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Eevee said:
maestro55, that was pretty cool! Time for me to put an apple logo on my mask! :D

I have always thought the Dark Side was Bill Gates and Mirco$oft, but you appear to work for the Dark Side, so perhaps the Dark Side is Steve? :)

Anyhow, thanks for the comment.
maestro55 said:
I have always thought the Dark Side was Bill Gates and Mirco$oft, but you appear to work for the Dark Side, so perhaps the Dark Side is Steve? :)

Anyhow, thanks for the comment.
Well his clone troopers worked for the republic, and then turned to the Galactic Empire via order 66...he didn't really have a choice :p So does that mean Apple will turn evil?!? Let's just hope that the Clone Trooper represented Microsoft...although they never were good ;) Sorry for the OT :p
maestro55 said:
I have always thought the Dark Side was Bill Gates and Mirco$oft, but you appear to work for the Dark Side, so perhaps the Dark Side is Steve? :)

When it comes down to it, Steve is no angel himself, and is more like Bill Gates in many ways than most people care to acknowledge. Apart from the fact that Gates is much more of a philanthropist than Jobs, of course.

So, whenever I see people type the excessively overused (and no longer funny and/or clever) M$ or Micro$oft, I just think how good old App£e isn't really that much different. :cool:

Anywho, back on topic...
~Shard~ said:
When it comes down to it, Steve is no angel himself, and is more like Bill Gates in many ways than most people care to acknowledge. Apart from the fact that Gates is much more of a philanthropist than Jobs, of course.

So, whenever I see people type the excessively overused (and no longer funny and/or clever) M$ or Micro$oft, I just think how good old App£e isn't really that much different. :cool:

Anywho, back on topic...

They're both evil. I just happen to like Steve the Devil's products more. ;)
Yeah, Steve the Devil is giving Adam the good apples....

@Katie: Where's the calendar? Is it happening, or are you too busy perving over the guys who sent you full sized photos of themselves with no shirt?

Slightly related (no, not really, but it IS a photo, so that's ok):


  • Napoleon Dynamite - Mac.jpg
    Napoleon Dynamite - Mac.jpg
    140.5 KB · Views: 131
Abstract said:
Yeah, Steve the Devil is giving Adam the good apples....

@Katie: Where's the calendar? Is it happening, or are you too busy perving over the guys who sent you full sized photos of themselves with no shirt?

Slightly related (no, not really, but it IS a photo, so that's ok):
it is now my desktop pic!

thanks man!
Abstract said:
@Katie: Where's the calendar? Is it happening, or are you too busy perving over the guys who sent you full sized photos of themselves with no shirt?

I'm doing it, I'm doing it...
it'll be before january.. it's taking longer than I thought it would for some reason.
I've finished... January, Feb, November, and I'm working on september.
It takes a little longer when you're a perfectionist and NOT a real graphic designer. I'm just a lowly musician.
Or am I lying, and I've just been too busy "perving" over the guys who sent me full-sized photos of themselves on the beach with no shirt?
katie ta achoo said:
I'm doing it, I'm doing it...
it'll be before january.. it's taking longer than I thought it would for some reason.
I've finished... January, Feb, November, and I'm working on september.
It takes a little longer when you're a perfectionist and NOT a real graphic designer. I'm just a lowly musician.
Or am I lying, and I've just been too busy "perving" over the guys who sent me full-sized photos of themselves on the beach with no shirt?

Excellent new Katie, and by all means, take your time - no rush! If you need any pics from me just PM me... ;) :D
mpw said:
Ahh the haze that is Christmas booze!

Don't tell me what I can't and can't not do with my soy nog!

I'm sorry occifer, I just had a little noy sog *hic*

But here's my brother, my nephew, and me in front of the tree. We take a pic like this every year, and have for as long as I can remember.

Heck yea I just woke up in this pic.


  • 100_4068.jpg
    67.6 KB · Views: 553
Men of MacRumors Calendar

Here are January and February. I'll post the rest of the months after I finish the, after my recital (after Feb 10. I'll have time after my recital. :))

I hosted the two PDFs on yousendit.
katie ta achoo said:
Here are January and February. I'll post the rest of the months after I finish the, after my recital (after Feb 10. I'll have time after my recital. :))

I hosted the two PDFs on yousendit.

nice work. can't wait to see the rest.
katie ta achoo said:
Here are January and February. I'll post the rest of the months after I finish the, after my recital (after Feb 10. I'll have time after my recital. :))

I hosted the two PDFs on yousendit.

Great job Katie, I love it! Looking forward to seeing the rest - when you get around to doing them, of course, no rush. :)
katie ta achoo said:
Here are January and February. I'll post the rest of the months after I finish the, after my recital (after Feb 10. I'll have time after my recital. :))

I hosted the two PDFs on yousendit.
Very nice. I guess a version with the proper first day of the week (monday) is out of the question. :p
gekko513 said:
Very nice. I guess a version with the proper first day of the week (monday) is out of the question. :p

bla! the week starts with sunday, lunatic!
I don't care if you DO save me over 15% on my auto insurance.
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