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Not open for further replies. said:
I just did up this comparison graphic for something else and I was reminded that while I posted the photo on the right here before, I never posted the photo on the left. That is a before/after comparison of when I decided to get my butt in gear and lose weight. took about 4-5 months of extremely hard work, but I think it was worth it.

ummm... yeah, i'd say it was well worth it. :p
Tymmz said:

Me chillin' in the kitchen!

Are you lookin at pR0n or something? Cause your hand is... said:
I just did up this comparison graphic for something else and I was reminded that while I posted the photo on the right here before, I never posted the photo on the left. That is a before/after comparison of when I decided to get my butt in gear and lose weight. took about 4-5 months of extremely hard work, but I think it was worth it.

Great stuff! I bet you feel better about yourself, too. :) said:
I just did up this comparison graphic for something else and I was reminded that while I posted the photo on the right here before, I never posted the photo on the left. That is a before/after comparison of when I decided to get my butt in gear and lose weight. took about 4-5 months of extremely hard work, but I think it was worth it.

Tell me your secret man i gained a few working at this mexican joint and trying to get my "rated R" body back;)

Took me like a while to get where i am now(chickz dig it;))

Bless said:
That is a before/after comparison of when I decided to get my butt in gear and lose weight. took about 4-5 months of extremely hard work, but I think it was worth it.

Is that really the same person? Wow!! Oh definitely worth it ;) said:
I just did up this comparison graphic for something else and I was reminded that while I posted the photo on the right here before, I never posted the photo on the left. That is a before/after comparison of when I decided to get my butt in gear and lose weight. took about 4-5 months of extremely hard work, but I think it was worth it.
Congrats - that's quite the transformation. I can imagine the effort it took. :)
Plymouthbreezer said:
Larger version of my 'Tar...

I always assumed that your 'tar was you sticking your fingers down your throat - you didn't like the decor, I don't know? ;) But now the bigger version seems different. What's the 'hand at mouth' all about?
Just had a rough night. I woke up at a friends place and I can't remember how I got in her bed.

So I spent the whole day at home trying to figure out what went wrong/right!

It was a pretty ****ed up day!

And that's my typical "****ed-up-posture"!
Lau said:
I always assumed that your 'tar was you sticking your fingers down your throat - you didn't like the decor, I don't know? ;) But now the bigger version seems different. What's the 'hand at mouth' all about?
I think I broke something...:eek:

I actually don't know. Surprise maybe?

P.S. I actually love the decor.
oh what the hell why not post my pic? and before you say anything, yes it is a picture of a picture i took with my camera phone (so it looks crappy), the white block and green dot are just a reflection of my phone from the frame....sorry I dont have the original file, my GF (who is the girl next to me in the pic) does.


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2nyRiggz said:
Tell me your secret man i gained a few working at this mexican joint and trying to get my "rated R" body back;)

no really secret, I just worked my butt off, literally :p

to start it was something like this, everyday rain or shine for over 2 months:

-wake up 6am, put on running shoes while half asleep, go out and run for an hour.
-come back and do situps and pushups, as many as i could manage before I collapsed hungry and our of breath on the floor. stretch then eat breakfast
-in the afternoon I'd usually run myself through basketball drills for at least an hour. this included a bunch of shooting, but also suicide sprints and that sort of thing
-after supper I'd usually find something active to do. depending on the day it would either be going out for a walk for a couple hours with my camera, play more basketball or going running again for 30-50 minutes.
-before bed I'd do more pushups, or some days I'd lift a couple dumbbells I have. get to bed at a good hour because you know you've got to get right back up the next morning to do it again.

those are the basics. I don't think I really changed my diet much, I figured when you're doing a minimum of 2-4 hours of heavy activity in a day you can probably manage to burn off whatever you were eating

(oh and I experimented with subliminal messages. I researched a bit and made my own CD that I listened to on a loop the whole night while I was asleep. it was about weight loss and athletic performance. maybe it worked? who knows. I always was tempted to slap that before and after photo on it and sell it on an infomercial for 29.95 ;) )
I was 6'1" and a bit over 220 at my peak weight, I got it down to 180 in 2 months, lost another 20-25 over the next two months, got all the way down to 155. so I lost 65 lbs total. At that point I was disturbed by how small I had gotten so I started working on building muscle, and have worked up to around 170 of healthy weight now, and as I said, am very very happy about the change. :)
I've always thought about getting fat, then losing the weight solely for the amazing amount of satisfaction it would give.

Being skinny all the time just isn't as pleasing as it's made out to be.
I haven't posted any pics for the Public Photo Directory for a while, so I thought I'd put up some new ones. They were taken quickly with poor lighting, but you know, whatever... :cool:

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