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It's one thing to have poor specs, a heavy construction and similar issues. But $499? Come on, that's stupidly overpriced!

It's not difficult to create good products. But it's a great advantage to create good products at a reasonable price point. This thing fails on both grounds.

There are plenty of reasons to look down on the Joojoo but I don't get this one...

I haven't priced netbooks recently, and maybe it is a bit overpriced for similar specs to some of the, but it has a ton of horse power compared to an iPad at the same price.

Last I heard it is running a Atom with an Ion chipset. That is is not a weak little computer. On the storage side it has a sd card slot.

If you want to go after Joojoo the easiest target would be their lack of morals in business practices.

As for the name, I kinda like it, but I will still be getting and iPad.
There are plenty of reasons to look down on the Joojoo but I don't get this one...

I haven't priced netbooks recently, and maybe it is a bit overpriced for similar specs to some of the, but it has a ton of horse power compared to an iPad at the same price.
Not really. It has a pretty awful N270 sucking down five times the power of an ARM-based processor and not delivering substantially better performance--a 500MHz Cortex A8 chip kept pace with the 1.6GHz Atom in stripped-down testing. Atom's x86 compatibility really weighs it down--Atom would best an ARM-based system on a desktop OS, but just look at all the ARM netbooks and tablets coming out. No performance hit and huge battery savings. Intel's GMA 500, widely used in netbooks, including Dell's and several Asus models, uses roughly the same video hardware as what's in the current iPod touch. I think you're seriously underestimating the ARM/PowerVR devices.

The iPad has better hardware than the above examples, and although the 9400M in the Ion has more generalized horsepower than the PowerVR chips, both are DirectX 10-class, OpenGL 3.0 compatible, hardware-accelerated HD video systems. The PowerVR, however, draws a fraction of the power while still delivering solid performance for mobile 3D.

The Ion chipset is cheap and easily packaged in a hurry into something like the JooJoo, but it's complete overkill for the device's overall capabilities. For a browser-based device like the JooJoo, the Atom/Ion combination doesn't get it anything but a fast-draining battery and a lot of excess heat. Taking a look at the quick hands-on video, the shipping JooJoo's performance is almost as dismal as the December demo. I'd take the Atom/9400M combination in an HTPC any day, but it's clearly not doing any favors for the JooJoo.
No, no.

Joojoo is an amazing product. Period.

It has a widescreen.
and Flash!!

It's healthy competition with the iPad.

Whoever complained about the iPad now has a second choice to look at, I'm happy for 'em.
No, no.

Joojoo is an amazing product. Period.

It has a widescreen.
and Flash!!

It's healthy competition with the iPad.

Whoever complained about the iPad now has a second choice to look at, I'm happy for 'em.

It's a WEB BROWSING only device.... I'm not sold of any tablets (Hint: iPad, HP Slate, etc) selling for $500 but a WEB BROWSING ONLY device selling for $500 is just insanity...
Joojoo is an amazing product. Period.
Not at the moment, it's not. It's got decent hardware if battery life isn't something you care about, and it might be the best currently available alternative for someone who doesn't want an iPad, but amazing is quite the overstatement.

Let's take a look:
It has a widescreen.
...that looks pretty washed out and with poor viewing angles in the videos posted thus far.
...but has never been demonstrated. Since the device has no local apps whatsoever, the USB port is of questionable value for anything but a keyboard or a flash drive. You might be able to save files to it, but you have to upload those files to Google Docs or something to view or edit them. You might be able to save photos on it, but you have to upload them to Flickr to view them. You might be able to put music on it, but there's no music player to listen to them.
Again, never seen and apparently lacking the ability to take photos without using a web-based application.
and Flash!!
With less-than-smooth video playback.
Whoever complained about the iPad now has a second choice to look at, I'm happy for 'em.
Agreed, and I have every hope that the JooJoo will eventually improve into something good instead of an also-ran. I have a feeling HP and some other Android tablets will get it right faster though, leaving the JooJoo behind.
This thread makes me sad. :(

I would have really liked the JooJoo to turn into a viable alternative that had different options and kept things moving forward. Unfortunately it appears to be too little too late.

They dug their own grave pushing the shipping date out like that. If it had come out before the iPad, they might have had a chance. But it's crushed now. Apple's PR machine is in full force and just the money in the secretary's petty cash drawer is enough to kill JooJoo's marketing.

To succeed in pushing back against Apple at this point, your product needs to be perfect. Great price, great hardware, great software, great support. It looks like JooJoo hasn't mastered one of those, nevermind all four.

They need to cut the price to at most $299. Focus on things the iPad can't do like Flash, USB/SD support. Have a play book for how content providers / developers can get on the device. Push their hardware advantages (I guess true widescreen, not sure what else). Stop with the scary emails and static information on the site.
Here is the main problem with the JooJoo:

This company will fold within the year. It will get crushed by the name brands. Any HOPE of survival was to make a huge splash at launch, and that needed to happen three months ago. Lauching the same week as Apple's product was suicide as the 75 to 90 preorders indicate.

How much did they spend researching, developing, and manufacturing this thing only to get at max $50,000 gross(not even net) returns the first week?
The JooJoo vs. iPad

NOT an iPad killer:

There are just so many things we wish Fusion Garage did differently with the JooJoo. Even putting aside the fact that Apple's $499 iPad brings more to the table than just web browsing, the JooJoo is less portable, has a worse (if larger) screen, is unintuitive to use, and ships with half-baked software.

Read the full review:
Yes I read it this morning, it really sounds and looks horrible. I kinda feel bad.
JooJoo sucks.. I could mod my Studio 1535 into something like a tablet and it'd be better.
Joojoo interface looks to have good intentions but it fumbles way too often. It's no where near as intuitive as the iPad interface.. which might not look as fancy as the Joojoo. The Joojoo atleast from a hardware standpoint is stronger than the HP Slate. But the Joojoo is a pig in size/weight compared to Slate/iPad.
Wow, makes me love my iPad all the more!

Shouldn't the part where using flash halves the life of the battery prove to the flash apologists that Steve Jobs was right not to include flash on the iPad?
That guy must have smoked some pretty good crack, thinking he could topple the iPad with such a lackluster device... Bad release timing too,

*sigh* oh well, that was a really expensive mistake.

Would likento watch the video but I can't because my iPad doesn't have flash lol. The lack of flash is really starting to get on my nerves that was the fifth website today that had content I wanted to see but couldn't. I really hope to see flash on the iPad sooner rather than later!

Anyways never was interested in the joojoo even when it was the curnchpad just because of the os, the device will obviously be nothing without software support and such a limited user base on a device like that spells doom from the get go because you don't attract developers unless you have an audience.

The rest of the market is playing catchup, I'm interested to see what comes of the hp slate and the android tablets in the future though. If iPad doesn't support flash by then I will very likely switch over.
Oh good lord that looks painful. Not surprising but wow, what a dud. Bring on the next iPad killer please!
JooJoo Vs iPad? lol, funny seeing that written, like it had a chance, towel should have been thrown in before it entered the arena.
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