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Manzana said:
llamas are incredible, they can even direct movies (from wikipedia entry for Monty Python and the Holy Grail)

the opening title credits of Holy Grail co-credited several fictional directors, including "40 specially trained Ecuadorian Mountain llamas, 6 Venezuelan Red Llamas, 148 Mexican Whooping Llamas, 14 North Chilean Guanacos (closely related to the llama), Reg Llama of Brixton, and 76000 Battery Llamas from 'Llama Fresh Farms Ltd' near Paraguay"

Never doubt the llamas. ;)
Manzana said:
llamas are incredible, they can even direct movies (from wikipedia entry for Monty Python and the Holy Grail) sure know your llamas! Thanks for the info. :cool:

Go flying llama, go...
Flying Llama said:
I guess I could share what I look like...
Here's me when I was 7 and we went to a carnival. My mom made me wear that hat! :(

Come on I look as good as ~Shard~!
;) :D

Seriously the funniest thing I have seen this week. At least.

Diatribe said:
ooh, it's getting ugly now... the name calling starts :D
If I were you ~Shard~ I wouldn't let someone talk to me like that. :p :D

Man with humour like this I don't think I need to watch TV anymore.

You guys are great.
Sharewaredemon said:
Seriously the funniest thing I have seen this week. At least.

Man with humour like this I don't think I need to watch TV anymore.

You guys are great.

Ya, some guys here are so funny. Sometimes I would laugh so hard my lil sis would come up looking for what's so funny.
iGary said:
Shard is definitely a metrosexual.

Diatribe said:
ooh, it's getting ugly now... the name calling starts :D
If I were you ~Shard~ I wouldn't let someone talk to me like that. :p

Actually many people have called me "metrosexual" and I have no problems with that. The primary definition, and the one I go by, is "a man who takes care of himself, cares about his physical appearance, fashion, etc. but is not gay" - and that fits me pretty much bang on. I stay healthy and fit, take good care of myself, try to be "fashion-conscious" and always like looking my best. And honestly, I don't see anything wrong with that! :cool:
~Shard~ said:
Actually many people have called me "metrosexual" and I have no problems with that. The primary definition, and the one I go by, is "a man who takes care of himself, cares about his physical appearance, fashion, etc. but is not gay" - and that fits me pretty much bang on. I stay healthy and fit, take good care of myself, try to be "fashion-conscious" and always like looking my best. And honestly, I don't see anything wrong with that! :cool:

Sorry for all the late this will be a mass answer, more than likely in reverse order as I remember things I have just read up on recently most, here goes:

Agreed that the term "metro" isn't a bad thing. I have on occsasion, usually dressy occasion and in the winter months (I don't dress well in the summer apparently :p), been called a metrosexual mostly because I have and like to wear nice clothes, enjoy the occasional peticure, and have a ton of female friends (although the last one I don't get being metro :confused: ).

Nice photos of you and the m(r)s. ~Shard~, you two look like a happy couple. Ahh love....nevermind.

Back a bit to Sharewaredemon, doesn't bother me that you think I look a little French, but it probably bothers all the French :D. I didn't stand out as much as other Americans in the area, however I still look a bit different when directly compared.

Back further to someone....sorry, I forgot who....the picture of me with the three fem-pimps was not in France, they are Americans and friends of mine ;), photo was taken during halloween hence the costumes (no they do not always dress that way :rolleyes: ).

That about covers all I can remember.
Oh, is everyone having trouble seeing images I post linked off my site? or just a select few? Don't rough up the thread about it, but if you wouldn't mind troubling yourself, send me a PM and let me know, thanks.
From the Wikipedia definition:

Particular professions, such as modeling, waiting tables, media, pop music and, nowadays, sport, seem to attract them but, truth be told, like male vanity products and herpes, they're pretty much everywhere.


But then again, there exist so many weird sexual preferences, it could also just mean having sex in the metro for all I know. :D
Diatribe said:
From the Wikipedia definition:


But then again, there exist so many weird sexual preferences, it could also just mean having sex in the metro for all I know. :D

Thank you Diatribe, I found that very enlightening. ;)
Diatribe said:
From the Wikipedia definition:
Particular professions, such as modeling, waiting tables, media, pop music and, nowadays, sport, seem to attract them but, truth be told, like male vanity products and herpes, they're pretty much everywhere.

But then again, there exist so many weird sexual preferences, it could also just mean having sex in the metro for all I know. :D

I especially liked the last line about "male vanity products and herpes" being a quantity example for metrosexuals, quite funny. Also the visual I semi-formed about having sex on the metro was, well, disturbing. We don't have metro in GR and the ones I have been on in other cities don't exactly scream "romance" by any definition of the word.
efoto said:
I especially liked the last line about "male vanity products and herpes" being a quantity example for metrosexuals, quite funny. Also the visual I semi-formed about having sex on the metro was, well, disturbing. We don't have metro in GR and the ones I have been on in other cities don't exactly scream "romance" by any definition of the word.

Look at what iGary has sarted.... ;) Actually, it's made for great laughs, so it's all good... :) :cool:
iGary said:
Devilish, aren't I?

Quite. and humerous, quite.

Good reads before class, but sadly off to pretend to learn yet another non-applied course for my life.
Keep up the laughs, I look forward to getting back to some humor when I get done.
most recent...

efoto said:
Racy, I am confident the women at MR will thank you for such a shot ;)

Now if I could only find where I left my six-pack abs and monstrous biceps....hulk-shot coming soon :rolleyes:

Along those lines, I'd post another one of mine, but I think Diatribe would hunt me down and beat me senseless... ;) :cool:
~Shard~ said:
Along those lines, I'd post another one of mine, but I think Diatribe would hunt me down and beat me senseless... ;) :cool:

Well I would be willing to pay for coverage of that hunt/beating, if that gives you any incentive. Perhaps you and Diatribe can workout some agreement for distribution of income on the "big night" :)

I always wonder about people who post body-shots....interesting crowd IMO.
efoto said:
Well I would be willing to pay for coverage of that hunt/beating, if that gives you any incentive. Perhaps you and Diatribe can workout some agreement for distribution of income on the "big night" :)

I always wonder about people who post body-shots....interesting crowd IMO.

Your offer is apreciated, but I think I'll just stay away from this one, especially after reading yuor last comment... ;) :cool:
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