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Doesn’t sound like you need the 2018 iPad 12.9 after listing those reasons...

I went from IPad Air 2 to it, so was a little easier to justify. Loving it so far.
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I have a first gen 12.9" and it was an easy pass for me. For a 2nd Gen I wouldn't even consider it until it gets more mac/pc like. Unless you have money to burn then why not? Practically though it's a tablet. It's hard justifying $700 after selling your 2nd gen for another iOS tablet. Don't get me wrong I absolutely LOVE the iPad it just needs to be more mac like to justify the upgrade.
I agree I have the 10.5 inch pro and I use it primarily for consumption. Whilst the new models are amazing, they aren’t going to help me watch videos or browse the web any better. So spending £700 plus for the new pro plus new pencil , keyboard case and Apple care just seems pointless.
No need to upgrade every time a new model comes out really. At that point it’s because you can and you want to. If this year’s model doesn’t tempt you enough then just wait for the next model to see if that tempts you. Personally, I’m a sucker for redesigns so I went for it (upgraded from 10.5) but functionality-wise nothing changed for me. What I do on my new iPad Pro can be done on my old iPad Pro just as well. Heck, I can grab a low-end iPad model that supports the Pencil and get a BT Keyboard and can do the same thing.
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I returned mine due to a defective screen (using the pen caused LCD pressure ripples). I’m not buying a replacement and will be sticking with my 10.5 which, I’ve got to say is fantastic.

My reasons were:
1. In the six days I had the iPad I needed to enter my passcode more times then in the previous month on the 10.5. The issues with facetime on the iPad stack up - Covering the sensors with your hand, difficulty knowing the proper orientation when looking up or down & the sensors/cameras should be in landscape.
2. It felt no faster than the 10.5, and the RAM’s the same.
3. With the smart folio on it seemed heavier than the 10.5 with smart cover.
4. Loss of optical image stabilisation in the rear camera had a noticeable affect on low light photos.

I loved the changes to the Apple pencil, but in the end, and in light of the issues with the screen, I just couldn’t justify the cost.
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You’ve obviously made up your mind on this and good for you - stick with it.

I have the 10.5, should have bought the 12.9 last year instead, and spent the whole year regretting it and waiting for the new incarnation to come. The timing of this release messed me up. I had the money saved and ready to go, but suddenly had to spend it to fund an unsuccessful move back to my home country (really desperately want to go back to my old life) and then they released it the week after I moved. Now I’m poorer than ever and can’t really justify spending the money as I have some savings but no income and don’t know where I’ll be living in the next couple of months.

I would love to get the new iPad - it’s nice but not amazing and the next one will be even better. Now I’m thinking I’ll just have to hang on an extra year (or 2). I would have liked it for drawing but you can draw just as well on the 10.5, apart from the zooming in required.

I can see more of a justification for someone going from say a 9.7 to the 11 or a 10.5 to 12.9, but not so much from 10.5 to 11 or 12.9 to 12.9 (although if you’ve got the money and it makes you happy, go, go, go).
I have a 12.9" 2nd gen iPad Pro as well and I could not convince myself to upgrade either. Now, the new iPP is a gorgeous device but aside from the form factor I don't consider it much of an update. Like OP I have no need for more performance and while I love FaceID on my iPhone, I am not sure how well it works on the iPad as I tend to open it with TouchID when it's just lying on my couch just so I can skip a Netflix show intro. I doubt the FaceID would work as well in that situation but it's something you can adapt to.

I am not sold on the new Pencil either. When trying the iPP in store the Pencil very easily came unattached so to me it didn't seem like something you can store with the device all the time, you'll probably end up dropping it constantly or removing it before you start using the iPad.

For me the big kickers are the inconvenience of not being able to use my previous accessories. Can't use the Smart Cover, can't use the Apple Pencil, can't use the same charger for my iPad and iPhone XS without changing cables. Apple should really offer discounts for people who buy their stuff only to be told a few years later that none of that will work with the new model. I got the Pencil expecting that more of their devices will eventually support it, not to have the first gen model discontinued so quickly.

Also like always I fully expect a new design Apple device to have a fair number of issues that will be solved by the next iteration.
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I have a 2nd generation 12.9 Pro 256GB and never come anywhere close to using all the storage. Like you I am thoroughly satisfied and found no reason to buy the 2018 model. Then my daughter who is working here way through college just happen to mention that she does not have an iPad and it would be useful to her if she did. So I gifted her my 2nd generation, which is in perfect condition, and purchased the new model. So if you have a worthy family member who needs in iPad, that is the perfect excuse to buy new model.
I hate these ridiculous posts... why do you need convincing, use your own brain.

What next? Convince me what to have for lunch? Convince me what clothes to wear today?
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I hate these ridiculous posts... why do you need convincing, use your own brain.

What next? Convince me what to have for lunch? Convince me what clothes to wear today?

It’s the nature of a tech forum, people seek advice, maybe because they A.) They truly want feedback from the those who have been in similar situations, B.) They have no one else to ask and want strangers opinions, C) They simply cannot make a decision for themself.

Either way, hundreds of threads like this exist throughout this forum. If it was me, I would hold off, unless the OP can justify the need/want for the Apple Pencil 2 and of course Face ID implementation.
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Why do you need convincing? You just listed excellent reasons why you shouldn't buy the new one. I can tell you from my experience, it would be a waste of money and time.

I also had the 2nd Gen 12.9" Pro, but decided to purchase the new one. My main reason was (what I thought) was better portability and performance.
  • I can tell you there is ZERO difference in performance between the 2nd Gen and new models.
  • I use the smart keyboard so the folio was a must for me. Its big and heavy and for me ruined the entire reason I wanted the newer one in the first place. It makes the new model heavier than last years model which is completely baffling to me as to why Apple did this.
  • Pencil performs the exact same. Again, in 3 years Apple can't improve performance? Is the pencil as good as it will ever be?
  • Screen is no better (liquid retina is Apple marketing at its finest).
Save your money and wait for (maybe) next year and see if Apple gives a more compelling reason to upgrade. That's my take anyway.
I currently have a 2017 2nd gen. 12.9" iPad Pro (256GB, cellular) and I REALLY REALLY want to upgrade to the new 2018 iPad but haven't found a way to convince myself.

For me the bottom line is that for my ($1299-$500 min. sell for current) $799 purchase I am getting an iPad that is an inch shorter, a hair lighter, and with a faster processor. The faster processor is a non-factor - iPad never lacks for speed so really I can't justify $800 for an inch shorter iPad.

-The screen is basically the same (same resolution, same pro-motion, same 600 nits brightness).
-Face ID offers no more functionality than Touch ID
-USB-C over Lightning offer no new functionality (I already have the lightning USB dongle, and the lightning HDMI adapter)
-Any decrease in thickness is offset by the fact that smart folio cover now covers the back and is the same thickness overall as current iPad + smart cover
-I have the Apple Pencil and never use it so that's not a factor for me

I thought that I could spring for the 1TB model as a way to get 2GB more RAM but for $600 it's not worth it even with the added storage (that I don't really need).

I like many others are really waiting for a filesystem, revamped home screen, and pointer support to unleash the power of this machine. For now Jump desktop remote to my MacBook + bluetooth keyboard + Citrix mouse is working quite well when I need a "real computer" to do something.

Am I missing anything that would justify the purchase? ? ?

If you need people to convince you to buy something, you probably shouldn’t buy it. You obviously don’t need it, and probably don’t really even want it or else you wouldn’t need any convincing.
Most of your concerns seem to be just the physical changes of the iPad. It's a shiny new Apple toy, of course, will get carried away with wanting the latest and greatest. But you just need to ask if the new one is going to drastically change or do something you can't do on your current iPad, which is most likely no. So keep your money for now and upgrade when you really need to.
In response to the thread title, it’s not my job to convince you of what to buy or not buy. There are many variables including personal finances, the unit itself, the holidays, etc. Only you know yourself and what you should or shouldn’t buy. For me, I have a tech. line item in my budget at work. If I don’t use it, I lose it. I’m enjoying my new 11” iPad Pro, you do the same with whichever choice you make.
I agree with op

USB-c benefits meh
Faceid on a tablet meh

Price definitely meh
Reinvesting in a new pencil (I like mine with a wood texture slickwrap) and keyboard definitely meh

Screen the same tech meh

...Not as tempting an upgrade to me as others

My 12.9 2017 is still a beast especially jail broken

iPad has always been a guilty pleasure purchase of mine @ 699 (got $100 off a couple months after launch) . At $999 I have to start re evaluating my consumer life decisions
I agree I have the 10.5 inch pro and I use it primarily for consumption. Whilst the new models are amazing, they aren’t going to help me watch videos or browse the web any better. So spending £700 plus for the new pro plus new pencil , keyboard case and Apple care just seems pointless.
That is what i felt after using two old iPads a 2&4 for about the same thing you use yours for, so i just went with the 2017 iPadPro and it has worked great.
Now later if the price on the 2018 11 inch iPadPro drops, i have plans on putting one in another room.
Everybody has their reasons, but I just don't get the "let me list out all of the reasons I don't why to buy it" posts.

I do tend to agree, if you've gone to the trouble of listing reasons you don't want/need to upgrade, well your decision is essentially already made. If you're genuinely interested and on the fence about an upgrade and want advice, well I guess that's different.

I'm inclined to say, particularly if you have a 2017 model, the new iPad Pro is by no means a necessary upgrade.
Dont get me wrong, I love it, after all I bought one but I had a legitimate reason for upgrading that really doesn't apply to most people. I have as of yet to recommend anyone upgrade to the 2018 iPad Pro, as much as I love it.
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For me after using Face ID for a year I hated having to deal with Touch ID on my gen 2 iPP. So I actually sold it a few months ago in anticipation of the new one being announced because I knew I wanted one with Face ID. I didn’t lose any money since I had bought it used and sold it for basically the same as I paid for it though so it certainly makes my situation a little different.

Ultimately only you can decide something like this and not everyone needs to upgrade to the latest and greatest it is perfectly fine to just stick with what works. I will say though going from the 12.9” to the 11” has a been a huge improvement for me because I tend to use it a lot more than I did my 12.9 especially while on the go.
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I do tend to agree, if you've gone to the trouble of listing reasons you don't want/need to upgrade, well your decision is essentially already made. If you're genuinely interested and on the fence about an upgrade and want advice, well I guess that's different.

I'm inclined to say, particularly if you have a 2017 model, the new iPad Pro is by no means a necessary upgrade.
Dont get me wrong, I love it, after all I bought one but I had a legitimate reason for upgrading that really doesn't apply to most people. I have as of yet to recommend anyone upgrade to the 2018 iPad Pro, as much as I love it.

Exactly, you just told us your decision. I would agree with that, I wouldn't deem it necessary. I really like the new design/form factor of the 11 inch, so that was probably my biggest reason.
Everybody has their reasons, but I just don't get the "let me list out all of the reasons I don't why to buy it" posts.

Cos it's the Internet, where people try to find validation for their decisions.

Not that it is bad all the time since there may be someone out there who just needs a sanity check rather than trying to be houlier than thou for not buying, but I do get your frustration too due to the unusually high amount of such threads

Maybe a megathread will be better?
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