benthewraith said:
What if you have a submissive type personality, huh? What with all the peer pressure nowadays, it's easy for them to be dominated by friends that are "cool" because the social norm is to wear abercrombie and finch. So naturally they'd go and get Abercrombie because of some fear built inside of them and a result of their personality.
If I understand what you are saying, you are basically saying that people who have friends that wear things like A&F, wear A&F too, just so their friends don't "disown" them or something, right?
If so, I have many friends who wear A&F, but I
won't wear A&F. I don't wear what anyone else wears around here, because I don't like being "in" or doing what everyone else is doing. I like being an individual person, and I'd like to keep it that way. None of my friends have a problem with that, because what I wear isn't what makes me, me. Same with them, just because they wear (what [some] of you people call) expensive clothing, or "prep" clothing, does not mean I cannot talk to them, or shame on them because I don't like what they are wearing.
I don't think it should matter to ANYONE what people wear. If you wanna stick the generalzation (or whatever) on people that they are preppy bitchesss because they wear polos, plaid shorts, and shoes that aren't from walmart, then that is your fault. Not all preps are "jerkey" polo-wearing retards, and not all people that shop at walmart poor, (etc.)
This is why I don't like labels, and stereo types, because NONE of them apply to
everysingle person that might happen to be in that particular group. What I mean is, not all gays have a lisp, not all preps are jerks, not all blondes are stupid, not all black people steal, etc.
If you like shopping at kohls, great; if you like shopping at A&F, great; if you like shopping at walmart; great. What it all comes down to is...all these clothes are for is to cover ourselves up. Some people like to do it in a what is (to them) a more fashionable way, resulting in a price rise, some people like going cheap, some don't. I
seriously don't think it matter what ANYONE here wears, because I don't actually know
anyone here, so I'm not gonna make a blanket statement and say
CompUser is a conceited prep, because he has plaid shorts, and I'm not gonna say
Hector is a cheap ass, and
Capt Underpants is a hater, because I know
none of them.
So, having said all that, can we get on with these polos, plaid shorts, and walmart shirts, and AE shirts, and other things about flaming what people wear & start posting more pictures?
benthewraith, just in case, I wasn't talk to you that whole time, just the first paragraph, which lead me to write the rest of my post
EDIT 2: I wasn't saying anyone that wears A&F aren't individual, I was just style, your really not. If you are wearing what anyone else is wearing, you aren't an individual as far as clothing style goes. But you have to look past that (obviously) and see theres more to a person than what they wear. But anyone wearing the same things as others aren't individual as far as clothing style (like i said already), you aren't setting any trends, you are following them.