So basically no one needs one.
Just like no one needs a Porsche.
So basically no one needs one.
Home screen:
Utterly, utterly pointless. It works on the iPod touch/iPhone, and doesn't work on the iPad. What a complete waste of space! It just looks so wrong to see all these hugely spaced icons! And why can we have 6 icons in the dock and only 4 on the other rows in portrait mode?
I posted some quick thoughts from yesterday
wow nice write up man!! thats really sick
you mispelt "feel", you used "fell".![]()
Wrote the whole thing on an iPad so pardon any typos![]()
very impressive! im waiting for prices and the ipad itself to be released in australia so i can buy the bloody thing!
how will it go as a basic computer replacement? emails/itunes/safari/word processing/pdf reading?
if only it could multitask..
I haven't and don't plan to use iWorks on my iPad... from demos and other reviews, it looks wonderful but mainly, I am using mine for eBook reader, video, and web surfing device.
Safari is great and new software elements really help your workflow on applications. For example, there is no need to go through 3 pages of full screen to get to your bookmark page... the drop down toolbar really helps![]()
great to know!! thank you
im looking at taking lecture notes at uni if possible, donno if its going to be possible. it will still be used as the general usage too though. will watch a fair deal of movies on it
Taking lecture with iPad might be slow without the keyboard dock... but if you start carrying that bulky keyboard dock, why not just get a netbook![]()
im a fast typer as is, i can type roughly 80wpm accurately - im hoping that i can mirror that on the ipad's on screen keyboard
or isnt that possible?
I am a fast typer myself and iPad keyboard is great but the problem starts when you make a typo... Last night, when I typed up that little review, I hate it when I make a typo and did not realize it until the next couple words... Have to go back, "magnify" and edit the word is pretty annoying![]()
i understand. it would be quite hard to touch type too i imagine? no tactile feedback! :ekk: ill have to give it a test run.
On landscape, it's really good![]()
No, absolutely not. Nobody needs one. At all. It's a gorgeous, flawed, piece of industrial - yet sci-fi - artwork. Images look stunning on it. Surfing the web is a lot of fun (yes, yes, Flash blah blah), e-mail is a cinch, downloading apps a breeze...., but at the same time you do wonder what the point is...
Just for reading, the Kindle wins hands down. Lighter, simpler, easier on the eyes. Despite the wow factor of the iPad, both my wife and I found ourselves reading in bed on our Kindles last night. You can't beat e-ink, currently.