Again if it’s warping in normal light under normal angles I agree. But... every picture I’ve seen is holding an iPad at a specific angle and looking at the back of it. I mean who uses it that way? In fact, after I unboxed mine I put it in a folio and have never once looked at the back.
You are unlikely to see any type of warping that is shallow under normal light or angle, if they’re unable to produce a shadow and illuminate the bulges. These are gradual bumps.
Not everyone is you, keep that in mind, and not everyone ignores defects. It’s a flaw, it’s defective, how hard is it to comprehend that it’s not supposed to be this way? It should be a flat aluminum case, it should not have ripples on them. This wasn’t the standard before. My old iPad Pro and MacBook Pro do not have this.
Most of my devices seem to be perfect to me, yet on the other hand I don't inspect them with bright lights or go over them with a magnifying glass. I have owned every iPhone model ever made, multiple Apple products including Apple tv's, Airport extremes, time capsules, base stations, monitors, desktops, laptops, etc. Most recently my arsenal has included two 4th Gen Apple TV's no issues, two 2015 MacBook Airs no issues, One 2015 MBP no issues, two Mac Mini's no issues, 4th Gen Apple Watch no issues, an iPhone XS no issues, an iPhone 7 Plus no issues, and a 4th gen iPod no issues.
I have never inspected them in bright lights, looked for imperfections, or flaws but I am sure they may have some. The iPhone XS I just bought has a warm tone to the screen that some would say is a yellow screen, is defective, and I should return it. Looks fine to me, but other more picky people may call it defective, and return their phones multiple times until they find what they think is the the perfect phone. I read a thread about the new Apple Watch and how some feel the screen brightness bleeds on the edges, and have replaced them multiple times. If I took my Apple Watch into a dark room, turned up the brightness all the way, and looked at it at just the right angle I may be able to duplicate their issue on my watch. But my question is why? It works perfectly, and under most conditions is perfect (Unless you go looking for issues). If you consider me settling for less, than who am I to judge.
I guess you could say one man's treasure are another man's junk. I say Apple products have been pretty good to me. The MacBook Air I last purchased had a small smudge in the finish right out of the box. I found no reason to return it. Works great, has been a faithful computer and continues to perform as expected and without issue. To me I call that perfection.
For the price you pay, it’s appalling that you do not inspect your devices. You don't need bright lights or a magnifying glass to spot any imperfections, just use your brain and common sense.
Anyway, how about you don’t contradict yourself. You just said nothing is perfect, and such a thing does not exist. Despite saying all that, you go on to say that you find your devices *seemingly* perfect, stating that *most* of your devices have no issue. Yet you contradict yourself even further and say that you are sure they might have some flaws, but you just don’t have the sense to inspect your own expensive products for defects (cuz you don’t care).
In fact, you just gave me examples of potential defects on your devices. Therefore they’re not perfect. If what you state is true and you have them, then: Uneven brightness on the Apple Watch is a defect, having an iPhone with an unusually warm display compared to others is a poorly calibrated flawed display, and unremovable blemishes on the Mac is an imperfection, but you just don’t care, you choose not to look for them, and you choose not to do anything about it, it is simply carelessness. If you honestly think that uneven brightness on the Apple Watch is normal and not a defect, then you’re hopeless.
And just because you’re careless, does not mean we all are. We spend a lot of money on our Apple products, it’s understandable and fair to look for any defects. Do not try to shame others for understanding the value of their purchased goods. You cannot try to argue any of that without sounding like a fool who has no sense in their expenses. And I don’t need you to explain why you accepted these flawed units. Oh well, too late. I learned you only perceive things as ‘issues’ if they don’t function, it’s obviously more than just that, it’s not all black and white.
If you really want to know
why, then the answer is simple,
no one wants defects, regardless of what they are. It should not require me to repeat this multiple times. Do you know what defects are? Clearly, they are not meant to be, it is not normal. And for that reason it should not exist. iPad Pros with warped and bent aluminum cases; displays with backlight bleeding, white spots, and spotlighting; aluminum or plastic scuffing, blemishes, and dents; broken USB-C port; scratched screens; dead pixels; crackling speakers; and battery drain are all defects, they aren’t normal, they are not standard, and should not be acceptable. But hey, as long as iOS still works, I’m sure you’ll still keep it.
And I think it’s a given~that if you go looking for issues, and you find these issues, then they
indeed have issues. The point of an inspection is to look for problems and defects. I’ve seen many statements similar to yours, and that mindset is idiotic, like go-figure!! Thank you for pointing out the obvious. Who cares if people are being picky and returning their units, why is this even something you need to bring up anyway? Do people caring about their units that they’ve purchased offend you so much? Let these people be, at least they have some care in the world.
Apple products have been good to you as they have for me, except you distinctly don’t know better. You can not comprehend defects, you do not care about defects, and you do not understand how the amount of money you are spending affects your perspective on the product you are purchasing. You clearly fit the words I’ve been using in this thread: Careless, ignorant, and naive. And that’s what I consider you as. I would rather have a product that—works great and is built great—for the amount I’m paying for. Other than that it’s pathetic and a joke if you think
defects are perfection.