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markkk! said:

Is it M for MacRumors or Mark? That's clever...

You must either be Ali-G's kid or you broke into someone's house and decided to use their MR account and throw gang signs on their computer using iSight.

Its me again!



Before you ask, that is my Heil proset that I use as my headset on my HF radio (amateur radio, operating on the High Frequency bands). Took that shot during a contest and I think it turned out well.


It's west side. & I don't know who Ali G is. & I indeed have my own MacBook Pro with my own iSight...can't a gangster have a Mac.

ahha jk.
~Shard~ said:
I haven't posted any pics for the Public Photo Directory for a while, so I thought I'd put up some new ones. They were taken quickly with poor lighting, but you know, whatever... :cool:

Shard! You know you are one of my fave MR hotties, but man- what's up with the hair? It's too flat and so not you. Dude, you need something way more lively- something messier and a bit shorter. I don't think this 'do fits your personality.

Otherwise, I'd do you in a second. ;)
leekohler said:
Shard! You know you are one of my fave MR hotties, but man- what's up with the hair? It's too flat and so not you. Dude, you need something way more lively- something messier and a bit shorter. I don't think this 'do fits your personality.

Otherwise, I'd do you in a second. ;)

Haha - thanks for the feedback Lee. ;) :D Just trying something different, that's all. :eek: I like changing my look from time to time, and thought I'd go with the longer hair for a while, since I did the "short and messy" thing for a couple years.

After all, many men don't have the luxury of having long, thick hair to play with (far too many of my friends are getting thin on top!), so I figure if I got it, I might as well enjoy it! :cool:

When I change it again, I'll be sure to post an updated shot for ya. ;)
~Shard~ said:
Haha - thanks for the feedback Lee. ;) :D Just trying something different, that's all. :eek: I like changing my look from time to time, and thought I'd go with the longer hair for a while, since I did the "short and messy" thing for a couple years.

After all, many men don't have the luxury of having long, thick hair to play with (far too many of my friends are getting thin on top!), so I figure if I got it, I might as well enjoy it! :cool:

When I change it again, I'll be sure to post an updated shot for ya. ;)

Ha-ha! Just remember that sometimes experiments go wrong. In the case of you hair- very wrong. :) You look too conservative! I want naughty-looking Shard back! :D
leekohler said:
Shard! You know you are one of my fave MR hotties, but man- what's up with the hair? It's too flat and so not you. Dude, you need something way more lively- something messier and a bit shorter. I don't think this 'do fits your personality.

I agree. I recall seeing a different picture of you on here a while back, and you look much better with different hair. Either way, you're still hot. ;)
leekohler said:
Yeah baby. ;) All I can say is I hope your wife treats you well.

Thought you’d like those. ;) And yes, that she does – I’m a very lucky man. :)

iphil said:
Hey ~Shard~ i can have the car in this pic

Lee you can take ~Shard~

Me wants the car

I don’t think I’m quite ready to sell my car yet (maybe in a couple years), but make me an offer and we’ll talk... :p :D

scem0 said:
I agree, go for the shorter haircut, but definitely stay away from the highlights or any kind of coloring.

Thanks for the advice, always appreciated! I think I am one of those rare individuals who actually welcomes constructive criticism. ;) :cool:

leekohler said:
It's a deal, man :)

Hey, hold on, don’t I get a say in this?!? :eek: :D
Shard - nice car man! Is that a 00 or 01?

(I've got a black '00).

Up until recently, I ran the Tibathon, which is the National Hyundai Tiburon meet. It started in 04 in Las Vegas, was in Daytona Beach last year, and will be in Chicago this year.

Not sure how far Regina is from there :/

( is also a cool site for Tibs, I'm friends with the owners, and the guy who runs it, is also the N. American rep for KSPEC ( guys).
Josh said:
Shard - nice car man! Is that a 00 or 01?

(I've got a black '00).

Up until recently, I ran the Tibathon, which is the National Hyundai Tiburon meet. It started in 04 in Las Vegas, was in Daytona Beach last year, and will be in Chicago this year.

Not sure how far Regina is from there :/

( is also a cool site for Tibs, I'm friends with the owners, and the guy who runs it, is also the N. American rep for KSPEC ( guys).


I know some Minneapolis people that are going to attend this event. I may have to ride down and take some pictures. The closest thing I have to a Tib, is a 81 VW Scirocco S, so I wouldn't fit in with any of my cars :( .
~Shard~ said:
Thanks for the advice, always appreciated! I think I am one of those rare individuals who actually welcomes constructive criticism. ;) :cool:
Hm, well I thought highlights looked good on you. Can't please them all, I guess.

And that last picture of the three you reposted gave me the warm fuzzies. :)
leekohler said:
You don't have to. ;)
See, that's how to deal with disagreement. It's not necessary to burn buildings, riot or start a war just because someone disagrees with your opinion.

And don't try and tell me that hair highlights isn't an important subject. ;)
gekko513 said:
See, that's how to deal with disagreement. It's not necessary to burn buildings, riot or start a war just because someone disagrees with your opinion.

And don't try and tell me that hair highlights isn't an important subject. ;)

It's just that when they start looking like us it gets confusing. :)
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