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Same applies for the iPad. :rolleyes:
No, it doesn't. The iPad has actually been seen and held by hundreds of people. Can't say that about the JooJoo, of which one prototype went on tour to a few tech blogs in December, a week or two before the first promised ship date, and that one was far from production ready. The review units that were supposed to go out in January...didn't. The February launch date didn't happen. The March 29 delivery date didn't happen. Basic things like audio or video playback and camera functionality haven't been so much as demoed. The rendered press photos of the "new" UI have never been seen in person by anyone.

It was buggy and unresponsive to the point of comedy in the CNet video, from changing to portrait mode to touch sensitivity.

Any good faith it may have had at the prototype stage has now dissipated. If it ever ends up in anyone's hands, then it will be time to lift the vaporware name. You'd think they'd at least have one as-shipping prototype to show off this week to take some of the pressure off.
Techcrunch is now selling a do-it-yourself Crunchpad kit and has posted the instructional video already.

From the page:

We know you want an iPad, but you aren’t as excited about that $499+ price tag. With the CrunchPad Kit, you can turn any laptop screen into a device that’s just as good, for a fraction of the price.

Really? And only for $49...gotta be an April Fools joke...Yes, it is.

Called the F.U.J.J.... :) That's funny.
The JooJoo Tablet Has Arrived - Looks Like an iPad

Engadget has got their hands on the new JooJoo tablet and posted photos of the unboxing, their review will follow later on. This looks very familiar don't you think? Anyway the JooJoo tablet looks pretty much amazing! Price tag of $500. Hmm i already bought an iPad :p





What do you think? More photos by Engadget.
I finally see why Apple didnt use widescreen on the iPad, it just looks too awkward.
Weighs 2.5 pounds. Twice as heavy as the iPad
1366X768--Same as the iPad but bigger screen. This means the screens not as good

WiFi 802.11/b/g NO N.

4GB drive.

Battery : up to 5 Hrs. on WiFi. 1/2 as long as the iPad. Know why ?

It has Flash.
Weighs 2.5 pounds. Twice as heavy as the iPad
1366X768--Same as the iPad but bigger screen. This means the screens not as good

WiFi 802.11/b/g NO N.

4GB drive.

Battery : up to 5 Hrs. on WiFi. 1/2 as long as the iPad. Know why ?

It has Flash.

And has been speculated as to only selling 90 units so far.
Weighs 2.5 pounds. Twice as heavy as the iPad
1366X768--Same as the iPad but bigger screen. This means the screens not as good

No, 1366x768 is 16:9 widescreen HD. A good 720p screen often has 1280x720 pixels, 1366x768 offers more pixels.

I don't know what the screen quality is like on the JooJoo, but you can't base it off the resolution.
Engadget's video makes it look AWFUL. Super choppy scrolling, half of the time it doesn't even respond to scrolling gestures, and the onscreen keyboard is miniscule. Looks like it was rushed out to steal some of iPad's thunder, and failed miserably at doing so.

No thank you!
In watching their short video on using the Joojoo, I was surprised to see that the Joojoo wants you to use TWO fingers to scroll up and down on a page. That just strikes me as unnecessarily awkward. Overall the response time seemed ok as he was using it, but it definitely was not as silky smooth as the iPad seems to consistently be in all the videos I've seen so far.

Between that and the other known shortcomings (limited memory, web-only, heavier, etc etc) I have no regrets whatsoever that I have an iPad instead of a Joojoo arriving Saturday!

This is pure speculation but I'm going to go out on a limb here and say this thing will get super hot after an hour or so of use.

Looks like your hands or neck would get sore before that hour comes.

It looks too big to hold for a good length of time, and you wouldn't want a tablet that sits flat on a desk the whole time you use it.
Obviously the name 'iPad' has its detractors, but the horribly twee "JooJoo" sounds like something a toddler came up with.
If this came out a year ago, it might have been impressive. It seems OK for web browsing and that is all it can do. But I don't know if I would spend more then $150 on it (maybe $250 a year ago).

Ok, so they did ship something; I was seriously doubting that they would get anything out the door. I really don't see the market for it anymore.
It's sad seeing all the iPad haters out in force on Engadget defending this piece of crap. The UI looks clunky and laggy. The on-screen keyboard looks ridiculous and two finger scrolling would get annoying quick.

I had higher hopes for this device, based on the pre-production pics, but the video of it in action is really damning, IMO. That, with their sketchy roll out, makes this device dead in the water.
A device that is browser based and its main and major function is to..... uh... browse... for the same price and launch time as a device that can browse, run multimedia/games/productivity apps. Who the hell thinks JooJoo is a good idea?
It's one thing to have poor specs, a heavy construction and similar issues. But $499? Come on, that's stupidly overpriced!

It's not difficult to create good products. But it's a great advantage to create good products at a reasonable price point. This thing fails on both grounds.
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