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about time....

well i have been a member long enough that its about time i show myself so here is a random picture i took the other day just for the hell of it.


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scem0 said:
So, I'm not the only one posts on macrumors in the nude...

I kid, I kid... I usually have my clothes on :).


not nude, just shirtless, as i always am when i am home, donno why that is, well for now my new piercings are excuse enough i suppose
PlaceofDis said:
well i have been a member long enough that its about time i show myself so here is a random picture i took the other day just for the hell of it.

Thanks for the pic - as always, nice to put a face to the name! :)

So do your piercings hurt? A guy once picked a fight with me at the bar who had a tight shirt on and obvious nipple piercings, so I just elbowed him square in one of his rings and he went down like a baby - that was the end of that. Yeah, I'm a bastard. :cool:
~Shard~ said:
Thanks for the pic - as always, nice to put a face to the name! :)

So do your piercings hurt? A guy once picked a fight with me at the bar who had a tight shirt on and obvious nipple piercings, so I just elbowed him square in one of his rings and he went down like a baby - that was the end of that. Yeah, I'm a bastard. :cool:

piercings hurt? nope. my labret i didnt even feel them pierce, and i have had a girl bite the ball and pull on it as we were making out, it actually felt great. but thats just me. ears are obviously no big deal, although they are only at 12g right now, i am thinking 6 or 8 for the end, will be a lil burning stretching them but no biggie either. now the nipples i just got done on thursday (picture actually taken the day before) and they haven't hurt one bit except once, when i was at work and rather accidentally and harshly knocked into something, causing it to bleed a good bit, and it actually still has a scab on it. i have a huge pain tolerance level. so if you were to do that to me i doubt it would slow me at all. ;) but yeah some people are wussies about this stuff. i actually can't wait for them to heal so i can let someone have some fun with 'em.
efoto said:
Shooting a new episode, are you on it?? That would be awesome, I always wanted to be on Fear Factor save for the eating random animal parts/pieces/maggots/etc, because that always seemed like retard-factor not fear....but that is just my fear talking :rolleyes:

No Im not on it I just work on it when there is a helicopter on it. I am a ground cordinator so I work w/ the helicopter seting it up for the differents stunts and cordinating what it does from the director to the pilot
~Shard~ said:
All I can say is - cool. You remind me of myself in many aspects. :cool:

awesome, always good to be able to relate. do you have any piercings? tattoos? body mods?

i have two tats, on on my back of a black sun and a ying yang on my wrist, going in a few weeks to get a dragon perched on my shoulder (birthday present to myself). ill post pics of all three when i get the next one
LimeiBook86 said:
*sees blood and passes out for 2 and a half hours* You have a lot of courage I'll give you that :D

none of my tattoos have bled, and my one piercing has bled a bit but only because it got hit while still healing. tattoos only hurt while you get them, then it pain is gone, they scab up, and then that flakes off and then its there. piercings require much more care though
PlaceofDis said:
awesome, always good to be able to relate. do you have any piercings? tattoos? body mods?

It's funny you should say so - no, actually. :eek: I relate more to your overall attitude though, so it's not even so much about the piercings, etc. themselves. :cool:
~Shard~ said:
It's funny you should say so - no, actually. :eek: I relate more to your overall attitude though, so it's not even so much about the piercings, etc. themselves. :cool:

well thats even more awesome then. different things work for different people. so power to you, they might not work for you, but i love 'em, i see my body as a work in progress.... we will see where it ends up in the end
PlaceofDis said:
well thats even more awesome then. different things work for different people. so power to you, they might not work for you, but i love 'em, i see my body as a work in progress.... we will see where it ends up in the end

You bet. :) Well, keep us up to date on things - heck, you could even start your own photo directory of your tats and so forth as your "work" progresses. ;) :cool:
PlaceofDis said:
well i have been a member long enough that its about time i show myself so here is a random picture i took the other day just for the hell of it.

You're a hottie, PlaceofDis. :) BTW- have you heard of Ron Athey? He's a performance artist into piercing and Body modification. I met him a few years ago-very cool and funny guy.
leekohler said:
You're a hottie, PlaceofDis. :) BTW- have you heard of Ron Athey? He's a performance artist into piercing and Body modification. I met him a few years ago-very cool and funny guy.

haha, thank you for the compliment leekohler, and actually i have not heard of him, but i will be sure to look him up in the coming days.

vinow said:
Can't argue with that.

and thank you again. :eek:

i'm not used to compliments, and usually don't take them all that well, maybe this will encourage me to post some more pictures of myself as well, afterall everyone needs to see my tats and new piercings... haha (guess i need to try and find justification afterall)

leekohler said:
Oh no! What happened to your gf? Didn't you read her your poetry? I mean really- how could she leave after that. :)


thanks for the link, bookmarked it! :)

brief history for those who may care: last october i broke up with fiance/gf of two years. single for two months, date girl for seven months & things didn't work out. trying to figure out this new person, but taking things slow, and doubtful anything will happen, but only time will tell. im young yet i suppose so i will just lay low and let things come to me. :eek:
PlaceofDis said:
thanks for the link, bookmarked it! :)

brief history for those who may care: last october i broke up with fiance/gf of two years. single for two months, date girl for seven months & things didn't work out. trying to figure out this new person, but taking things slow, and doubtful anything will happen, but only time will tell. im young yet i suppose so i will just lay low and let things come to me. :eek:

Well, that's how it goes sometimes. I don't understand women either. Aren't we gay guys supposed to know more about them? :)

BTW- I'm not really into piercing and such, but I am fascinated by it. When I met Ron, he kind of put it in perspective. For him it's sort of transcendental. Your first impression is- wow that is one messed-up human being. But I went up to him after a performance in a small gallery and we hit it off pretty well. He made me giggle like a schoolgirl. He was like a big tattooed teddy bear. I guess we all have our ways of maintaining balance in our lives. More power to him.
vniow said:

so when did you want to get together then? :p ;)

leekohler said:
Well, that's how it goes sometimes. I don't understand women either. Aren't we gay guys supposed to know more about them?

BTW- I'm not really into piercing and such, but I am fascinated by it. When I met Ron, he kind of put it in perspective. For him it's sort of transcendental. Your first impression is- wow that is one messed-up human being. But I went up to him after a performance in a small gallery and we hit it off pretty well. He made me giggle like a schoolgirl. He was like a big tattooed teddy bear. I guess we all have our ways of maintaining balance in our lives. More power to him.

i loved the Solar Anus, haha, but im still exploring the site, seems like an awesome guy. and yes a lot of people think i am a weirdo for having piercings and tattoos, but here is the way that i look at it most of the time, no one is perfect, nothing is, and by modding my body and i just taking steps to make it more my own temple of perfection, as superficial as that may seem.... it will never be perfection, but i can try to get as close as i can.

edit: and lets not forget that i like the pain a bit, lets me know that i am alive and still growing experimenting and it gives you a rush. in this modern world i have had my body through the ringer quite a few times, desensitized would be one way to describe what has happened, so piercings, tats, mods, allow not only self expression, but also make me feel more vibrant and alive.
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