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katie ta achoo said:
Yup! post more pics. I'm making it. (Mmm... putting myself in charge of stuff for no particular reason!)
It gives me an excuse to check out all the men of MR.. :p :D

Well, if that's the case katie, I'll see what I can do. :) Did you manage to check out my honeymoon pics yet? I believe there are a couple shirtless pics of me on the beach in that set... I'll see what I can do about some new ones though as well... :cool:
Well, if more topless pics are required with or without heart monitors, I'm going camera shopping today so something could probably be arranged...

Assuming they're wanted, of course... :D
mad jew said:
Well, if more topless pics are required with or without heart monitors, I'm going camera shopping today so something could probably be arranged...

Assuming they're wanted, of course... :D

I'll pass, but I bet I get overruled ;)

Where is this thing already Katie?? I've been waiting like all afternoon....
efoto said:
I'll pass, but I bet I get overruled ;)

Where is this thing already Katie?? I've been waiting like all afternoon....

Eegads, I'm sorry I go to school some times! (ok, it doesn't seem like I'm at school because I'm always on MR.)
Also, I'm having to invent little mini-bios.. Gekko said I could!

~shard~ I was looking through your wedding pics, but I'll find the honeymoon ones. (I don't have anything due this week, haha)

mad jew more shirtless pics are needed. send them all for ...evaluation... to
yes... evaluation.. that's the word!

if anyone wants a specific month, tell me.
I'll also put y'alls birthdays in it.. I think a few of y'alls are unlisted. I'll just make up a birthday for those of you.
Hahaha ... don't listen to katie ... more shirtless pics are indeed needed, but we need them posted here. :D

Hm, or if they are sent directly to katie ( I'm not sure if it's wise to encourage men to send you pics with little clothes on, young lady. ;) ), they should be for the calendar as a surprise, I think.
katie ta achoo said:
~shard~ I was looking through your wedding pics, but I'll find the honeymoon ones. (I don't have anything due this week, haha)

Excellent! I posted a link here and in my "I'm Leaving for Hawaii" thread as well, I believe. Just PM me if you want anything specific, (shirtless, non-shirtless, etc.) and I'll see what I can do. ;) I have some shots from a modeling shoot I did as well, but those were from almost 3 years ago now and not as recent...

This is going to be great! :D
katie ta achoo said:
listen to gekko!

I repeat:


It'll be spectacular!!
So I understand topless pics are now required to be in here, huh? How 'bout a two-for-one. I'm the older guy.


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Abstract said:'s like child nudity.
Trust me - he was completely covered. That's just about the last place you'd want a kid his age to be without a diaper... :eek: :p
emw said:
Trust me - he was completely covered. That's just about the last place you'd want a kid his age to be without a diaper... :eek: :p

I told my nephew that if he relieved himself in the pool, a shark would bite him.

He's never done that in the pool.


I don't know what's wrong with that kid.
but he's cute, so we keep him around.:rolleyes:
Abstract said:
Yeah, it's quite obvious. The big mistake is that he trusts you. :p

Sick? My sig is about Winnie the Pooh. What are YOU talking about? :confused:

I was answering to your "ewww! child nudity" comment abstract

and i thought you didn't read what emw said: "Trust me - he was completely covered. That's just about the last place you'd want a kid his age to be without a diaper"...

so i was telling ya what would happen .. sorry if it came out wrong, Abstract .. :eek:
efoto said:
Umm :eek:

Well just keep fighting the semi-good fight Abstract, I won't stop you.

That was...interesting. I decided to make a slight change. (I'm lazy in Photoshop--it's very slight.)


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