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Am I the only one who feels sorry for the JooJoo / Techcrunch guys?

They started an unknown company, worked for months investing an exorbitant amount of time and money into a tablet that is releasing at the exact same time as a tablet Apple have just unveiled. Did they happen to just miss all the Apple tablet rumors, or did they think this was actually a good business plan?
The JooJoo is going to be an epic fail. There is *NO* way it can compete with the iPad in the same price range. For the JooJoo to succeeded it would need to be in the $200 - $300 range, which was the original purpose of it. (To get a cheap good tablet to market)

I am happy to not have Flash, I would rather have a stable device with better battery life. All of those flash ads every website puts up does nothing but suck CPU.
Again, there are still pending federal lawsuits against this company and product. There's no reason to believe that they will be around to support it in a year. Regardless of how it turns out, I wound't want to pay money for something that may end up getting shut down before the warranty even ends.

They might ship something, but if I was a betting man, OH. .. I am

This is a poor bet, it is a product that is questionable. It might be someting fun to hack around with for a few months but one problem and you have a paper weight from a company that likely will have legal bills greater than what they will ever make on selling product.
Am I the only one who feels sorry for the JooJoo / Techcrunch guys?

If they had been able to make the Tablet that the Techcrunch publisher designed, there would be reason to feel anything other than happy. They would have been a success.

However its not the same tablet or the same people. It is two waring factions. which equals failure when you need to sell a million of these.... and all people will ever see is the legal issues and see that as a risk when you are purchasing from an unknown company.
fail /feɪl/[feyl]

A. to fall short of success or achievement in something expected, attempted, desired, or approved: See Fusion Garage and/or JooJoo.
new specs released/leaked

JooJoo hits the FCC, reveals NVIDIA Ion, 3G card

JooJoo revamps interface ahead of launch, adds local video playback -- and changes color

it might be a good product. if it eventually launches. id like to to see chrome os on it.

Yea, looks nice. I'm still in for iPad though for more support.
Am I the only one who feels sorry for the JooJoo / Techcrunch guys?

They started an unknown company, worked for months investing an exorbitant amount of time and money into a tablet that is releasing at the exact same time as a tablet Apple have just unveiled. Did they happen to just miss all the Apple tablet rumors, or did they think this was actually a good business plan?

Don't feel sorry for either. Michael Arrington (TechCrunch) got lucky he didn't invest more of his money in it considering the iPad. And JooJoo acted kinda snaky is about to get a karma-fed tsunami coming its way.

Look even if the JooJoo pad was a better device (thats if) it still has no real point of distribution other than itself. That in itself is a recipe for failure b/c there is no way you can sustain cash flow that way.
new specs released/leaked

JooJoo hits the FCC, reveals NVIDIA Ion, 3G card

JooJoo revamps interface ahead of launch, adds local video playback -- and changes color

it might be a good product. if it eventually launches. id like to to see chrome os on it.

If it can perform as well as the iPad appears to, it would be interesting. However, this was in the first link:

- our very own Joanna Stern predicts a best case of 3.5 hours with WiFi on and a video playback time of two hours.

That kind of seems like a deal breaker for me. Time will tell.
If it can perform as well as the iPad appears to, it would be interesting. However, this was in the first link:

- our very own Joanna Stern predicts a best case of 3.5 hours with WiFi on and a video playback time of two hours.

That kind of seems like a deal breaker for me. Time will tell.

3.5 hours battery is useless for a handheld. For a netbook, it's acceptable because you still have to set the thing down to use it, so plugging it in after a few hours isn't a huge issue. For something you are supposed to HOLD though, it's a deal breaker for me too.

For something like the iPad/JooJoo, there's basically two routes: a cheap web portal device (what the CrunchPad was supposed to be) or a full featured media consumption entertainment pad. The former needs to be CHEAP. The latter needs application support. The JooJoo is neither, where the iPad is very clearly the latter.

is this still happening? or

Oh my gosh, i'm so happy i can finally see the awsomeness of the JooJoo. A real iPad competitor! /end sarcasm
Meh the lack of app store and only 5hour battery life is kinda sad in comparison.

The reviews better be really good for anyone to consider this as you cant even go into a store and see one. I'm skeptical this will go anywhere.
Definitely would have preferred the wide screen form factor of the Joo Joo on the iPad

I bet Apple will do this on a update which means more money to hand over

12" is too big

10" is the sweet spot ;)

Definitely would have preferred the wide screen form factor of the Joo Joo on the iPad

I bet Apple will do this on a update which means more money to hand over

12" is too big

10" is the sweet spot ;)


You do realize that if Apple had made the iPad 16:9, it would most likely be 1024 x 576 pixels right? You'd actually be losing screen area. Sure you wouldn't have black bars on the top and bottom of your video, but then again you'd be missing a lot of screen real estate on an already small device. Plus, can you imagine how horribly weird it would look when holding in portrait orientation? You might as well forget it. The iPad is the size and shape of a book because books are a good size to hold in hand. They have been since the days of Gutenberg (and even earlier). Why change now? As a designer myself, I can see how Apple made deliberate choices on the form and function of the iPad to make it easy for anyone to hold and use. Book size is proven and usable. End of story.
Exactly, it was either make a smallerl widescreen device, or an abnormally large widescreen device. I'd much rather a device in the middle... widescreen videos will have black bars on them, but the size of the video itself will likely be the same size as they would had Apple went with a 16:9 device.

There are other apps and stuff that just wouldn't work right with a larger device like this. I can't imagine iWork on a small 16:9 device.
I'm just glad to see competition pick up. All the other tablets are smaller or have less capability. Would love to see a side by side once they are shipped.
I'm just glad to see competition pick up. All the other tablets are smaller or have less capability. Would love to see a side by side once they are shipped.

JooJoo isn't as much iPad competition as it is an alternative for nerds. For those able to comprehend that you can't judge a product by its spec sheet, the iPad is clearly a more refined product and wouldn't consider a JooJoo.
iPad Rival (Joojoo)

Now before I start I would like to point out that I ordered a 32GB Wifi iPad and am really, really pumped. At the same time when I saw the Joojoo (dumb name I know) I was interested. I heard they shipped on Friday and people were supposed to get them today. I was surprised that neither Engadget or Gizmodo posted any hands on impressions. Did they not order one to test out? Does anyone know of any sites that did a review or hands on impression? Thanks.
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