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Squire - works for me. Perhaps you're firewall is filtering something?? If you don't see these, I'll post them on my site for you.


emw said:
As long as they don't tell you to stand still so you don't spill their beer. That would be crossing the line, I'd say. :p
Psh... I swear I'm borderline physically abusive-- no way someone could get away w/ that one!!!:eek:

And Squire, if you go to page... ok n/m emw just reposted the pics for you. Wow what pals we are here on MR. Squire, are you really in Korea? I'm going to assume South Korea, right?
Ah. There we go.

Time for bed. (Apparently there are new iBooks or something I should check out.)

Man, I hate the feeling that you KNOW you're going to have a hangover the next day. I hate that. OK. So my job is to find other teachers for vacation programs and this summer, we're very short. So, instead of teaching for 50 hours, I have to do 100 hours. Tomorrow, I have a 5-hour class...with the same students...who, by the way, just happen to be high school English teachers.

Maybe I should start a thread and pull an all-nighter.

devilot76 said:
Squire, are you really in Korea? I'm going to assume South Korea, right?

No. North. The internet connection I have is great. I can't wait 'til we get more aid so I can stop eating this crappy rice. And rumor has it that, along with Paris, there's going to be a Pyongyang Apple store in 2007. And that top salespeople will get a 9-volt battery and a bowl of cold noodles each month as a sales incentive.

Sorry. I've been away from sarcasm for a while and had to let loose. ;)


That sarcastic Squire

P.S. I just moved to Incheon, South Korea. It's, I believe, the 4th or 5th largest city in Korea. Now, instead of the one-hour commute I used to have, I get to work in about 20 mins.
Squire said:
P.S. I just moved to Incheon, South Korea. It's, I believe, the 4th or 5th largest city in Korea. Now, instead of the one-hour commute I used to have, I get to work in about 20 mins.
Man, that must be such a relief. I can't believe that you (and many others) commute so far from home to work everyday! I mean, I moan about driving a lousy 20 minutes to get to the mall. ;)
devilot76 said:
Man, that must be such a relief. I can't believe that you (and many others) commute so far from home to work everyday! I mean, I moan about driving a lousy 20 minutes to get to the mall. ;)

With the frequency girls usually go to the mall I can understand that this is a nuisance. :p :D
Well thanks for not getting all worked up over my sarcasm.

Yeah, I used to get up at 5 just so I could get to work in a little over an hour. (It seemed like for every 10 minutes late that I would leave, it would end up being 30 minutes.)

6.8 km each way definitely beats 68 km.


P.S. What's the topic of this thread? Am I supposed to be ranting about iBooks and mac minis? ;)
Diatribe said:
With the frequency girls usually go to the mall I can understand that this is a nuisance. :p :D
You'll be pleased to note, that I haven't gone near a mall in um... 2 weeks? Haha, and nowadays my heart skips a beat at the thought of Apple accessories, no more are the days of lusting after cute skirts and shoes. Well, ok maybe shoes... ;)
Diatribe said:
Hehe, figures. :D

Coming back to the topic of this thread... where's your pic? :p
Err... I think it's in Doc Q's member directory thingie... but here are the two in the directory:

That one is from February 2005... and the more recent pic is...

Diatribe, where's your pic?!?! The link in the directory won't work!
devilot76 said:
Err... I think it's in Doc Q's member directory thingie... but here are the two in the directory:

Really nice pics devilot76, thanks for those! :)

devilot76 said:
Diatribe, where's your pic?!?! The link in the directory won't work!

I was one of the few honored members to see his picture posted in this very thread before he removed it shortly thereafter. I felt truly blessed. :cool:
devilot76 said:
Err... I think it's in Doc Q's member directory thingie... but here are the two in the directory
I thought you said you didn't look "exotic." Nice to put a face to the member name, as with everyone else here.
devilot76 said:
Eh, we do all have our preferences... I prefer White chicks and Latinas before Asians. Oh wait... I'm a hetero chick, what am I saying? ;)

And I don't think that sounded "mean towards women," but that might be because I um... am retarded as of late. *shakes head* *rereads* I'm still :confused: as to how that was mean towards women.

Not the preference that was mean, just the referring to woman as "chicks", just trying to not offend anyone if you would prefer to be referred to as ladies or women or whatever....I hate PC language, but try it often just to not piss people off :)

emw said:
efoto's a softy, you know...

Hey, if you think one's cuter than the other (I preferred the French girl) that's not mean, it's just how you feel.

I am a softy, hehe. Well if you want to head over there I'll set you up with the French girl, I'm past that and on to the next (mostly because I was forced to move, but still happy with the change). The korean is not outrageously hot, but neither am I so that is good. I love the personality though, that is what is winning me over. Apparently that is what matters, or so I am told :rolleyes:
efoto said:
Well if you want to head over there I'll set you up with the French girl
Merci, mais moi ne pensons pas que mon épouse approuverait!
emw said:
Merci, mais moi ne pensons pas que mon épouse approuverait!

So if you want to go ahead and translate that, I'll send you her number and address once you get in the France area. Otherwise, I have no idea what you said/asked, and don't feel like pulling up a translator right now.

Wait wait, it seems like you said something to the effect of:
If your spouse approves....but I lose it after that.
efoto said:
So if you want to go ahead and translate that, I'll send you her number and address once you get in the France area. Otherwise, I have no idea what you said/asked, and don't feel like pulling up a translator right now.

Wait wait, it seems like you said something to the effect of:
If your spouse approves....but I lose it after that.
See the translation above... sorry.
katie ta achoo said:
I see a shuffle!
Yup, it's a shuffle... I only wore it like that for maybe two days. It's lower-profile to stick it in a pocket. Anyway, on to the next picture (it's from a few years ago):


  • masoom2.jpg
    7.1 KB · Views: 399
wrc fan said:
Hmm... maybe we should post a request in site feedback for a MacRumors Dating Service. :)

I'd love to meet a French or Italian woman (or someone that speaks one of those two languages) so I can live in the EU. ;)

I didn't try to turn this into dating, but it would be a sweet alternate thread to start up. I think it would have to be a non-post counter like Political though, but it could be fun if people went to visit where other member's live and they hooked them up. Or, inter-MR dating....okay okay, perhaps not. I am slowly dying through this Fluids lecture....thank goodness for inter-building wifi at university :D
devilot76 said:
Err... I think it's in Doc Q's member directory thingie... but here are the two in the directory:

That one is from February 2005... and the more recent pic is...

Nice pics. Thanks for sharing.

devilot76 said:
Diatribe, where's your pic?!?! The link in the directory won't work!

Ehm, I, ehm... can I talk to my lawyer plz? :D

~Shard~ said:
Really nice pics devilot76, thanks for those! :)

I was one of the few honored members to see his picture posted in this very thread before he removed it shortly thereafter. I felt truly blessed. :cool:

Ask Shard, he knows it is better for mankind (or at least MR) not to be molested with a picture of me. :D
After all I'm kind of shy when it comes to my pictures. :)
efoto said:
I saw the shuffle, but actually caught my eye was that sweater. Nice looking article there. Is it wool or something else?
Thanks. I looked for it just now so I could tell you the fiber content but I don't know where I put it. It might be at my parents' house with the rest of my winter gear. I'm guessing it's either all cotton or a cotton/ramie blend.
Rod Rod said:
Thanks. I looked for it just now so I could tell you the fiber content but I don't know where I put it. It might be at my parents' house with the rest of my winter gear. I'm guessing it's either all cotton or a cotton/ramie blend.

Well regardless, I think it looks very nice. I prefer winter clothing to summer, I always have much more to wear :rolleyes:

Diatribe said:
Ask Shard, he knows it is better for mankind (or at least MR) not to be molested with a picture of me. :D
After all I'm kind of shy when it comes to my pictures. :)

There are few of us who actually love to get our picture taken, however posting here is just fun. I don't like getting my picture taken, especially because they always seem to catch me at odd moments (like self-nipple-twisting :rolleyes: ) but it is just nice to see who is who. Come on, you know you want to.....
Diatribe said:
Ask Shard, he knows it is better for mankind (or at least MR) not to be molested with a picture of me. :D
After all I'm kind of shy when it comes to my pictures. :)

Ah, you are far too modest my friend! But, it is a personal thing, so if you'd rather not put another up, that's totally cool. Perhaps it's better that way so you can toy with everyone else and keep them guessing and curious! ;) :cool:
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