I just finished my "barn-door" tracking mount for my DSLR and last night I did a few test shots (horrible conditions, fog, high clouds, and lots of light pollution).
Here is a shot of Jupiter taken with a 24mm wide-angle lens that was hand guided for just over 3 minutues using the barn-door tracker. It shows some fairly spectacular diffraction effects from the long exposure on Jupiter but it also captured Jupiter's moon Callisto (star-like object between the diffraction spikes to the upper right from Jupiter). This photo recorded stars down to about the 10th magnitude, it was shot at ISO100 and f/8 using my 24mm Nikon Ai lens on a Nikon D5100 DSLR.

Jupiter and Callisto on Flickr there are additional notes on this picture.
Here is a shot of Jupiter taken with a 24mm wide-angle lens that was hand guided for just over 3 minutues using the barn-door tracker. It shows some fairly spectacular diffraction effects from the long exposure on Jupiter but it also captured Jupiter's moon Callisto (star-like object between the diffraction spikes to the upper right from Jupiter). This photo recorded stars down to about the 10th magnitude, it was shot at ISO100 and f/8 using my 24mm Nikon Ai lens on a Nikon D5100 DSLR.

Jupiter and Callisto on Flickr there are additional notes on this picture.