iGary said:2. Rob snapped this when I was ultra pissed at a vendor the other night, so I'm red in the face mad.
Post another pic please. I have my doubts about your true identity.barbee said:This is me, presenting Swedish orange juice![]()
Lacero said:Post another pic please. I have my doubts about your true identity.
Lacero said:Post another pic please. I have my doubts about your true identity.
efoto said:The chin/neck transition does show a few hints of some tom-foolery (PS), but it could very well be the claiming member. Another pic would either serve to prove his PS skills or his true identity....or then again, just cause even more doubt
Oh well, post again. The more the merrier.
devilot76 said:iGary, you might have been upset, but at least you had some music going!![]()
iBlue said:pfffft... you guys are paranoid... either that or i am not adept enough at photoshop to see what you see. (i hope i never do, or i'll never trust a single photo again)
[ack... panic panic]![]()
efoto said:Lacero might be mentioning it for some other reason, perhaps he recognized the face or something....I was just noticing the shadows on the chin/neck trans and it looked a little off, smudged. Of course I only noticed it after Lacero mentioned something, so more than I likely I am making something out of nothing.
neut said:
jelloshotsrule said:emerson. where you going to school in nyc? if i may ask.
Abstract said:I don't get it. D'oh!![]()
Lau said:I thought the same at first. "Why can't he get dates, cause he has a big tattoo?"![]()
But on closer inspection, I believe it says "Katie", and therefore he is presumably spoken for.![]()
heaven said:You got it!Shot it with my mobile, so sry for the bad quality, its very blurry.
Diatribe said:Nice pics heaven, thanks for sharing. You're making Shard competition in the looks department here...![]()
heaven said:lol, thx. Maybe i ll add a couple new ones later on, to make the competition interesting.
njmac said:iBlue, I think they were refering to Barbee and his Tom comment..../and or his PS skills....
neut said:
iBlue said:i'm aware of that.i was referring to the same thing. i didn't see what they meant at first; the picture looked fine to me at first glance.