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iBlue said:

Wow, thanks iBlue, I wasn't expecting such a response! (was just half-joking with my initial question :eek:) But yeah, I can see all of what you're saying - totally makes sense to me as well. That's actually quite an intelligent summary (you too scem0), so I must say I'm impressed - definitely lots of Members here with their head screwed on straight - well, at least when it comes to things like this. ;)

As Squire said, post of the day!

Edit: Oh, and I take great joy in knowing I can bug you about your location. :p :cool:
scem0 said:
I'll add some to iBlue's list:
  • A guy who likes to cuddle
  • A guy who listens
  • A guy who isn't afraid to cry - this is a big one with me. C'mon, we are all human.
  • A guy who isn't a sheep. There are so many clones in the gay community. There are the obsessive work out guys, sometimes called RTDs (Rough Tough Dudes). There are queens. There are the horribly effeminite guys. Not everyone fits in a box! It isn't sexy when a guy smushes themselves into a box that they don't fit in.
  • This goes along with the previous bullet, but should be mentioned: A guy who isn't afraid to be himself. Me? I am a total nerd, I loooove cheap food, I secretely think I'm Asian, and I cry when I watch sad movies. If you are going to try to put me down because of any of that, then get the **** out of my way.
  • A guy who isn't afraid to be silly. This is also important to me. You can't be serious 100% of the time. You gotta have some fun every once in a while. My dream is to build a Japanese mansion with secret passageways and hidden rooms (a'la Hogwarts) - I know it is silly, but it's my dream home :p.

Just don't try to be anything you're not. Honesty, people! :)


So- have you booked your flight to Chicago to see me yet? :)
~Shard~ said:
Wow, thanks iBlue, I wasn't expecting such a response! (was just half-joking with my initial question :eek:) But yeah, I can see all of what you're saying - totally makes sense to me as well. That's actually quite an intelligent summary (you too scem0), so I must say I'm impressed - definitely lots of Members here with their head screwed on straight - well, at least when it comes to things like this. ;)

As Squire said, post of the day!

Edit: Oh, and I take great joy in knowing I can bug you about your location. :p :cool:

thank you [bats eyelashes] as always, i aim to please ;)

and haha about the location - i take great joy in knowing i can give you great joy :D
scem0 said:
If only I could :). I'm moving to NYC for college in 8 days, so I will be busy busy.

Pardon my butting in on the conversation, but which school in NYC? Just be glad you didn't try to move here last week...ugh.
efoto said:
To what iBlue said, I realize there are other things that are more important (houses, cars, money :p (rash generalizations of past relationships, sorry)) however to a guy it feels like a horrible thing to lose your hair. I am going through it and as much as I say it doesn't bother me, it does deep down inside, hence the recently shaven head (which had been done before) and the idea to keep it that way for a while. Just noticed Vin Diesel has a shaved head too (of course...but just saw a commercial) and he is hot right? :rolleyes:

Funnily enough, I seem to have a strange attraction to guys with thinning hair. My fiance is pretty bald (and has been since he was 20 or so) and it wasn't until a friend pointed it out that I realised most of the guys I've been attracted to have had thinning hair. I dunno why, but it's just one of those things. I wouldn't say I find bald men more or less attractive than guys with a full head of hair, but the ones I fancy all seem to be bald. Must be some strange animal thing :confused: :p . I have heard that men with thinning hair have much higher testosterone, so maybe that's it. Not that any of them have been so-called tough guys - I am one of the (allegedly) rare breed that fancies the nice guys. But maybe it's that testosterone bubbling under the surface :D.

Anyway, I will stop this rambling account into "who Lau fancies".... :eek:
Speaking of crying, I was conducting interviews (English oral assessments) yesterday and one of the students started getting all choked up about a question. I waited for a second and then moved on to the next question. I felt pretty uncomfortable there for a few seconds so I can understand what you mean, iBlue. But, as scem0 also mentioned, I don't think it's healthy for people to keep stuff bottled up all the time.

Baldness: For the longest time, I hoped I would get a receding hairline like the one Bruce Willis had back in the Moonlighting days. Too bad it doesn't usually stop there, though. I like the idea of just shaving the whole thing off once it gets to a certain point. A couple of my coworkers have done that and it actually looks pretty good.


P.S. ~Shard~, my "Post of the day" comment must have spontaneously combusted. :rolleyes: I'll try to add things with a little more substance from now on.
Squire said:
I like the idea of just shaving the whole thing off once it gets to a certain point. A couple of my coworkers have done that and it actually looks pretty good.

I work with quite a few guys who have done that as well. In most cases it looks better (as I can just picture them with hair and a nasty comb-over :eek:) but some of them looks weird, and almost alien, or like they're a baby again - dunno, guess it works for some people and not for others...

Squire said:
P.S. ~Shard~, my "Post of the day" comment must have spontaneously combusted. :rolleyes: I'll try to add things with a little more substance from now on.

Yes, I noticed that as well - funny how that happens. ;)

Oh, and my Wedding is coming up in a few weeks, so I'll have to post a couple shots from that once we get some copies. :)
Squire said:
Speaking of crying, I was conducting interviews (English oral assessments) yesterday and one of the students started getting all choked up about a question. I waited for a second and then moved on to the next question. I felt pretty uncomfortable there for a few seconds so I can understand what you mean, iBlue. But, as scem0 also mentioned, I don't think it's healthy for people to keep stuff bottled up all the time.

Baldness: For the longest time, I hoped I would get a receding hairline like the one Bruce Willis had back in the Moonlighting days. Too bad it doesn't usually stop there, though. I like the idea of just shaving the whole thing off once it gets to a certain point. A couple of my coworkers have done that and it actually looks pretty good.

Yeah, frankly I'm sick of holding back things to appease people. I wouldn't have considered crying in public 4 years ago, I'd do it in a heartbeat right now. I've come to learn that, however hedonistic it my sound, life is about making yourself happy, and only bringing 1/4 of yourself to the table won't make anyone happy.

As for the rest of your post :): Receding hairlines can be very sexy or very ugly.


Baldness/shaved is usually really hot, in my opinion, but looks very wrong if you have a small, or oddly shaped head. I don't think I have the head for a shaved head, but I like my hair anyways :).

Pittsax said:
Pardon my butting in on the conversation, but which school in NYC? Just be glad you didn't try to move here last week...ugh.

Parsons School of Design :).

Okay, bad shaved head story:

When I was in university, a bunch of guys decided to shave their heads. One guy was sawing off another fella's lid when he said, "Man, you've got some strange lumps and stuff here. Are you sure you want me to keep going?"

"Take it off," replies the other dude.

Once it was done, this guy had a massive Princess Leia/bagel thing going on. Seriously, the size of a bagel. He said that when he was young, he took a nasty spill and busted up his head. He knew the lump was there but didn't think it was that big.

Needless to say, he wore a ball cap for the rest of the term.

devilot76 said:
Wow!!! Congrats scem0, that must be so exciting! :eek:
Indeed! Congrats scem0! :D Greenwich Village is a nice, if somewhat off-beat, neighborhood. Though I think they have housing all over the city (Wall Street, I think, is one of them)
Pittsax said:
Indeed! Congrats scem0! :D Greenwich Village is a nice, if somewhat off-beat, neighborhood. Though I think they have housing all over the city (Wall Street, I think, is one of them)

Greenwich Village is an excellent area. My brother used to live near there and I used to love walking around the neighborhood with him when I would visit. Alas, he just moved away, back to Canada (Vancouver to be specific), so no more trips to the Big Apple for me for a while. :( Of course, I love Vancouver as well, so now I have an excuse to visit there more often. :cool:
My sister used to live in Greenwhich Village. I think it is a very cool place.

I used to live in Greenwhich, CT. Close enough...
EJBasile said:
My sister used to live in Greenwhich Village. I think it is a very cool place.
It's definitely cooler than up here on the upper east side. All we have are rich old people (people who buy their schnauzers fur coats for the winter) and medical students.
Thanks everyone :). I'm definitely excited, if a bit scared ;).

My sister lives in Brooklyn, so I'll have her if I ever need anything, which I probably will :p.

raggedjimmi said:
new pic! taken today in a little 'mod' dress up :p


heh.... 12 pages of posts later, i decide to comment on this. i have to get on the game

anyways, this pic looks like that jack guy from that movie "four brothers"


so yes. all i wanted to say is yum.

back to my diet now....
oh i have new pics.

first is a pic taken at SPOCK days. yes... i went to a star trek convention, purely for the fact that i could say i went to one.

second and third was taken while camping in the okanagan.

fourth was a night at the club with the ladies for my birthday.

fifth.... i ate 4 slices of lemon. they dared me to.

i'll be back in 6 months to post pics again :p


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little pea, that's a really cute white halter (beach pic), where'd you get it?! I need a plain white halter! :eek: In the ladies' pic, you're in the yellow, right? Anyhow, nice pics! :cool:
The girl in the yellow in the group picture looks pretty hot!

Edit: Oh ooh, and a Trekkie too!!1!!11

You've answered many a man's dreams, girl.
devilot76 said:
little pea, that's a really cute white halter (beach pic), where'd you get it?! I need a plain white halter! :eek: In the ladies' pic, you're in the yellow, right? Anyhow, nice pics! :cool:

yessum im in the yellow

the white halter was originally from *cough* le chateau *cough cough* but i wore it out so much that i remade it with some fabric at walmart

so... the one im wearing is one that i made
little-pea said:
yessum im in the yellow

the white halter was originally from *cough* le chateau *cough cough* but i wore it out so much that i remade it with some fabric at walmart

so... the one im wearing is one that i made

Great pics little-pea! And very nice outfits... :)
~Shard~ said:
Great pics little-pea! And very nice outfits... :)

ah shard we post again :p

after catching up on oh i dont know.... 20+ pages in this thread, i came across pics of u and ur lady friend, nice beach pics!
little-pea said:
yessum im in the yellow

the white halter was originally from *cough* le chateau *cough cough* but i wore it out so much that i remade it with some fabric at walmart

so... the one im wearing is one that i made

So cute, and your friends, too! :)
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