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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 7, 2011

I recently bought my first Mac Pro. I guess i should point out that i am pretty much a Mac noob. This machine was built based on friends suggestions and this very useful forum. The specs are:

- 2 2.93Ghz 6 core Intel Xeon Westmere (12 cores)
- 12 GB DDR3 ECC SDRAM memory
- 2 512 GB SSD and a 2 TB 7200 rpm Serial ATA 3GB/s Hard drive
- 2 ATI Radeon HD 5770
- 2 18 x optical drives (wanting a blu ray drive soon)
- 3 ACD 27 inch displays
- 2 TB Time machine

The machine is super-quick!

Just wondering what you guys think about the setup i.e. anything missed? anything anyone else would add differently? Pretty big investment so i want to try and keep this machine for a little while.

I think the only thing slowing this machine down is the damn internet speeds in Australia... the current internet speed is at 8mps.

Anyhow would really appreciate comments on any potential additions. I will take pics and post soon as well.
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I've got to admit your post is a little suspicious. How about you immediately post the boot ROM # to see if you actually have a MP. :eek:

cheers and congrats if you actually bought this MP
Just out of curiosity, what requires such a powerful machine? Please tell me it is something like massive video editing or something like that because if it is just for regular everyday use that would be massive overkill.
I've got to admit your post is a little suspicious. How about you immediately post the boot ROM # to see if you actually have a MP. :eek:

cheers and congrats if you actually bought this MP

I knew id get at least one of these messages.....
Ive attached a grab from my 'about this Mac'. Let me know if thats good enough evidence or if you want more :)

Sorry here are the attachments...


  • 12 Core.jpg
    12 Core.jpg
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  • 12 core 2.jpg
    12 core 2.jpg
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can't put two 5870s in an Mac Pro...I think you mean 5770.

unless you're doing heavy video or 3D work, or running some scientific application, that's a whole lot of wasted power.
Just out of curiosity, what requires such a powerful machine? Please tell me it is something like massive video editing or something like that because if it is just for regular everyday use that would be massive overkill.

Its for playing Pac Man :D

I do alot of Movie editing, auto-cad design, software debugging - major systems running simultaneous, parallel running of windows and mac... to name a few. The extra juice is very much appreciated.

can't put two 5870s in an Mac Pro...I think you mean 5770.

unless you're doing heavy video or 3D work, or running some scientific application, that's a whole lot of wasted power.

I stand corrected...
I do alot of automotive engineering design and simulations.

Thanks though - im starting to think if ive spent someone elses money other than my own.
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No one really needs a computer that powerful, and three ACDs?! that's ridiculous. Either you're lying or wasting thousands. Just my $.02.
No one really needs a computer that powerful, and three ACDs?! that's ridiculous. Either you're lying or wasting thousands. Just my $.02.

Yeah i got nothing better to do then post fake threads!
Im not gonna bother justifying the reason why i purchased this MP - no need to.

Reading some of these posts it seems people are either pissed that someone has this much power or jealous? The thread was started to ask a question not to setup a forum for debate on weather i need all this power...... Besides even if i dont, trust me when i say its NOT your money im wasting!

Whats the matter.... i thought this was the Mac site to be on. Seems like people are threatened by a NOOB with an MP.

Just my 2 cents

You obviously don't do any 3D work...

thanks dude
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Very nice computer indeed. Would love to have a quad though for my PS/LR work. Batch jobs runs to slow for me on my mbp. i have very little patience :)
Not that i need to prove anything.....

for the haters....


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Quick chime in:

I think people react like that because it's unbelievably out of reach for the majority of people in this world to purchase. So to most people it will look like you're just coming on here to brag (for example, those two SSD's probably cost about the same as the base 2.8 Quad MP, which some people have to scrap together to afford).

Having said that, a huge congrats on the amazing system. I can't see any way that you could speed that up any further!
You can make it faster

You could raid your two SSDs then your setup will be even speedier - not that it needs to be any more powerful than it is at present.

Dude that's an insane setup ... one day ... if I work hard enough...
for the haters....

to whomever it was that suggested the SSD RAID, are you Sure it will speed his configuration up?

some SSD RAIDS are actually slower. I'm not going to bother checking, just saying.

anyway, my only statement is ->

that chair?

your budget for your system seems to imply you can afford to budget accordingly for your butt. No arm rests, even?


edit: weird thread. 1) Why would anyone post that they purchased XYZ machine only to lie to people? 2) Why would people even bother replying to a thread where they thought the OP was lying? 3) Haters gonna' hate. Why hate? Who cares. Instead of accusing the OP, ask him something a render time, or an xbench score...or whatever.
to whomever it was that suggested the SSD RAID, are you Sure it will speed his configuration up?

some SSD RAIDS are actually slower. I'm not going to bother checking, just saying.

anyway, my only statement is ->

that chair?

your budget for your system seems to imply you can afford to budget accordingly for your butt. No arm rests, even?


edit: weird thread. 1) Why would anyone post that they purchased XYZ machine only to lie to people? 2) Why would people even bother replying to a thread where they thought the OP was lying? 3) Haters gonna' hate. Why hate? Who cares. Instead of accusing the OP, ask him something a render time, or an xbench score...or whatever.

a proper desk and a proper office chair... you wouldn't park a lamborghini under a rotten bridge, would you?

You make a very very valid point! unfortunately the desk and chair i ordered have another 2 weeks to get delivered... they were on back order.

I totally concede though.... Desk and chair do not do any justice.

I actually didnt want to post any pics of the system until they arrived but i had to respond to all the negative comments calling it a fake or a lie. Ill update the pics as soon as they get in.
This is my dream setup, nice on ;)

The monitor to the right, the cable isnt long enough to reach the Mac Pro is it?

Also, seing how awesome this setup is, please consider uploading some more pictures of it ;)
holy cow, you must have a sweet job to be able to afford, need, and use that.

Its like the guy who has the best chainsaw in his garage...and the guy that goes and uses that chainsaw everyday to kill zombies.

Congratulations you just lived the dream. Also, PLEASE tell me what it was like if you purchased that at the store.

"Oh really, a 12 core and 3 displays sir?"
"um...ok...are you serious?"
"Yes, dual 5770's please!"
"uh...your total is...many thousands of dollars!"
"Here is my credit card"
Both: "Oh my god its happening"
This is my dream setup, nice on ;)

The monitor to the right, the cable isnt long enough to reach the Mac Pro is it?

Also, seing how awesome this setup is, please consider uploading some more pictures of it ;)

The cable is long enough actually... only just. I had i that ACD connected to my macbook on that occasion.

Ill post up some pics as soon as the new table and chair comes in
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