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well, i have another self-portrait i thought i'd share. this is from my trip to chicago... on the train back to Wheaton from downtown...


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Originally posted by shadowfax
well, i have another self-portrait i thought i'd share. this is from my trip to chicago... on the train back to Wheaton from downtown...


I thought that looked like a Metra car! I was even trying to discern the upper deck to be sure.

When were you in Chi-Town?! Y'know there are quite a few MR'rs there!

Don't you not warn us when you are coming again. :mad: :)
Originally posted by patrick0brien

I thought that looked like a Metra car! I was even trying to discern the upper deck to be sure.

When were you in Chi-Town?! Y'know there are quite a few MR'rs there!

Don't you not warn us when you are coming again. :mad: :)
ah, crap, i should have met you in the apple store... i was there for about an hour on Friday afternoon last. i visited Wheaton for Thanksgiving... drove up 12 hours from Norman, OK to see my best friend, whom i haven't seen in years.

Beautiful city, that one.
here's another

well i try to add a new photo every now and then...:p

I look pretty good for 2:41 in the morning...


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a shot of me. walking... :D It looks like my friend wasnt a very good photographer or she wasnt paying any attention to our conversation..


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Originally posted by Alte22a
a shot of me. walking... :D It looks like my friend wasnt a very good photographer or she wasnt paying any attention to our conversation..
it looks like she was trying to take a picture of that woman in the window. you seem to have gotten in the way.
Originally posted by shadowfax
it looks like she was trying to take a picture of that woman in the window. you seem to have gotten in the way.

Hey shadowfax, this was taking in Tokyo while I was working out there, I know you have a certain thing for Japanese girls :cool:
Hah. I see iPod pictures here. So here we go.. me, my iPod and one other mod from ... :p (no, not my bf)


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sry, sry, sry

i was told my photo crapped out, and i'm reposting it so the good doctor can keep his database tip-top.



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Would it be 'against the rules' to post pictures of friends or family?

When I get a camera phone I will probably end up having lots of pictures of the people I hang out with.

Re: Re: sry, sry, sry

Originally posted by shadowfax
where's the viola??

You know, I'm always the one who THINKS about being the cocky #$%hole, but never actually posts the sarcastic, bastardly comment. Then I always see someone posting my exact thought. I guess I'll have to start being more of a smartass with some of my posts and not hold back as much. :cool: never really come across this thread b4...i must say it was a good way to waste...err SPEND like an hour browsing. We actually have some cute members! See, not everyone glued to a computer looks like they own stock in Little Debbie :p

here is a pic of me and two of my the one in the middle with satan eyes, we were at...a party. Ill have to get better pics from one of my friends...i just dont have any of myself on my powerbook.


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