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macrumors 6502
Oct 5, 2020
It's clearly hardware. There's no diagnostics routine that is going to exceed the accuracy of just looking at the display, so the diagnostics check passing is irrelevant. Apple needs to give you a new display or a new machine.
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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 30, 2020
Hello ,

thanks for your replies,

Apple did already replace my Display and Touch Bar Keyboard :s As did already 2 hardware checks at the Genius Bar at special request.

The problem was originally worse, with pulsations , reddish color, and things seeming to move, it made working on the mac a torture. trying different things has cleared it already a bit, the reinstall via apple Genius Bar seemingly had better result .

I THINK it comes from connecting an Ext. drive from my older Mac with files from a dubious torrent website . but I have been told that's probably not the cause.

thanks again !



macrumors 6502a
Aug 31, 2020
The video looks zoomed in past the max optical zoom level and blurry, but is the text literally jittering as it seems from that video?


macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 30, 2020

the actual impulses around the letters happens faster then on the video. I slowed it down to make it real visible.
i have another video with shows it more in detail. the blurry jittering is on the whole screen , I see tinteling on a black background , but on a white background it's more visible around/on letters.

to me it looks like there is ,in intervals , an emphasizing or impulsing .

I am having trouble with recording it on my old iPhone. when coming to close to the screen it doesn't capture it, and zooming in makes it blurry. :/



macrumors 6502
Oct 5, 2020
Apple did already replace my Display and Touch Bar Keyboard
Ah, I didn't see that in your OP.

Stepping back a bit from where you begin the post - Does this also happen with external displays?

Does this also happen when you use the MBP in different locations?


macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 30, 2020

sorry, I forgot to mention that.
I checked on an apple Cinema Display before I had it completely erased and installed by apple, it was visible then. I will check it again tomorrow!

I have checked in different places with different kind of lights and have checked with a different cable, always using external devices with are sold at the apple store itself.
My eyes are ok too :)

I checked with a similar MacBook Pro, it doesn't show this thing and doesn't cause this slight discomfort I still have.



macrumors 6502
Oct 5, 2020
Got it - I assumed so at first, but when you said the display was already replaced, I wanted to double-check it wasn't a location issue.

I recommend doing everything you can to get Apple to replace the entire machine. They haven't resolved the issue, that's that. Unless you can get used to pretending it's a cool, gritty early 00's anime computer screen mod.


macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 30, 2020
I have been with it for some time already.

I will try it as maybe a last resort. today the only apple store in my country is clossed because of covid-19 situation.
Does Apple have to replace machine if they can't resolve the issue?? I do not know anything of there legal obligations.

I was thinking of maybe replacing a component of the MacBook Pro. but these models have everything soldered together :( don't really know which part to replace neither.

I should maybe tell also. when I connected an external SSD, I used to boot to on this Mac, to a windows laptop a month ago:( this screen started looking "hacked" too. (not completely the same, but definitely also altered) Scans with Malwarebytes and f-secure didn't show anything. that wa before the erase by apple .

Kind regards,
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macrumors 6502
Oct 5, 2020
Well, that's strange about the PC seemingly "picking it up" from the external drive. To be clear, have your Genius Bar agents been able to replicate the issue? If not, even though you have replicated it in multiple locations, they might not be willing to acknowledge that the defect has not been repaired, or they may conclude that they can strongly show your personal devices and drives are breaking the machine, and they are no longer legally responsible for a defect. In which case the following is not helpful (Though they might still opt to offer further support if you have made a ton of purchases; Apple Support does this all the time at least in the US.)

Apple warranty is for repair, replacement or refund, for claims made within 1 year of purchase. I imagine the Genius Bar agents are scored negatively for resorting to replacement on MBPs, and want to repair until last resort - whereas they give them out like candy for iPhones.

Your case is virtually at last resort. I'm sure plenty of MBP's have been replaced and cycled over to the Refurbished Store for less. The only remaining "repair" step that I can see, is logic board replacement. Apple might want to do that next.
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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 30, 2020
Genius agent has called me this morning because of my mail asking for maybe further options left.
he said i could come again to the apple store after lockdown and they could look at it again.

He Also said I should maybe try wait for the release of OS big sur later on . That would solve a lot of ongoing problems on mac computers . And would install a whole new system.

indeed The problem was not realy reproducable for them when i handed in my mac . Very crowded in the store and not beeing abble to show any videos.
I will try calling apple store again to see if it is possible to send them the videos and see wath they think .

I suspect some auto run file for windows is hidden somewhere too . the old windows laptop i have thrown away Because i already had so much trouble with the mac and reinstalling a clean windows via usb didn’t solve it As it did not on my mac.

Thanks for your help !
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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 30, 2020

i just started using my newLy bought mac Mini 2018 for some days , after having some strange Everongoing diabolic screen “virus” issues on my macbook pro 2019.
The “thing” that is causing this strange little , but verry annoying ,Alteration to the look of my screens . Spreads very easy from one computer to another. I knew it could do that via usb devices and firewire just by connecting them to you computer. ( don’t think it can by icloud or so)
Now today it got on my new mac via my iphone 6s , i still use ,when connecting it with a cable and importing some photo’s!! ??

i know from really beeing a year with the “thing” and trying every possible software solution i could do myself . That I cannot seem to erase it or even find it . Malwarebytes doesn’t detect anything strange , nor does clamxav or bitdefender.
But i know its there.

is there any way or someone that knows how , so i can trace such a hiding low profile virus??

would restoring my iphone to factory settings . Whipe it ? I know it doesntwhen erasing your HDD on your mac .

Thanks a mill for any tips !

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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 30, 2020

my excuses for posting a same thread twice . Thanks for your kind help,

to me it looks as if there Some kind of a second layer imprinted over the normal looking screen. Like some pixels are sudenly this extra shiny pinkish and over bright. This over the whole screen and makes the screen look hazy and wierd.
quiet annoying cause it causes headache .

its the same now as on that windows laPtop I mentioned earlier!?

I dind’t think a phone Could transmit this to .

i did actually send the refurbished mini back just now to the store As it had problems already with wifi and sometimes didn’t respond.
i would normally not do such a thing ?but i have spend already A lot of money on this problem and buying that mac mini was my last money i could spare.

should i try erasing my iphone to delete this . I now i doesn’t when erasing the macs HDD?

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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 30, 2020
Hello all again :),

I was thinking to post now the sutiation after some rest from it, with a clear head and facts.

I know my screen issue must be some sort of software causing these effects on my screen and not a hardware problem.
it apearce that it hides on all external storage devices wich were connected to the mac that had the original problem.
It does: hide in my Icloud or hide on my Iphone. wich strangly has issues too, wich i didn't realize but having a new iphone now definitly made it clear. (old iphone has pulsations and slight light impulses same sensation as on macbookpro)
I did connect my old Iphone to the new mac mini via usb cable and a "lighter version" of the screen alterations appeared on the mac mini , (not as uncomfartable making as on the original macbookpro ,wich i could not work on) but a visible change in look and feel of the screen.

I have tried erasing my iphone with the erase option on the iphone, but it doesn't clear the problem. Is this because of putting back my icloud coppy with my iphones settings ? i did try with a new apple id and factory settings restore , but same problem there. I don't dare to connect the iphone to a computer with itunes in fear of infecting again. so i can't try erasing via recovery mode :(

now on my newer Iphone with an icloud coppy of the older iphone 6s, i have a "lighter version of the screen problems too!
there a lot of darker shadowing/greyish hazy filter and lichter contures around all symbols and pictures .
I am trying one of these days that an erase and new apple id will clear the issue.

I must make clear that my iphones are definitly not jailbroken! they were all in good working order with the original apple parts in it and latest software.

the light at the end of...
after hardware checks by apple and an erase and software installating by them,still with no 100% good result ( it did help some!)
I brought my macbookpro 2019 back in for a logicboard replacement and start all new with a new apple ID.
I went checking macbookpro's screens and iphone's at apple store and there i don't see or sense anything of the strangenesses on mine! clear calm screen on the prestine ones :)

Would love to find a solution that simply works for restoring these devices.
is there a way to trace/ make visible the software (on storage device files) that causes this?

Thanks again for all your previous help and concern.

kind regards
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macrumors 68020
Aug 27, 2015
on the land line mr. smith.

i just started using my newLy bought mac Mini 2018 for some days , after having some strange Everongoing diabolic screen “virus” issues on my macbook pro 2019.
The “thing” that is causing this strange little , but verry annoying ,Alteration to the look of my screens . Spreads very easy from one computer to another. I knew it could do that via usb devices and firewire just by connecting them to you computer. ( don’t think it can by icloud or so)
Now today it got on my new mac via my iphone 6s , i still use ,when connecting it with a cable and importing some photo’s!! ??

i know from really beeing a year with the “thing” and trying every possible software solution i could do myself . That I cannot seem to erase it or even find it . Malwarebytes doesn’t detect anything strange , nor does clamxav or bitdefender.
But i know its there.

is there any way or someone that knows how , so i can trace such a hiding low profile virus??

would restoring my iphone to factory settings . Whipe it ? I know it doesntwhen erasing your HDD on your mac .

Thanks a mill for any tips !

Best trolling. Should win blue star!
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