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I'm right handed as well, so the watch gets scraped over desks etc a lot.

When I eat I always have the fork in my right hand and knife in the left which is also the wrong way around apparently.

cheekyspanky said:
When I eat I always have the fork in my right hand and knife in the left which is also the wrong way around apparently.


It supposedly is, but it doesn't stop me from doing it. Nice to know I'm not the only one :p
Since I started the whole thing, fitting I should end it as well and drag us back on here is a pic of me recently after a show in France. Girl next to me is not my girlfriend, I am quite single so women of MR feel free to PM me :rolleyes: :p


So if you can't figure it out from the above words.....I am the one on the right.
efoto said:
Since I started the whole thing, fitting I should end it as well and drag us back on here is a pic of me recently after a show in France. Girl next to me is not my girlfriend, I am quite single so women of MR feel free to PM me

[snip] ... pic ... [/snip]

So if you can't figure it out from the above words.....I am the one on the right.

Finally a face to fit the 'tar. :)

Thanks for the pic, but what i really wanna know is ... who's on the left and how can i PM her? ;)


peace | neut
efoto said:
So right hand ring-finger is "normal"....or as "normal" as the left hand is in my mind?

I really just don't know, like I said quite ignorant and it is quite blissful I'll say ;)

Left hand is "normal" for male/female married couples in the U.S. a majority of gay men will wear their bands on the right hand, kind of a show of being different, I guess.
efoto said:
Since I started the whole thing, fitting I should end it as well and drag us back on here is a pic of me recently after a show in France. Girl next to me is not my girlfriend, I am quite single so women of MR feel free to PM me :rolleyes: :p

So if you can't figure it out from the above words.....I am the one on the right.

Thanks a lot for the pic efoto, it's great to finally put a face to the name! :cool:

How's life back home treating ya?
iBlue said:
nah... just tell us what kind of bass that is :D shame on you, leaving out important information like that. (I'm married to a bass player)

Oh Sorry ...

G&L L-5500 5-string w/EMG pickups.

Now I mostly use an '89 Guild pilot 5-string for live performance for the extra deep funk.
neut said:
Finally a face to fit the 'tar. :)

Thanks for the pic, but what i really wanna know is ... who's on the left and how can i PM her? ;)


peace | neut

That is my little secret. It starts out traveling to France and then a few late nights of "learning" the language ;)

I have a ton of pictures of me and hot female friends, I am doomed to be loved by all and none at the same time, but the pictures are nice ;)
~Shard~ said:
Thanks a lot for the pic efoto, it's great to finally put a face to the name! :cool:

How's life back home treating ya?

Life back home is about the same as I left it....single, with my best friend pissed at me :)p female, always pissed at me) and my parents missing me o so :rolleyes:

Other than that, very tired due to that time difference, really hit me hard today with that 8AM 2hr lecture, and total I have six hours of lecture today :eek:, not the easiest of starts. I'll survive.

Dinner and another class (6-8 lecture) and then I'll post another pic with some gorgeous gals for you all :D

Edit: I'll have to get/take some recent photos too, of my "other" self because I shaved my head again, quite a different look than the currently shown one. Summer is warm, so I cool better with no hair ;)
efoto said:
Since I started the whole thing, fitting I should end it as well and drag us back on here is a pic of me recently after a show in France. Girl next to me is not my girlfriend, I am quite single so women of MR feel free to PM me :rolleyes: :p


So if you can't figure it out from the above words.....I am the one on the right.

The picture showed up as a question mark for me.

Last edited by Doctor Q : Today at 02:41 PM. Reason: fixed image URL - no charge!

It's a good thing he didn't charge!
It's broken!

:D ;)
iGary said:
I'm a homo. ;)

I was waiting to see how you'd respond to that question! :D :D :D

Okay, it's been a while since I put mine in this thread too, so here's one from yesterday ... I need to learn how to take decent self least it's easy to criticize yourself for poor posing! :rolleyes:

I couldn't find (read: didn't look that hard) any pictures of me with shorter hair, at least not yet. I did however find a nice picture of me and three vixens, just to prove the "beautiful friends" argument I made above. Enjoy....and no you cannot PM or IM or call any of them :rolleyes: Picture was from halloween '04 where I went as a "college student" and they went as female pimps :confused:, but I wasn't complaining. Too bad my friend didn't take the photo lower, you would have enjoyed the other "features" of their outfits :D



Oh, please overlook those rings under my eyes, this was around 3AM if I recall correctly, and the entire weekend was rather sleepless....
Yebot said:
Oh Sorry ...

G&L L-5500 5-string w/EMG pickups.

Now I mostly use an '89 Guild pilot 5-string for live performance for the extra deep funk.

my husband is into that deep funk too.
I don't know a whole lot about basses to be overly specific but he has a 5 string [maple] Pedulla thunderbass (that I bought him), a Tune (6 string), a 5 string Lakeland fretless, and a 5 string Tobias... you could call him a bit of a nut and not be lying :D

thanks for posting back, I was curious :)
efoto said:

Oh, please overlook those rings under my eyes...
The only ring I noticed was the one on the tongue of the girl in the center. Does anyone know what tongue rings are for?
Lacero said:
The only ring I noticed was the one on the tongue of the girl in the center. Does anyone know what tongue rings are for?

Ha, I was wondering if anyone was going to say anything about that, of all people I'm glad you were able to jump on that one Lacero.

As far as what they are for.....perhaps saving some of your lunch until late afternoon? :confused: Other than that, well I'm just not sure :rolleyes:
efoto said:
Picture was from halloween '04 where I went as a "college student" and they went as female pimps ...

I'll work for them; they can pimp me all they want. ;)

I'll withhold their share so they'll have to put the smack down on me. :p

Never been with a girl with a tongue ring, but i wouldn't mind trying that out sometime ... feel free to let her know where to find me :D

Thanks for the pics.

peace | neut
PaRaGoNViCtiM said:
Here's me and my nephew!!

OMG! WOW! You are by far the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I consider myself straight, but I'd date you. WIll you post more pics Paragon?
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