I said unlock, not jailbreak.
I said unlock, not jailbreak.
You need to jailbreak to unlock, so it's kinda the same.
Hardware unlocks ('Piggybacking' sims) don't require a jailbreak IIRC.
Does anyone know if anyone has jailbroken this or used the older version of quickpwn with the new ipsw? (I have no access to a PC right now).
I am having this major issue with my phone. On the keypad screen there is no send or erase button just the numbers. anyone else having this issue?
Mine works ok
Well I don't have this problem all the time, it usually happens after I make a call from the keypad. After it screws up, and then if I just restart the phone its back to normal until I make another call from the keypad.
I have this issue too.