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macrumors 68040
Jun 29, 2011
Finished SHE-Hulk. In the end, i kinda like it. I knew She-Hulk in the comic tend to be light and comedic and 4th wall breaking ala Deadpool, so I thought they at least got that in the show.

What bothered me the most was the CG, and it was often seeing She-Hulk in ugly "cheap" CG, and I read that it wasn't even the VfX team's fault. They were pushed to unrealistic deadlines. It's unfortunate, as it detracted a lot from the enjoyment.

Anyway, wasn't Marvel's strongest TV show, but probably didn't deserve all the hate from the internet. I enjoyed it more than Ms Marvel.
I only watched She-Hulk coz of Daredevil and I got excited when DD shows in the hallway but got sad when She-Hulk came breaking the ceiling lol. I think it was okay nothing extra ordinary. I have been disappointed with Phase 4 except I loved Ms Marvel coz I was able to relate to it lol Hopefully Wakanda Forever is going to be good. lets see


macrumors G5
Jan 9, 2008
Sunny, Southern California
Finished SHE-Hulk. In the end, i kinda like it. I knew She-Hulk in the comic tend to be light and comedic and 4th wall breaking ala Deadpool, so I thought they at least got that in the show.

What bothered me the most was the CG, and it was often seeing She-Hulk in ugly "cheap" CG, and I read that it wasn't even the VfX team's fault. They were pushed to unrealistic deadlines. It's unfortunate, as it detracted a lot from the enjoyment.

Anyway, wasn't Marvel's strongest TV show, but probably didn't deserve all the hate from the internet. I enjoyed it more than Ms Marvel.

I agree... There are a few scenes and pieces of dialog that we didn't care for, but overall, we didn't bump against to many items within the show itself.

Overall it was good.

Haven't watched BP2 yet... will most likely wait until it hits Disney+ which I know could be a minute or two.


macrumors G3
Feb 22, 2020
Just watch Black Panther 2 last weekend.
Considering what they had to do with the script due to the unfortunate event, imo they did a good job. But it was clear that some stuff became a bit less cohesive.

I already knew that Namor would be fine despite him being the “villain” here since he’s a main character in the comics. And interesting that they made him into a mutant (I guess they can use that word now that they already bought Fox :D). Riri Williams seemed unnecessary, and imo became just another “hero” out of the blue that had no growth. Imo she should’ve at least had a prequel short Disney+ show, at least showing some character growth from zero into making her first suit or something.

The rest of the characters are good. Like Shuri, although wish there would be more emotions since she lost a lot in this movie. Probably due to the script being changed, and it was supposed to be T’Challa.

Other than that, I think overall it was great. The CG was definitely a huge improvement (remember BP1’s final battle? That was sad). And unlike recent MCU movies, the story seemed focused. I actually enjoyed this more than Doctor Strange 2 and Thor 4.

Now I cannot wait for Deadpool 3.
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macrumors Core
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Finished SHE-Hulk. In the end, i kinda like it. I knew She-Hulk in the comic tend to be light and comedic and 4th wall breaking ala Deadpool, so I thought they at least got that in the show.

What bothered me the most was the CG, and it was often seeing She-Hulk in ugly "cheap" CG, and I read that it wasn't even the VfX team's fault. They were pushed to unrealistic deadlines. It's unfortunate, as it detracted a lot from the enjoyment.

Anyway, wasn't Marvel's strongest TV show, but probably didn't deserve all the hate from the internet. I enjoyed it more than Ms Marvel.
I like this character She-Hulk and her potential, I liked most of the episodes, with caveats, too much fluff not enough meat and I really disliked the trash ending. Since we‘re so clever Disney started them with Marvel, I’ve had an issue with <30 minutes episodes, as a rule shallow and uninspiring. This really came off as Disney on the cheap. The character spent so much time talking to the audience and with that ending it became a throw away story.


Apr 23, 2010
I actually enjoyed this more than Doctor Strange 2 and Thor 4.

Now I cannot wait for Deadpool 3.

I like Dr. Strange (his snark puts Tony Stark to shame), but Dr. Strange 2 saddened me to see Wanda become evil (and mentally unbalanced over imaginary kids). I know that's sort of the thing, because of the comics, but still...

And yes, I command that they make Deadpool 3. Seriously...I do command it.
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  • Haha
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macrumors G3
Feb 22, 2020
Just finished Morbius.

In short, Joker and Dr Who became vampires, fought each other, and in the end Joker met Batman.

Honestly though, I kinda liked this movie overall. The story, although has issues, at least only had one villain. It probably could've benefitted a bit longer runtime (it was only about 1 and 1/2 hour long) though, as it felt that it's missing something in the middle. The post credit scene though, it makes no sense. It's a very clumsy, borderline haphazardly put, effort just to shoehorn it into the MCU/Spider-Man universe. The least they could've done was put some in-jokes dialogs between Batman and Joker, but nope, they didn't even think about that opportunity. Instead they had some random dialog that made zero sense.


macrumors Core
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I only watched She-Hulk coz of Daredevil and I got excited when DD shows in the hallway but got sad when She-Hulk came breaking the ceiling lol. I think it was okay nothing extra ordinary. I have been disappointed with Phase 4 except I loved Ms Marvel coz I was able to relate to it lol Hopefully Wakanda Forever is going to be good. lets see
Overall Phase4 has been a dud. At this point, I’m planning on disappointment, yet fingers crossed for Marvel and Guardians.
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macrumors newbie
Nov 15, 2022
I agree that phase 4 was not so good as 3rd. But maybe in the fifth we will see more, so who knows


macrumors 68040
Jun 29, 2011
Overall Phase4 has been a dud. At this point, I’m planning on disappointment, yet fingers crossed for Marvel and Guardians.
I loved Wakanda Forever. it was good and best movie of phase 4. although I wish there were more scenes for Black Panther in it.
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 8, 2015
land of confusion
Overall Phase4 has been a dud. At this point, I’m planning on disappointment, yet fingers crossed for Marvel and Guardians.

Really, I thought phase 4 was pretty good. Loved Shang-Chi, it's on one of the tops of my marvel list. I had issues with the rest of the films, however still enjoyed them for what they were.

Eternals - actually took me awhile thinking about it, but overall liked it and I thought the cinmetography was great, just wish someone else since would mention this giant hand and part of a head rising out of the ocean

DS:MoM - liked it from the start. Was campy at times, but really liked the storyline and see how the darkhold could push an already emotionally fragile scarlet witch over the edge. With great power comes great responsibility or this happens.

Thor:L&T - also campy, a bit short, but loved what I got from it. Developed Jane a bit more and showed why she would want the Thor mantle. Gor when on the screen was amazing. Could have used more screentime with him, but that didn't make it a crap movie. Thor had an arc of love lost to regaining a reason to love.

And the TV shows. Loved some of them, liked some others, didn't like one.

Perhaps you are feeling it's a dud because we just came off the powerhouse that was Phase 3.
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macrumors Core
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Really, I thought phase 4 was pretty good. Loved Shang-Chi, it's on one of the tops of my marvel list. I had issues with the rest of the films, however still enjoyed them for what they were.

Eternals - actually took me awhile thinking about it, but overall liked it and I thought the cinmetography was great, just wish someone else since would mention this giant hand and part of a head rising out of the ocean

DS:MoM - liked it from the start. Was campy at times, but really liked the storyline and see how the darkhold could push an already emotionally fragile scarlet witch over the edge. With great power comes great responsibility or this happens.

Thor:L&T - also campy, a bit short, but loved what I got from it. Developed Jane a bit more and showed why she would want the Thor mantle. Gor when on the screen was amazing. Could have used more screentime with him, but that didn't make it a crap movie. Thor had an arc of love lost to regaining a reason to love.

And the TV shows. Loved some of them, liked some others, didn't like one.

Perhaps you are feeling it's a dud because we just came off the powerhouse that was Phase 3.
I’m picky, however I agree Phase 3 was a powerhouse. I enjoyed all of the Infinity Stone Saga entries. For Phase 4, my list appraisel roughly correlates to Rotten Tomatoe scores with me in the minority elitists. ;)
  • Shang-Chi was decent, I’ve been meaning to watch it again. (RT score 91/98)
  • DS:MoM sucked (RT score 74/85), honestly I should watch this again, but I know I did not like what they did with Scarlet Witch. I almost embarrassed myself confusing Spideman No Way Home, with this, but it is all part of the Multiverse anything goes story telling. Story inconsistencies? Need answers? Blame it on/Ask the Multiverse! 😝
  • T:L&T SUCKED! (RT score 64/77), broke my suspension of disbelief when they trashed Thor‘s character and Jane? Came and left. Thor, Hemsworth seems to be done. My guess it will be time for a reboot. ;)
  • Black Panther- not yet seen, hopeful.
  • Marvels- Fingers crossed.
  • Guardians- Fingers crossed but I am fearful.
  • Antman- hopeful.


macrumors Core
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I thought it was a general conversation. I probably should have but too late now.
I frequently express dislike for specific movies so don’t worry about it. :)

However I might ask what about them as a whole or a genre, do you hate? And how many Marvel movies have you watched? :) X-Men (1&2), Spiderman (1&2), Guardians, Thor (until LAT), Captain Marvel, Dead Pool (first one), and Ant Man are quite good and with humorous elements. As far as Marvel series (Netflix), I point to Daredevil, Luke Cage, Daredevil, Punisher, and Jessica Jones.

IMO there has been a negative impact of Disney taking over Marvel. Netflix Marvel was gritty or grittier dark, Film Noir, which Disney has not been capable of, or wants to.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 7, 2008
Flea Bottom, King's Landing
The Netflix Marvel series would be closer to what you prefer I think.
Actually, I like the light/comical series like Deadpool as well. As long as they don't take a piss all over established canon, I'm cool with it. I didn't like X2:X-Men United because of Colussus didn't grow bigger in his transformed state; he only got shiny.😖 Colossus in Deadpool is more like the comicbook/canon Colossus--7 foot 5 inches and Slavic accent.🤩

Didn't like X-Men Origin: Wolverine on account of how they ruined Wade Wilson/Deadpool backstory. Luckily, Deadpool cleans up that mistake in Deadpool 2.
Wolverine: [Upon seeing the newly transformed Deadpool/Weapon XI] Wade, is that you?
[Wade does not respond]
Wolverine: I guess Stryker finally figured out how to shut you up
[unsheates his claws]
Wolverine: .
[Suddenly Deadpool/Weapon XI is shot in the head by someone who is then revealed to be the current, time-traveling Deadpool]
Deadpool: Hey! It's me! Don't scratch! Just tidying up the timeline.
[Deadpool shoots the old Deadpool several more times before walking away]
Deadpool: [to Wolverine] Love you.
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macrumors Core
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Guardians of the Galaxy Christmas Special- OMG. 😵‍💫 I’ll pretend I did not see that…

Mantis is Quill’s half sister?! 🤗

Actually, I like the light/comical series like Deadpool as well. As long as they don't take a piss all over established canon, I'm cool with it. I didn't like X2:X-Men United because of Colussus didn't grow bigger in his transformed state; he only got shiny.😖 Colossus in Deadpool is more like the comicbook/canon Colossus--7 foot 5 inches and Slavic accent.🤩

Didn't like X-Men Origin: Wolverine on account of how they ruined Wade Wilson/Deadpool backstory. Luckily, Deadpool cleans up that mistake in Deadpool 2.
Wolverine: [Upon seeing the newly transformed Deadpool/Weapon XI] Wade, is that you?
[Wade does not respond]
Wolverine: I guess Stryker finally figured out how to shut you up
[unsheates his claws]
Wolverine: .
[Suddenly Deadpool/Weapon XI is shot in the head by someone who is then revealed to be the current, time-traveling Deadpool]
Deadpool: Hey! It's me! Don't scratch! Just tidying up the timeline.
[Deadpool shoots the old Deadpool several more times before walking away]
Deadpool: [to Wolverine] Love you.
I was not that picky. :) Of note, I was completely ignorant of the X-Men until after I became enamored with the first 2 X-Men movies and I found a 20 years of X-Men pdf online which covered the 60s through the 80s and started reading. :)
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