us MR birds at some point :)
lau said:
That is officially true. I'll donate a fiver towards your fare!
Aww, don't make it worse!! I'm horrible... if I don't take at least a mini trip (say to L.A.) or a big trip every month or so I start itching to get away...

and last time... I completely fell in love w/ London.

Honestly, at the start of my 10 days in London, I enjoyed myself but figured, "Eh, most major, international cities feel this way-- practically a foreign language w/ the accents some Londoners have." And by the time we had to go I was determined to find a way to stay. Even considered, for a brief second, breaking a bone just to delay leaving for a little bit. :eek:
devilot said:
Even considered, for a brief second, breaking a bone just to delay leaving for a little bit. :eek:

I just imagine seeing you throwing your arm out into traffic as a bus rolls by, or jumping out of a two-story window just to further your time in London.

Don't do it! :p, there are other ways!!!
I would love to get to London at some point too, sadly finances seem to be ever-tightening and that is not very conducive to flying abroad :(
efoto said:
I just imagine seeing you throwing your arm out into traffic as a bus rolls by, or jumping out of a two-story window just to further your time in London.

Don't do it! :p, there are other ways!!!
I would love to get to London at some point too, sadly finances seem to be ever-tightening and that is not very conducive to flying abroad :(
But don't you see? At least you have income... there is a slight, remote chance of you going... but for me, there is no hope. And I have no noble cause w/ which I can beg (unlike Katie who does have a noble goal). I just want to go to London and meet some MR folks, eat shepherd's pie until I gain 15+ pounds, shop and shop, and have fun and more fun and more fun. Haha, nowhere near as admirable as touring Europe w/ a group of young, talented musicians. Sigh.
devilot said:
And I have no noble cause w/ which I can beg
You're a female posting on a computer related message board. All you have to do is ask and guys here will give you money. Bonus because you aren't even begging for money to destroy an iPod. :p
solvs said:
You're a female posting on a computer related message board. All you have to do is ask and guys here will give you money. Bonus because you aren't even begging for money to destroy an iPod. :p
He's right, that's so true :p :rolleyes: haha
I Love Halloween!

So, I'm a shark
but not any shark
I'm a skanky shark.

So, here are some pics. I figure here is as good a place as any. :)

I'm such a lunatic.


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katie ta achoo said:
So, I'm a shark
but not any shark
I'm a skanky shark.

So, here are some pics. I figure here is as good a place as any. :)

I'm such a lunatic.

Why do I hear the Jaws theme mixed with some cheap 70's porn music when I view these pics? ;)

nice costume tho, Katie :)
mercuryjones said:
Why do I hear the Jaws theme mixed with some cheap 70's porn music when I view these pics? ;)

nice costume tho, Katie :)

Oh man. Dvorak would be rolling in his grave!!
(in the new world symphony, it's what john williams got his inspiration for the theme.. blablabla)

aaahahaha, it's fantastical, no?

...Noob :)
katie ta achoo said:
Oh man. Dvorak would be rolling in his grave!!
(in the new world symphony, it's what john williams got his inspiration for the theme.. blablabla)

aaahahaha, it's fantastical, no?

...Noob :)

that's MR. noob to you, and smile when you call me that.

mmmmmmmm...pastrami :)
katie ta achoo said:
So, I'm a shark
but not any shark
I'm a skanky shark.

So, here are some pics. I figure here is as good a place as any. :)

I'm such a lunatic.

That is a beautiful shade of blue. Thank you for sharing your costume with us. You look cute in the outfit Katie. It appears that you are having an awesome time also, happy. ;)
katie ta achoo said:
Oh man. Dvorak would be rolling in his grave!!
(in the new world symphony, it's what john williams got his inspiration for the theme.. blablabla)
John Williams also mooched off of Edgar Holst w/ all that planetary stuff. :p Right? Right? Ah well, at least that's what my high school conductor said (sounds like it to me, too). :eek:

Katie, did you buy or make that costume? I love the shark's mouth... hee. Those teeth. Is it wrong that I think they're adorable vs. ferocious?
devilot said:
John Williams also mooched off of Edgar Holst w/ all that planetary stuff. :p Right? Right? Ah well, at least that's what my high school conductor said (sounds like it to me, too). :eek:

Katie, did you buy or make that costume? I love the shark's mouth... hee. Those teeth. Is it wrong that I think they're adorable vs. ferocious?

Mmmm Hmm John Williams = BLA! So many better composers... hehe

anywhoo, yup. I made the costume. No pattern, took me all afternoon and two trips to stores.
It's really friggin' warm in that thing. I'd better win some costume contests!!

/halloween = homecoming at my school
///Gonna win some contests.
Nice one katie ta achoo. I wish we had Halloween, it looks like a lot of fun. Most of our local holidays merely entail an esky (cold box) full of beer and a beach. We're a simple lot. :eek:
katie ta achoo said:
So, I'm a shark
but not any shark
I'm a skanky shark.
It's not a fin that I get to say this, but you look sharkingly good in that outfit. Skanks for the pics!
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