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I noticed the iPad turned off right away when the microwaving started. So I guess the lesson here is not to leave your iPad in the microwave?
Wirelessly posted (iPhone: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

The one and only ipad to have flash. Followed by crackle.
Even cavemen were smart enough not to destroy stone tools somebody put a lot of effort into for fun. This type of stunt is embarrassing for western civilization.

I imagine he's hoping to get media attention and/or that some crazed iPad fanatics will bid it way up just because it's a unique iPad auction. I wouldn't be shocked if he's right.

Wonder if he got a gubmint artz subcity fer dat ba-u-ty.
Sounds like another Dilettante Artist, living off a trustfund never having to lift a finger to earn a dime.
Since when is defacing someone elses work art? I'm sure Steve Jobs and his team consider the iPad art.

Also this is just ridiculous. People have lost their minds. A microwaved iPad? Really? I hope the idiot gets the current $100 something bid and loses money. It'd be better if no one had bid on it at all.
You destroyed $500 items "for fun" when you were a kid? You must have had fantastic parenting. :rolleyes:

If I would have been fortunate to have $500 toys, yes. I was lucky enough to have a 10 speed bike that was spray painted to look new for Christmas.

I do find it funny to see people in this thread get upset at someone microwaving an iPad. I think it's funny.
Wirelessly posted (iPhone: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

Destroying expensive things for kicks or some kind of statement is nothing new. What is new is the frequency with which it occurs and the increasing jaded blasé reactions these actions elicit.

Kids today are more self centered, self important and delusionally entitled than ever. And they're broadcasting it around the world, egged on by millions.
Stupid thing is hazerdous to people after the batteries exploded. I felt included to report the listing for that reason.
This doesn't bother me because he wasted his money or his parents' money. It bothers me because stunts like this reduce the value of the world. Obviously one iPad is a drop in the bucket, but it's the philosophy behind it. Raffle it off for charity or give it away to somebody who can use it. Microwaving it is psychotic.
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