you are very, very out of date and making a lot of misinformed assumptions when you admit that you don't know the details.
it was revealed that techcrunch did jack **** in the development process. engadget has had a hands-on with the joojoo. not vaporware and not stolen IP
When I say I don't know the details, I meant just that I didn't know the specifics of names and dates off hand. I looked the details up, though.
"Revealed" by whom? The people being sued, I am sure. TechCrunch has not dropped the suit, nor has the case been decided, as far as I can find. It's all a big case of "he said, she said" at this point.
The device was listed for pre-order on 12/7/09 with an 8-10 week delivery time frame. It's still listed that way and no production models have shipped. Having a prototype doesn't mean it's not vapourware. This week the "CEO" announced a manufacturer, eight weeks after telling people who were preordering that they would have units in 8-10 weeks. Now saying people will have their orders late this month. We'll see, I suppose.
Again, there are still pending federal lawsuits against this company and product. There's no reason to believe that they will be around to support it in a year. Regardless of how it turns out, I wound't want to pay money for something that may end up getting shut down before the warranty even ends.
Wikipedia has a long list of resources about the ordeal.
If you have something more recent, I'd like to read it, out of curiosity, but I don't appreciate the tone of your post. It's a little bit of bad form to tell someone they are out of date and don't know details, then to just asset the opposite position without anything to support it. I was passing along information to other MR members, who I wouldn't want to see get bit by something like this - regardless of the eventually outcome, it's all very sketchy looking at this point, imo.