My question is whether I can just change SBM in the config to "Disabled," reboot and be able to boot Mojave? Or but another way, can we get rid of the Firmware Features necessary/recommended for install of Monterey, change SBM to disabled, and only trigger the VMM flag for updates?
John helps me to run many extensive tests in the last few days about this SecureBootModel (SBM) setting. Because I want to find out a single config that can boot Mojave, Catalina, Big Sur, and Monterey.
What we found so far.
1) If we set SBM = default, then we can boot Catalina, Big Sur, and Monterey. But cannot boot Mojave (we call this "Legacy Mojave" here).
2) If we set SBM = disable, then we can boot Mojave, Catalina, Big Sur. But cannot boot Monterey (official release, not early beta).
3) However, if we set SBM to Default, then we install Mojave (e.g. from a USB installer), we can actually boot Mojave (we call it "Secured Mojave") with SBM = Default.
4) AFAIK, when SBM set to default, something will be written to the NVRAM, and that's the key for booting "Secured Mojave".
5) If we remove OpenCore after "Secured Mojave" installed, then the cMP can't boot to that Secured Mojave anymore. However, if we perform a NVRAM reset. This will remove that "key", and revert that Secured Mojave back to Legacy Mojave. Then the cMP can boot this Legacy Mojave without OC again.
So, if anyone want to dual boot Mojave (the latest macOS that officially supported on cMP), and Monterey (the latest official released macOS), then...
A) You can keep changing the SBM setting to let you boot back to your existing Mojave, or Monterey. There is no need to touch the FirmwareFeatureMask.
B) You may set SBM = Default, then re-install Mojave. This should makes you can dual boot Mojave and Monterey with a single config. And all you need to remember is that on the day you remove OC, also perform a NVRAM reset. Otherwise, you can't boot to that Secured Mojave. However, on the day that you do a NVRAM reset, you will lost the ability to boot to Legacy Mojave until you set SBM to disable.
I am not sure if we can backup the boot ROM after we install Secure Mojave. And then restore the BootROM to allow us to boot Secure Mojave after NVRAM reset. We haven't test this yet. However, even it works, I personally don't quite like this solution.