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how can your ipad mini 2 can run smoothly, when my full reset iPad Air 2 with 9.3 and with 6 apps installed (clash of clans, youtube, quora, twitch, db navigator, maps) and stock settings doesnt?

why did apple made the UI so terribly bad? why didnt they just stuck to the UI of iOS 6..
my full reset iPad Air 2 with 9.3 and with 6 apps installed (clash of clans, youtube, quora, twitch, db navigator, maps) and stock settings doesnt?

Because user error..?? The iPad Air in my living room has 50+ apps installed, smooth as silk.

Honest, my mom and I both use an iPhone 6s.
Whenever I pick up hers to update apps etc, her phone is noticeably slower.
Same goes to co-workers, mine always out-perform theirs.

It's just how you use/optimise your device, I guess.
how can your ipad mini 2 can run smoothly, when my full reset iPad Air 2 with 9.3 and with 6 apps installed (clash of clans, youtube, quora, twitch, db navigator, maps) and stock settings doesnt?

why did apple made the UI so terribly bad? why didnt they just stuck to the UI of iOS 6..
Because many people were getting tired of the old UI and Apple needed to do something new?
My iPad mini 2 runs smoothly, not fast, but smoothly. User error.

Wow! So please tell me what I'm doing wrong?

No user error. Animations just stutter. They have all through every version of iOS 9, and it crept in under iOS 8. Every iPad Mini 2 I've used as a result of setting up many for clients is the same. Some people just don't notice stutter.
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No user error. Animations just stutter. They have all through iOS 8.

Get to a demo machine at an Apple Store, play with it, do animations stutter on those devices??

I tend to notice lag and stutter and it does happen. Eg 3D game is loading, Game Center log in bar stutters massively, but that's understandable and expected on the mini. The device is using all its gpu/memory to load the game asap.

If you're setting up a device, I find it reasonable for lag/stuttering to occur if you're batch installing apps and flipping around the os.

My workplace has 9 in-house apps, what I do is install the profile, hit install and sleep the device. Pick it up 3 mins later, installs are completed and performance is back to normal.

On normal use though, checking emails, installing apps, browsing web etc, aninations run very smoothly.
Get to a demo machine at an Apple Store, play with it, do animations stutter on those devices??

I tend to notice lag and stutter and it does happens. Eg 3D game is loading, Game Center log in bar stutters massively, but that's understandable and expected on the mini. The device is using all its gpu/memory to load the game asap.

If your setting up a device, I find it reasonable for lag/stuttering to occur if you're batch installing apps and flipping around the os.

On normal use though, checking emails, installing apps, browsing web etc, aninations run very smoothly.

Yep they do. Not everyone notices it though. Both the Air and Mini 2 in store stutter on animations. In normal use I get consistent (but random) stutter in the animation. I've done numerous fresh installs, started from starch, turned everything off that could possibly slow it down etc. Maybe I'm just prone to noticing, but I think metal is fundamentally flawed on iOS devices (particularly the iPads), because it is quite good on Macs.
It's just how you use/optimise your device, I guess.

nah, I dont think so. how should I suppose to use a full-reset ipad air 2 that it doesnt stutter? should I just dont open any app, so I dont see the laggy "app opening" animation?

I think apple just failed at the UI. I just read this and watched this video

I tend to notice lag and stutter and it does happen. Eg 3D game is loading, Game Center log in bar stutters massively, but that's understandable and expected on the mini. The device is using all its gpu/memory to load the game asap.

why should it be expected to be laggy? every lag destroys the user experience massively. why dont just make the animations smooth and let the game take 200ms longer to load.. where is even the point of having a laggy animation? I would rather have no animation. animation are made to overcome the loading time and make it a better user experience, laggy animations are awful to watch and destroy the user experience.
Yep they do. Not everyone notices it though. Both the Air and Mini 2 in store stutter on animations.

Question: If you weren't happy with the demo unit, why purchase one and expect it to be different?

I don't see stutter or even if there is, find it perfectly acceptable. There used to be a time where I wish my devices were faster. When my fingers were faster than the device response. Since iPhone 5s/A7 though, I never had that complaint.
I think apple just failed at the UI. I just read this

How about don't be stupid and wait 0.5 seconds before your first swipe. If you know your front door doesn't open inwards, adapt. Don't pull it every day and get annoyed by it.

why should it be expected to be laggy? every lag destroys the user experience massively.

Believe it or not, it's called technology. Not magic. GTA V lags like hell, does it mean it's unplayable? Far from it.
I don't see stutter or even if there is, find it perfectly acceptable. There used to be a time where I wish my devices were faster. When my fingers were faster than the device response. Since iPhone 5s/A7 though, I never had that complaint.

but iOS 7 slowed down the iphone, so how is it possible that you never had the complaint that your fingers were faster than the device responding since you have an iPhone 5s, while the iPhone 5s had iOS 7? that doenst make any sense. I can just speak for myself, but my fingers are a lot faster than the animations in iOS 9, but I cant do anything while the animations are going on iOS 7 and later versions, while I could do someting while the animations are going on iOS 6 and previous versions.
but iOS 7 slowed down the iphone, so how is it possible that you never had the complaint

Reduce motion.

If your fingers are faster than response on iOS 9 on A8, you need to build your own phone to meet your silly expectations.
Question: If you weren't happy with the demo unit, why purchase one and expect it to be different?

I don't see stutter or even if there is, find it perfectly acceptable. There used to be a time where I wish my devices were faster. When my fingers were faster than the device response. Since iPhone 5s/A7 though, I never had that complaint.

Because when I purchased it, coming from an iPad 2 with iOS 8, I didn't feel there was going to be a performance degradation, given the A7 and included graphics are supposedly amazing. My use of many demo units has been subsequent to purchase, and I needed the iPad for a specific purpose (my work).

I don't think any stutter should be noticeable on A7 devices, given iOS 9 is only the second update and systems animations are not that intensive. Add to that iOS 9 was meant to improve things with metal.

I purchase iOS devices in part because I couldn't stand that Android tablets lack fluidity, so for things to start approaching the stutter and lack of fluidity that Android used to have is fairly unacceptable to me. However I am deeply rooted in Apple for numerous reasons, including work, and theres no point switching to an Android tablet as I know they still stutter. Its just disappointing that Metal has made things worse.
Because when I purchased it, coming from an iPad 2 with iOS 8, I didn't feel there was going to be a performance degradation, given the A7 and included graphics are supposedly amazing. My use of many demo units has been subsequent to purchase, and I needed the iPad for a specific purpose (my work).

I don't think any stutter should be noticeable on A7 devices, given iOS 9 is only the second update and systems animations are not that intensive. Add to that iOS 9 was meant to improve things with metal.

I purchase iOS devices in part because I couldn't stand that Android tablets lack fluidity, so for things to start approaching the stutter and lack of fluidity that Android used to have is fairly unacceptable to me. However I am deeply rooted in Apple for numerous reasons, including work, and theres no point switching to an Android tablet as I know they still stutter. Its just disappointing that Metal has made things worse.

Yeah. Metal definitely changed things for the worse. Too bad. I used to like how fluid Apple's stuff was. Now it's a glitchy mess because of metal.
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Yeah. Metal definitely changed things for the worse. Too bad. I used to like how fluid Apple's stuff was. Now it's a glitchy mess because of metal.

Maybe metal will get better? However given that iOS 10 will be the third update for A7 devices, any improvements in metal will probably be offset by other things that drag performance down.
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Reduce motion.

If your fingers are faster than response on iOS 9 on A8, you need to build your own phone to meet your silly expectations.

reducing motion don't speed up the animations at all.

how can my expectations be silly, when my expectation were filled with iOS 6?

but b2tp:
is there even an offcial source that iOS 9 uses metal for rendering animations? I have the feeling that apple just doesnt optimize iOS anymore at all (or just a little bit). They obviously could, because the spotlight lag for example disappeared with iOS 9.3 But i guess apple just thinks like: more features (which are in beta stade) = more $$ , optimizing and less new features = less $$.
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