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LimeiBook86 said:
Yep, got that little guy at the Apple Company store while visiting CA :cool:

*must go to Cupertino!*

If/When I do, I'll post pics of Apple HQ.
Great googly moogly, it'll be awesome.
katie ta achoo said:
Ah, quite the shape-shifter!

and I thought Mac users didn't pirate stuff... those "Don't Steal Music" stickers on iPods tell us not to.

yet Microsoft says that iPods are only for music pirates..

:confused: :confused:

Yes, I suppose that's the ironic aspect of my new avatar, as I am not a software pirate when it comes to my Mac - I respect the platform too much. Nonetheless, pirates are cool, and I thought the avatar looked cool - what more can be said?

Doctor Q said:
No comment.

Thanks Doctor Q - nothing beats some good old pirate humor... ;) :cool:
solvs said:
Late night Adult Swim on Cartoon Network. Based on an old cartoon superhero Birdman (said loudly, yelling the rd part for a really long time before just saying man kinda quickly... us old people will get that). Sheesh, don't they teach you kids anything these days. :p

Edit: linkety

I wasn't aware of that site, thanks for the link! I had only seen bits and pieces of the original Birdman, so that's great... :)

Season 3 just started up a couple weeks ago, so it's great to have Harvey Birdman back. Perhaps he will return to my avatar in the future, but for now <insert Doctor Q's comic here>
LimeiBook86 said:
Oh and here's another pic of me to make up for all my mindless babbling here. I was just about to say "Are you taking a picture?" before my Mom snapped the shot. Hahaha :D

Dope Apple hoodie; I want one :D ... where'd you get yours?

Shard - Nice avatar ... did you make it?

peace | neut


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Not that anyone would care, I guess, but...

Here's a picture of me at the beach, taken by my girlfriend.


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Platform said:
If we did not care, then there would not be a thread saying post a pci of yourself ;)
Ah, now that is true, and actually makes some sense as well. Thank you for making me feel welcome here.

I guess I'll join in on the fun.. Well, there goes years of anonymity here at macrumors.



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~Shard~ said:
Can we see your face? ;)
He could be suffering from double joints, osteochondrodysplasia and hypertrichosis (boney growth and extreme facial hair).

edit: He appears to be turned with his back to the camera. We cannot assume anything, however. Just like asking if a woman is pregnant, when she is not. We should be careful in any case.
Thanks, guys. The kids get lots of looks over here. It's the mixed thing, I guess. My wife would absolutely kill me if I threw a picture of her up for thousands to peruse. She's cute, too. ('Course, what am I supposed to say?)

I've been over here in Korea for nearly ten years and coordinate the English program at a top-ten university. Mediocre pay. Lots of vacation time. Too bad I don't take trips as much as I used to, rather opting to teach in extra summer and winter programs. (Traveling with little kids is, well, let's just say it can be taxing at times. The pic on the beach is from Jan-Feb when we were visiting my folks in Panama City Beach, Florida-- a nice 6-week break.)

If I may, Squire, how tall are you and how tall is your wife? I am curious because I have recently met a wonderful Korean woman, but the height difference is a little strange at times....not at all at others. I am a modest 5'9.5", she is 5'1". Just curious how the two of you stack up if you feel like sharing....

Speaking of the two of us, here we are, taken this weekend after a ton of drinking games, forgive the flushed faces :rolleyes: and my read eyes, a friend's picture I didn't feel like editing :p

Edit: I had to take that picture down, I didn't realize until after I posted and was re-reading that it wasn't the best to throw up for all of you :p

I'll see what I can find after class, until there cheerio.
efoto said:
If I may, Squire, how tall are you and how tall is your wife? I am curious because I have recently met a wonderful Korean woman, but the height difference is a little strange at times....not at all at others. I am a modest 5'9.5", she is 5'1". Just curious how the two of you stack up if you feel like sharing....
I'm 6'1", and my wife is 5'1" - so a pretty big difference (not all short people are asian, and not all asians are short :p ;) ). We've done okay with it, as we've been together for almost 12 years (almost married 10). It is awkward in certain situations, such as taking pictures, but generally there are no issues. In fact, it works out well, since I can reach things on top shelves for her, and she can see things on lower shelves for me :D

Her entire family is short - all under 5'4" except her brother at about 5'10". I'm not that tall, but I feel like a giant when I go anywhere with her and her parents...
Squire said:
I guess I'll join in on the fun.. Well, there goes years of anonymity here at macrumors.

Very nice - looks like a very happy family to me!
emw said:
I'm 6'1", and my wife is 5'1" - so a pretty big difference (not all short people are asian, and not all asians are short ). <snip> In fact, it works out well, since I can reach things on top shelves for her, and she can see things on lower shelves for me
*quietly sobbing in the corner* I'm j/k. I'm short but I've been w/ guys who are 6'2"-6'"4. Those big 'uns love the little ones. :D Too bad my current bf isn't that tall or the concerts we go to would be a lot more fun. :p

emw-- I definitely agree w/ what you said about using your height to your advantage. Usually it works out better for the shorter one (I think) but on some occasions, it blows; for example, "Crawl into that dusty, spider-web infested crack and plug this cord in." :(
devilot76 said:
Usually it works out better for the shorter one (I think) but on some occasions, it blows; for example, "Crawl into that dusty, spider-web infested crack and plug this cord in." :(
Ignoring your choice of words for the moment :)p), I'd agree it generally favors the shorter person - I can duck down, but she can't get any taller without something to stand on. However, I don't generally ask her to crawl into too many spider-web infested areas, mainly because she'd just tell me "no." :D
emw said:
Ignoring your choice of words for the moment :)p), I'd agree it generally favors the shorter person - I can duck down, but she can't get any taller without something to stand on. However, I don't generally ask her to crawl into too many spider-web infested areas, mainly because she'd just tell me "no." :D
Haha, ahh, what a smart smart woman. I'll heave a HUGEANTIC sigh, roll my eyes, grumble like Igor under my breath, "Yessss masssteerrrr, I leeeve (live) but to serve you," and grudgingly do the task. I can't really complain I guess-- gotta be useful somehow. :eek:
devilot76 said:
I'll heave a HUGEANTIC sigh, roll my eyes, grumble like Igor under my breath, "Yessss masssteerrrr, I leeeve (live) but to serve you," and grudgingly do the task.
That's because you're not married yet... ;) :D
efoto said:
If I may, Squire, how tall are you and how tall is your wife? I am curious because I have recently met a wonderful Korean woman, but the height difference is a little strange at times....not at all at others. I am a modest 5'9.5", she is 5'1". Just curious how the two of you stack up if you feel like sharing....

Speaking of the two of us, here we are, taken this weekend after a ton of drinking games, forgive the flushed faces :rolleyes: and my read eyes, a friend's picture I didn't feel like editing :p

Edit: I had to take that picture down, I didn't realize until after I posted and was re-reading that it wasn't the best to throw up for all of you :p

I'll see what I can find after class, until there cheerio.

efoto, it sounds like we're in similar predicaments. Yeah, I also hover around 6 feet and she's quite a bit shorter than me. Her mom is quite short but her dad is nearly my height. Personally, I don't see it as a problem.

(cue: Just The Way You Are)

Don't go changing...



<edit> devilot76, you are hilarious. Oh and the shelf example...bang on.
nightdweller25 said:
:eek: :eek:

link to large version

Glad you like it. :)

If you have a larger original ... i'd gladly recreate it; it won't take but a few minutes. mind if i use this (or an alternate version of) in my remix portfolio?

i could see doing a short profiling image series of this fictional character (for use in ... something cool yet to be made :p); PM me if you're interested. :)

peace | neut
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