My photo has been shortlisted in the Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2012 competition held by the Royal Observatory Greenwich, therefore I decided to spend a little more PP time on it.
I've re-processed the image by individually removing the plane streaks from the 23 frames and re-stacking with those frames back in.
Got rid of almost all the gaps in the star trails.
The 1 remaining gap.....I went to the camera to check the camera setting's thinking I left the ISO at 200 not 800, hence that gap, darn mosquitoes caused me to doubt the settings upon starting the process.
I've re-processed the image by individually removing the plane streaks from the 23 frames and re-stacking with those frames back in.
Got rid of almost all the gaps in the star trails.
The 1 remaining gap.....I went to the camera to check the camera setting's thinking I left the ISO at 200 not 800, hence that gap, darn mosquitoes caused me to doubt the settings upon starting the process.
