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"Sick Set Up!"

It's an awesome set up you have bub!

There are only two kinds of people out there- Those who applaud and encourages one another. The other kinds are who pulls others down and does not want others to succeed like crab theory. Ever notice how crab behaves when you put them all in one box? When one tries to get out of the box then another crab pulls em down in constant motion. Imagine a crab that decides to push the one on top out then the crab on top would turn around to reach down to pull others up? The more crabs that does that then easier it is to work as a team to achieve greater purpose for the crab's way of life. (not that we're crabs... :))

Even so more to the technical questions and suggestions:

I know some may agree or not agree.. Have you considered using the 2x 600GB Western Digital Raptor drives raided together? As for myself- I have 2x 600GB raptor drives and they rocked! (Mine aren't raided together though since I use OSX one one while Win 7-64bit on other). I started off with 2x 300 GB Raptor drives. They are now used as my scratch disk when I use FCP while I have 8TB HD external (e-sata) case for storage space.

If you do go that route then you could use your 2 SSD in a eternal case to use for scratch disk. This brings up another question for me to learn more about what you do- does your CAD or those kinds of softwares use scratch disk like the FCP or/and CS5 Premiere Pro uses?

About the SSD viewpoint - From what I have learned in the past that there are mixed comments on SSD not working as fast after long usages of it. (This maybe old news like when the first SSD came out.) It has something to do with heavy usage of writing and removing it constantly. If there's anyone who has new/solid info on this not being a problem anymore then please let us know.

One more thing - Relating to your 3 LCD being set up- Is it all hooked up on one video card while other does the frame buffer?

Other than that hope it'll all come together for you the way you'd like it including the desk/chair and set up...
That looks awesome!!
Just a question i see that you MP is to the right of your ACDs... how did the cables reach that far? did you use extension cables of some sort? I cant believe how short Apple has made the ACD cables!

The 30" ACDs actually have a pretty long cable. I reckon about 1.8m.
That looks awesome!!
Just a question i see that you MP is to the right of your ACDs... how did the cables reach that far? did you use extension cables of some sort? I cant believe how short Apple has made the ACD cables!

The 12 core looks awesome out of the MP!!!

Thanks! I reckon the cables can go a good 10 feet long. That's due to the power brick design... the cable to the power brick looks like a good 6 feet and the one that extends to the computer is another 4... roughly.


Shame its windows on that lovely monitor.

Well, at least its Windows 7 64-bit. :) I only use it for a particular Photoshop plugin that doesn't run under Mac (Nvidia DDS tools) to create stuff that is used in the Windows platform. Otherwise, I prefer Mac OS. :)
The 30" ACDs actually have a pretty long cable. I reckon about 1.8m.

Yeah sorry i didnt realise yours are 30". Mine are only 27" - the cables are heaps short!

I struggle to make them reach my MP - i had to use a USB extension for the third ACD.
Akayz, you the man.
Beautiful setup. I would love to have 2 of the old 30" acd. I had one before, but it was getting too hot all the time to got rid of it.
I just picked up a basic macpro 8-core w/6gb memory and 1tb drive from apple store. There was a sale at bestbuy for 1tb wd cav black drives (same one in the macpro) for $89 each today so I picked up 3 drives. Was going to order a macpro raid card but kept hearing horror stories. I wanted to use it to bootcamp, but not sure if its possible. btw, I got a 27inch acd as well. I didnt open it yet. It looks soooo glossy and reflective. My window is behind me and my samsung lcd tv is so hard to see already was thinking about returning it for another screen.

Anyway, congrats on the wonderful setup. But get a new table and chair (C=
Id hate to hear your table collapse with them 3 monitors.
Awesome RIG man! ^^ way to go !

This is probably one of the hottest Mac Pro setup I have ever seen ^^

Hey if you want to do your job right, you gotta get the tools right man!

Congratulations on the awesome setup!
I am also debating on getting the MAC PRO now or later,,,, since I bet
they probably is going to update soon since they have the new lighting bolt thing,,,,


Here's my setup. Pics aren't the greatest, but wanted to share anyways :)


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Quick chime in:

I think people react like that because it's unbelievably out of reach for the majority of people in this world to purchase. So to most people it will look like you're just coming on here to brag (for example, those two SSD's probably cost about the same as the base 2.8 Quad MP, which some people have to scrap together to afford).

Having said that, a huge congrats on the amazing system. I can't see any way that you could speed that up any further!

agreed, most of these posts are made out of pure jealously. I could care less if he uses this to do steven spilberg quality work, or if he just likes to play farmsville and load facebook pages extremely fast.

Good Rig OP.... must of us couldn't even dream of having that much power.

PS: I did the math and you had to pay at least $15,000+ for all of that WOW!
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I recently bought my first Mac Pro....

Anyhow would really appreciate comments on any potential additions. I will take pics and post soon as well.

Nice rig. You might want to consider putting all this on your own electric circuit or even your own power grid separate from the rest of the building--this setup deserves pure, clean power. Plug the displays into one circuit and the Mac Pro into its own dedicated circuit. Install hospital-grade wall plugs too. I'd hate to see the monitor flicker every time someone turns a light on or off or turns on the toaster.
Nice Setup!

+1 for a UPS. I have a real basic one:

Not sure if has enough juice for your rig. I'm mostly concerned with being able to save and power down in the event of an outage.

I've have had a couple of 10-20 sec brown outs in the last couple of weeks and it's save me from losing hours of work...

BTW: I'm curious what backup software you use for such a beast. Is Time Machine enough? You have NAS?
No one really needs a computer that powerful, and three ACDs?! that's ridiculous. Either you're lying or wasting thousands. Just my $.02.
Do you know who's ridiculous? You. It's the most childish reply I have yet to see on this otherwise mature forum. But I guess you're born in 94, so you are excused.
I saw that too. $12,500 is truly not THAT :eek: expensive... even if you add 10% sales tax, it is still less than 15K, which is not bad if the job you have relies on this machine. Someone mentioned how you can easily save this amount between two cars...

Advice: Not sure if you are backing up with Time Machine or also cloning with CCC or SuperDuper! If you job relies on this computer I would do better back-ups than just Time Machine via Time Capsule

Home recording studios can easily exceed 12.5k$. There are hardware reverb units alone that cost 13k.
I knew id get at least one of these messages.....
Ive attached a grab from my 'about this Mac'. Let me know if thats good enough evidence or if you want more :)

Sorry here are the attachments...

So you recently bought the computer and you are a mac noob... why is the date on the pics 9/1/11, do you always take screen shots of the desktop so that you can post them four months later? and as a mac noob i'm glad you were able to figure out how to do a print screen and where to go for your computer information... cause man, if you are a noob now what were you back in Sep?
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Yeah i got nothing better to do then post fake threads!
Im not gonna bother justifying the reason why i purchased this MP - no need to.

Reading some of these posts it seems people are either pissed that someone has this much power or jealous? The thread was started to ask a question not to setup a forum for debate on weather i need all this power...... Besides even if i dont, trust me when i say its NOT your money im wasting!

Whats the matter.... i thought this was the Mac site to be on. Seems like people are threatened by a NOOB with an MP.

Just my 2 cents

thanks dude

nobody in thier right mind will spend that much money and wonder if they missed something, come on now if you have enough money for that you are most deff not an idiot. so to come in post what you have and ask if you missed something is crazy, (shows you have no idea what you just bought) however you state you have all this "power" so you do know what it is, if thats the case your not a mac noob, anyone who has the money to buy this stuff will not buy it based on friends recomendations... I have the money to buy a few of these setups plus pay off some nice cars to go along with it, however I have the money to do so because I do my on research on money and investments just like I do with everything else. bottom line if you have enough since to have this kind of money, you also have been maxing your IRA as well as some other mutual funds, CD's, etc. so you would never take away from that simply because a friend told you to do so; unless it is part of your profession to have this... in that case you would know what you need.

BS on this story...
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