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macrumors 603
Aug 19, 2017
Regardless of whether it’s a serious health risk or not, that others can lower it without penalty when lower is surely better to be on the safe side is still a consideration, no? If you can have lower radiation, surely you should do it?


macrumors regular
Sep 19, 2012
Regardless of whether it’s a serious health risk or not, that others can lower it without penalty when lower is surely better to be on the safe side is still a consideration, no? If you can have lower radiation, surely you should do it?

No. I want more gamma radiation.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 16, 2014
I guess my question would be why the SAR rating is so much higher than other phones. Aren't they using the same Qualcomm or Intel modems as other phones?
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macrumors regular
Sep 14, 2016
I have been using Apple hard-/software since 1987, am Apple shareholder and have used iPhone since 2009, but I simply don't understand why Apple is not doing ANY thing to really lower the SAR levels of their iPhones ... compared to SAR levels of Android competition it's really embarrassing and furthermore potentially dangerous for users!?!

Dear Apple, please focus also on this subject in the (NEAR) future, thanks!

Cheers from Denmark,

Yes. I want this lowered too.
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macrumors 68020
Mar 7, 2009
Anyone with half of their not caused by cell phone cancer riddled brain should realize and understand that the OP's post is ridiculous and filled with baseless concerns and claims.

Baseless concerns and claims that are easily refuted with anecdotal and overwhelming peer-reviewed medical evidence, which you can easily find in the link that I provided.


still concerned? use headphones.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 10, 2014
Hello ,
I hope that SAR levels are "ridiciculis" but afraid not , is the same problem with microwaves . I don´t know your knowledge about cancer , but you should know that is an acumulative risk as the sun radiation .
On the other hand the antenna is always on ,that means sendining radiation.


macrumors 68040
Jun 27, 2009
I place SAR into the same category as global warming. It's unproven pseudo science with arbitrary limits imposed by "experts" who have little practical knowledge on the effect of it.

Even the government (United States) says that exposure does not result in, nor is it linked to, cancer.
SAR has not been linked to cancer agreed, but climate change is not pseudoscience in any way.

Hello ,
I hope that SAR levels are "ridiciculis" but afraid not , is the same problem with microwaves . I don´t know your knowledge about cancer , but you should know that is an acumulative risk as the sun radiation .
On the other hand the antenna is always on ,that means sendining radiation.

Radiation is a very broad term. Microwaves are not the same thing as solar radiation (where UV is the main problem). UV radiation induces DNA base changes, which sometime go uncorrected or end up actually breaking when corrected.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 10, 2014


macrumors 68040
Jun 27, 2009
I know what spectre is , but microwave , radiofrecuency and UV are part of the "electosmog" concept.The main problem , IMO , is the lack of long term reserch .
[doublepost=1506519583][/doublepost]I think all cellphone makers must improve the antenna insulation , but all are raising SAR levels , including Samsung.
There's been plenty of research. RF haven't been proven to be carcinogenic or otherwise harmful
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 10, 2014
All right , in the next 40 years will have the real answer . I would like you are right and I´m wrong.


macrumors 68020
Apr 6, 2010
Send me your iPhone and I will remove the SARS and add it to my phone and then send your phone back with no more SARS


macrumors 603
Aug 19, 2017
Because it's a pseudoscience.
What, you think the US government whose single purpose is not to get in the way of profiteering no matter the cost to its people would have an unneccessary regulation? You only have to look at what they allow in food to realise that’s untrue...
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macrumors regular
Jul 1, 2009
While the token answer right now is "No, cellphones and low SARs levels can't cause cancer", it isn't exactly a settled subject. I'm not saying cellphones do cause cancer, but over the last 10 years or so, more and more "studies"( I put studies in quotations because if you study anything long enough you can find what you want to find) have come out suggesting there might be a link. Most of the time, the link is a slight % increase among people who are heavy users for many years. Because more and more people are drifting towards texting, FaceTime, and other forms of communication other than calling we never see a concrete link between cellphones and cancer as the way we use them are ever changing.

With that being said, if there is a link, bluetooth usage might be what exposes it. With just about every major phone manufacture now doing away with the headphone jack, we are being forced to adopted bluetooth headphone technology. While the SAR is much lower in many cases, the length of time used is, by design, much longer. Headphones are meant to be used for long hours, therefore if there is some sort of cumulative response it will be bluetooth headphones that force it rather than cellphones.


macrumors 603
Aug 19, 2017
While the token answer right now is "No, cellphones and low SARs levels can't cause cancer", it isn't exactly a settled subject. I'm not saying cellphones do cause cancer, but over the last 10 years or so, more and more "studies"( I put studies in quotations because if you study anything long enough you can find what you want to find) have come out suggesting there might be a link. Most of the time, the link is a slight % increase among people who are heavy users for many years. Because more and more people are drifting towards texting, FaceTime, and other forms of communication other than calling we never see a concrete link between cellphones and cancer as the way we use them are ever changing.

With that being said, if there is a link, bluetooth usage might be what exposes it. With just about every major phone manufacture now doing away with the headphone jack, we are being forced to adopted bluetooth headphone technology. While the SAR is much lower in many cases, the length of time used is, by design, much longer. Headphones are meant to be used for long hours, therefore if there is some sort of cumulative response it will be bluetooth headphones that force it rather than cellphones.
There’s also the fact to consider that carrying a mobile phone in your pocket has been linked directly to low sperm quality in men...

now i see it

macrumors G4
Jan 2, 2002
RF Safe is in the business of selling RF shields for phones. They can't be relied on as a source of accurate information whether RF radiation from a phone is harmful or not.
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macrumors G3
May 31, 2007
Florida, USA
Cellphones produce non-ionizing radiation. Only ionizing radiation is harmful.

That said I want my phone to put out as much signal as possible so the tower can receive it better! So I consider high SAR levels to be a feature.
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