Interesting points.
Can those apps, rate a given photo, i.e., 5 stars, or 3 stars? Can they also easily keyword a given photo? The DAM features of LightRoom are such that I'm having trouble finding a replacement.
I use smart collections quite a bit, and rely on ratings and keywords. I also in the past used a color label as well, and then filtered the collection based on what ever I was trying to accomplish.
When I looked at Capture 1, I was very impressed with its RAW rendering and editing capabilities, but its keywording is rudimentary, and lack of smart collections or other similar type tools limited its appeal to me.
If by "those apps" you mean browsers, sure. Many don't do hierarchical keywords though. Photo Mechanic can, and is far better than Lr for extensive entry of keywords, locations, and other metadata. WAY better, but more for entry than finding and organizing; most use it with Lr. Graphic Converter can do keywords and labels, and ratings, and even some more sophisticated metadata operations than Lr. If you are comfortable with Terminal, exiftool can do even more (and there are plugins that let you use within Lr). FastRawViewer is also great for ratings, picking and so on. Mylio too, although again no hierarchical keywords.
One key thing to understand is that in the area of flags/picks, labels, and ratings there aren't the same standards as for other metadata. As those of us who migrated from Aperture discovered. Easy enough (and sometimes preferable) to use keywords for the same info.
Also, collections, albums and other virtual containers aren't as often replicated in the browsers. Mylio and Bridge can do them, not Graphic Converter. GC works pretty much just with the filesystem, although its filtering and batching is fast and accurate. And you lose stuff that is often overlooked, esp publishing, printing and so on. But the browsers are often worth having for certain tasks where it's just easier to accomplish something than in Lr. Like Mylio's synching, or GC's dexterity with file conversions and metadata changes.