My only recommendation would be to get a full-sized keyboard with the num pad. And possibly more RAM. Other than that though, great setup!
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I am with you. If the MBA in his pic was truly his, he would (also) be bragging about it in his signature.
12Gb won't be enough, if I get through that doing bog standard coding, 3D CAD work and general VMWareness then I don't think you really thought this through properly.
If I use 12Gb on my Quad 2.66, you will need three times that minimum on a machine that has three times as many cores as well as 25% more clock speed...
And you shouldn't have got the SSDs from Apple either, there are better SSDs out there.
I would say you could have saved some money on buying non-Apple RAM and SSDs but I don't really think that is an issue to you, although seem's rather wasteful tbh.
You guys are forgetting that Aussie's are nuts... I would know
But yes... get more RAM... get 32GB's (4x8GB) for $848 from Transintl... < $1000 so no GST (oh... how topical!)... Then, if you need to, buy another 32GB's for a much more insane machine![]()
finally some constructive feedback!!
I agree about the memory - more is def better. 32GB for $1000 seems pretty good and they seem pretty easy to install as well.
to whomever it was that suggested the SSD RAID, are you Sure it will speed his configuration up?
some SSD RAIDS are actually slower. I'm not going to bother checking, just saying.
Yeah i got nothing better to do then post fake threads!
Im not gonna bother justifying the reason why i purchased this MP - no need to.
Reading some of these posts it seems people are either pissed that someone has this much power or jealous? The thread was started to ask a question not to setup a forum for debate on weather i need all this power...... Besides even if i dont, trust me when i say its NOT your money im wasting!
Whats the matter.... i thought this was the Mac site to be on. Seems like people are threatened by a NOOB with an MP.
Just my 2 cents
for the haters....
Congratulations you just lived the dream. Also, PLEASE tell me what it was like if you purchased that at the store.
"Oh really, a 12 core and 3 displays sir?"
"um...ok...are you serious?"
"Yes, dual 5770's please!"
"uh...your total is...many thousands of dollars!"
"Here is my credit card"
Both: "Oh my god its happening"
My Bad, just a suggestion ... yeah, on second thoughts I think I heard that SSDs deteriorate pretty fast in raid configurations.
The machine's fast enough anways...
Well done on the purchase - could we get some cinebench render times/Scores?
I can't believe someone was saying you're lying because of the three monitors. I've worked in video for over ten years now and even back when I started some guys were using multiple monitors. I find three monitors to be conservative now, depending on how many windows/palettes you need open at any given time.
I'm envious of that new-Mac rush you're experiencing right now! But I'm loving my Hex, so I'm not feeling too bad.
ive got a mate who is running 6!!!!
I prob should warn him not to post it on here....
ive got a mate who is running 6!!!!
I prob should warn him not to post it on here....
I'd actually like to see a photo of 6... don't see that everyday....
He'll get banned for trolling 3/4 the way through the registration process.![]()
Nice one. However, I would have bought the SSDs after market. Apple's neither are the quickest, the cheapest, nor have the newest SandForce chip (afik) for garbage collection. Have to say, I would have spend the resulting difference on more RAM then.
Also, why no RAID via fibre channel?
I should clarify that they are not ACDs. There is a guy on youtube that has six check this out
Its an unboxing of a MP with the displays. CHECK IT OUT.
That's great! Nice system and enjoy! Ignore the jealous kids.
Yeah, the response in this thread has been absurd. It's not as if you said "Facebook, email and organizing photos".
I can't believe someone was saying you're lying because of the three monitors. I've worked in video for over ten years now and even back when I started some guys were using multiple monitors. I find three monitors to be conservative now, depending on how many windows/palettes you need open at any given time.
I'm envious of that new-Mac rush you're experiencing right now! But I'm loving my Hex, so I'm not feeling too bad.
1) Congratulations. I'm glad you have a job that can use that much 'juice', but even if you didn't, and just wanted a kick-a** machine.... so what. I'm jealous - and happy for you.
2) Yeah, that desk and chair gotta go. Do you have a link to the furniture you ordered?
3) Seriously. Do you have that rig on a UPS (battery back-up)? UPS's are just for power outages, but mostly to smooth out the peaks and valleys. One good brown-out during a critical file save could mess things up. Plus, when a brown-out recovers, it sends a short spike.
4) An air conditioner. I'm sure as you start pushing it, it's going to start heating up the place. Watch out for warp-core breaches!![]()
Its freakin INSANEThat's incredible! I know there's uses for 6 monitors... but I would only use 2 or 3
You're setup is perfect! Do you do any audio on your machine at all? (ie. Logic, Pro Tools)
Wow! Nice system. Just curious - what kind of chair did you get?
I think you should tell people you got the system to play free cell, then complain that you paid all that money and they didn't even include the game![]()
You should be ashamed of yourself.I am with you. If the MBA in his pic was truly his, he would (also) be bragging about it in his signature.
I got a nice comfy black leather chair from a local store with a desk too.
Check this chair out:
Id love to have this! except i reckon id fall asleep in it!
Wow! Nice system. Just curious - what kind of chair did you get?
I think you should tell people you got the system to play free cell, then complain that you paid all that money and they didn't even include the game![]()
Good thinking!
I actually wanted the RAID card but i was told solid-state drives are not compatible with the Mac Pro RAID Card in either RAID or Enhanced JBOD mode.