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~Shard~ said:
Actually, this week I am simply taking off work and doing NOTHING, as I didn't feel like going back to work right away. ;) The actual honeymoon isn't until mid-November, when we're off for a couple weeks to Hawaii. :cool: So, for now, I am just at home so I do have some time for MacRumors when I am not lavishing attention on my lovely new bride.

efoto, thanks for the congrats, it's appreciated! And PlaceofDis, thanks for providing the link! :cool:

well i have to be of some use ;)

and that sounds like a great honey moon, i am sure you both will enjoy it, and im sure that your both enjoying the time off right now.... :p
~Shard~ said:
Actually, this week I am simply taking off work and doing NOTHING, as I didn't feel like going back to work right away. ;) The actual honeymoon isn't until mid-November, when we're off for a couple weeks to Hawaii. :cool: So, for now, I am just at home so I do have some time for MacRumors when I am not lavishing attention on my lovely new bride.

efoto, thanks for the congrats, it's appreciated! And PlaceofDis, thanks for providing the link! :cool:

Congrats. Just don't be as hard on your honey as you are on some of the clowns here. ;)

Just kidding. Enjoy the break.

Squire said:
Congrats. Just don't be as hard on your honey as you are on some of the clowns here. ;)

Just kidding. Enjoy the break.


But it's so easy for me to be a bastard! ;) Yeah, I'd like to think I've toned down a bit in my "old age". :eek:

Thanks though, and I'll definitely enjoy my time off! :cool:
devilot76 said:
Err... I think it's in Doc Q's member directory thingie... but here are the two in the directory:

That one is from February 2005... and the more recent pic is...

Diatribe, where's your pic?!?! The link in the directory won't work!

cute :)
Sirus The Virus said:
I got the boot off about two weeks ago. It's fine now. Wearing a boot up to your nee is like a log attached to your leg. I was very glad when I got it off.

I know the feeling, I broke my foot this summer, and had a Caste on my foot for 2 weeks, and had to walk in a boot for 1.

My doc was surprised how fast I healed. I told him what my diet is, and how much milk I drink. I was able to heal 3 broken Metatarsals in only 2 weeks enough to walk on them!..

I will try to avoid crashing my Dirtbike from now on, but it is WAY too fun of a sport to give up ! :D
~Shard~ said:
Actually, this week I am simply taking off work and doing NOTHING, as I didn't feel like going back to work right away. ;) The actual honeymoon isn't until mid-November, when we're off for a couple weeks to Hawaii. :cool: So, for now, I am just at home so I do have some time for MacRumors when I am not lavishing attention on my lovely new bride.

Bbbiirrddmma...oh wait you changed your avatar :eek:, actually I did too (I'm as shocked as you are believe me ;)) Well anyway I hope you guys have a great time, when everyone else is freezing in November you'll will be in the nice warm sun. :D

PlaceofDis said:
indeed, i guess i'm not allowed to post pictures on MR unless i am shirtless.... easy enough ;)

...and the oposite goes for me! Seriously, I think it's posted as a sticky somewhere :p...I'll get in trouble :eek: hahaha
LimeiBook86 said:

Bbbiirrddmma...oh wait you changed your avatar :eek:, actually I did too (I'm as shocked as you are believe me ;)) Well anyway I hope you guys have a great time, when everyone else is freezing in November you'll will be in the nice warm sun. :D

Thanks LimeBook86! And yes, Harvey Birdman has left for a while. Although I am enjoying Season 3's new episodes, I thought ti was time for a change when I became a 601. He'll be back some day, don't you worry. And I like your new avatar as well! :cool:

LimeiBook86 said:
...and the oposite goes for me! Seriously, I think it's posted as a sticky somewhere :p...I'll get in trouble :eek: hahaha

Poor LimeBook86... :( ;) :D
~Shard~ said:
Thanks LimeBook86! And yes, Harvey Birdman has left for a while. Although I am enjoying Season 3's new episodes, I thought ti was time for a change when I became a 601. He'll be back some day, don't you worry. And I like your new avatar as well! :cool:

Poor LimeBook86... :( ;) :D

Whe does one become a 601?
~Shard~ said:
After making 5000 posts. :eek: :cool:
*cough* After becoming a verifiable dorkus.

Hee. ;)

You do realize I'm just jealous that you're sooooo popular and well-established here. :D
devilot76 said:
*cough* After becoming a verifiable dorkus.

Hee. ;)

You do realize I'm just jealous that you're sooooo popular and well-established here. :D

I couldn't help but laugh at this one, especially the last line being semi-transparent and sarcastic, lovely to say the least.

I want to be a 601, I would love to be a verifiable dorkus. I think it would give me quite the substance and venerability here that I long for :D
From the gay thread:

Smile for the camera:

You want to have sex with me:

I fell asleep in a chair and my friends took a picture of me while I was in a particularly odd position:

scem0 said:
From the gay thread:
I fell asleep in a chair and my friends took a picture of me while I was in a particularely odd position:

Isn't that what friends are for?

*has made a point to not fall asleep around my friends, if they know where my camera is*
scem0 said:
From the gay thread:

Smile for the camera:

You want to have sex with me:

I fell asleep in a chair and my friends took a picture of me while I was in a particularely odd position:

Thanks scem0, great pics! I especially like the last one - that just seems so uncomfortable. ;)
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