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8gb iPhone
16gb iPad

Both half full. I use them, I'm not a collector though. While I routinely download apps. If I don't use them at least a few times a month, cut them loose.
Don't tell Steve, but it's porn....lots and lots of porn. :apple:

Lest I forget that many readers here have ZERO ability to detect sarcasm, I'll edit this to point out that the real reason is GoodReader. I carry a very high number of PDF blueprints generated via Autocad with me in my iPad. Each one is quite large and there are typically 8-10 per property so figure 1 gig per property x 40 or so properties.
I have a 16 and I have only used about 3gb max. I can only see a few occasions where I would fill it up with content. I have mostly books/podcasts/comics on mine. Music and video can be streamed. I use dropbox for a lot of storage and I dont collect apps at all. If it hasn't been used in 2 weeks I delete it.

How embarrassing!


How fortunate for you dude. I wish I had gotten the 32. I have to manage everything carefully to get everything to fit the way I want it to, just like I have to do with my 8GB Touch :eek:
I have the 16GB model and have 4,5Gb available. I don't copy any tv shows or movies on it, as I use the excellent Air Video to stream everything from my Mac Pro. On the rare occasion where I want to have a movie or two in my iPad, there is enough free space for 3 or even 4 full length movies. I have about 3Gb of music on my iPad and lots of pictures (about 3000)
Half filled 16gb here. I don't watch movies or videos on my iPad, and I don't keep lots of music on it. For me, this is for apps, browsing, and reading iBooks.
My iPhone has all of my 18 gigs of music on it. Air Video, YouTube, etc, cater for most of my video needs on iPad. And 16GB is more than sufficient for everything else.
I have all my photos, a small selection of podcasts, music and sports videos stored locally on the iPad, and I still have 7gb free. :)
Most people I know with the 32 & 64 wish they had bought the 16GB as they have hardly made a dent in the storage. Its not like you would want to store hundreds of movies and thousands of songs on an iPad.

"'s not like you would want to store movies or songs on the iPad.."

What exactly do you put on yours? I have 12 gigs music, 10 gigs video, and almost 7000 pictures....and yeah I listen to the music all the time. Watch the videos (which are then switched out for more movies/tv shows), and I even show my photo's (mostly personal but some business) a lot. So it's not like I just synced my laptop to it....I also have LOT'S of apps.
Why are people putting Thousands of photo's on their iPad?

Is it just "because we can" or are you away from any other device long enough to feel the need to just sit down and wade through thousands of photo's?

Why are people putting Thousands of photo's on their iPad?

Is it just "because we can" or are you away from any other device long enough to feel the need to just sit down and wade through thousands of photo's?


Well, obvious answer is exactly what you said "because we can". However, I have 4 teenagers, a wife, and a dog. So lot's of family pics. I can take it "Nana's" and show off the latest pics. I can, and have, upload a pic at a moments notice to flickr or facebook...daughter calls and needs a picture of something...<beep>...uploaded.

I also use it for work. Pictures of parts. Videos of parts running...etc. So if I am trying to sell pillow block or hanger bearings...I can show videos of them running under load. Then show bearing degradation over time with pics.

I guess you could ask why I have over 13,000 on my pc....maybe that would be better
That's me. I don't like to choose what I may be felling like listening or watching. I want everything with me at all times.
That's a nice sentiment when your entire media collection is only 30-60GB. But when you have a media library that weighs in over 1TB the notion of "everything with me at all times" goes out the window.
happy with my 16gb..i stream eberything off of netflix and i keep my music on my iphone
I have the 32GB and I don't think I needed the space either lol. Oh well hopefully it'll be easier to sell than the 16GB in the future.

I ordered the 32 gig wifi. My thinking was for a $100 more I get to double my storage, it'll be relevant longer. I've had a 16 gig 2G iPhone for 3 years now and I've kept that at like 12-13 gigs the whole time. My iPhone 4 is on the way, and it too is a 16. I look at the potential uses of the iPad are different. I've got 8 gigs left on my iPad as I've got more apps on it, more movies, more pics. However, less music and Podcasts...

I know when the iOS comes out, that will be larger and change how I use it as well. So, I'm expecting that I'll use more storage.

On another note, for all those people who are upset the new iPhone got 512 RAM or that the next iPad will have a camera(s) and other fancy stuff... Uhm, get over it. That's how technology works. Every generation improves on the last and thats happening faster and faster. Moores Law is speeding up... I'm happy with my iPad and the things it can do for me.

I initially was going to go with 16gb, but decided on the 64gb. Why bother spending all this money, and not able to enjoy apps and media. Is'nt that the main reason for the iPad:) Streaming is ok in a pinch, but when I really want to watch a show or movie, I like the quality of local media.
Depends on your lifestyle. I travel a lot, therefore, I'm on planes and really need direct access. What I've done is put my music on my iPhone and videos on my iPad. HD videos take up 2-3X more space than regular iPod movies.

ash =o)
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