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thanks Eidorian
Just a minor note on what I said. Operating systems do seem to impact the processor scores. Windows 7 scores a higher integer score but Snow Leopard is showing noticeable improvements in floating point over Leopard and Windows.

The memory benchmarks tend to rely solely on the hardware and controller types. Front side bus vs. an integrated memory controller isn't that apparent on a single socket system.
Eidorian, can you please post benchmarks of games like:

- Aion
- Sources Games ( L4D, L4D, TF2 ...)
- Call of Duty MW 1/2

in native res and max detail ( except maybe AA ... )

Thanks !
Thank you so much Carressa for everything.
Could you do me a favour and time how long it takes for your iMac to do a cold boot?

Many thanks in advance.

Welp, I broke out my trusty iphone stop watch and it came in at right around 30 to 31 sec. That was booting straight to desktop. Not as fast as you might hope for:) I mean anything over 5 seconds these days seems like forever!! ;)
Eidorian, can you please post benchmarks of games like:

- Aion
- Sources Games ( L4D, L4D, TF2 ...)
- Call of Duty MW 1/2

in native res and max detail ( except maybe AA ... )

Thanks !
Sadly I don't have one of the new iMacs but I'm more than happy to provide any sort of technical analysis or assistance that I'm capable of.
Welp, I broke out my trusty iphone stop watch and it came in at right around 30 to 31 sec. That was booting straight to desktop. Not as fast as you might hope for:) I mean anything over 5 seconds these days seems like forever!! ;)

You are a gem Carressa. 30 secs to boot.. I'm not complaining, I am rather impressed to be honest. ;)
Couple figures thrown in just for quick comparison:
MacBook Air 2.13Ghz 128gb SSD - 36 secs
MacBook Pro 2.93Ghz 320gb HDD @7200rpm - 49 sec
You are a gem Carressa. 30 secs to boot.. I'm not complaining, I am rather impressed to be honest. ;)
Couple figures thrown in just for quick comparison:
MacBook Air 2.13Ghz 128gb SSD - 36 secs
MacBook Pro 2.93Ghz 320gb HDD @7200rpm - 49 sec

Now we need to find someone with an i5 and an i7 with a SSD inside. That should be fun...
:apple:Well after what seems like years it has finally arrived. My husband was kind enough to set it up for me and take pictures for me since I am trapped at work:( I included just a few of them here. It is the process of updating so I cannot give any specific hardware information till it completes. I just wanted to share my happiness!!



I have more but didn't want to bore anyone:)

Can you post more please?
UPDATE: Things I have noticed.

Well after spending alot of time on my new machine I have something to complain about ...ok Two things...

One of the things I have noticed and this may be a problem with just my machine mind you..
My Mac sits on a desk that gets for lack of better words jiggled when me or my husband gets up from the desk. This has never been a problem for either of our 24" iMacs before. However......My new one seems to have problems with it...after a jiggle or two I find the screen starts pointing down the machine does not sit as tight on the base as my 24" iMacs do. When you put the machine on a rock steady base it still feels quite loose on the base. Not sure if there is a way to tighten this or not...will have to look into that.

Wireless keyboard....grrrrrrrr
I have struggled with the wireless keyboard having only used the wired before. When I go to boot to bootcamp (holding down the alt key while booting) unless I make effort to make sure keyboard is awake it does not respond till the machine sends out a howdy to it resulting in booting to mac instead of dreaded windows....only reason i'm complaining is because it has happened several times....yes, yes I know... learn to use wireless keyboard:p
but sorry to say I wussed out and went back to my good ole mac wired keyboard:)

But so far those are my only complaints. And one of those may be more of a users problem than anything. :D
I will be using a wired keyboard when mine gets here too. It just seems silly to me to use a radio transmitter and receiver to go 1 foot.

I have the older White BT keyboards and they are also difficult to use in selecting OS at boot. They also are very inconsistent within Windows once Windows starts.

Well after spending alot of time on my new machine I have something to complain about ...ok Two things...

One of the things I have noticed and this may be a problem with just my machine mind you..
My Mac sits on a desk that gets for lack of better words jiggled when me or my husband gets up from the desk. This has never been a problem for either of our 24" iMacs before. However......My new one seems to have problems with it...after a jiggle or two I find the screen starts pointing down the machine does not sit as tight on the base as my 24" iMacs do. When you put the machine on a rock steady base it still feels quite loose on the base. Not sure if there is a way to tighten this or not...will have to look into that.

I immediately noticed how lightly you can flip the screen up/down (in Apple store) - it took me by surprise, and I wouldn't doubt that the screen would start boogie when a truck passes outside.

but sorry to say I wussed out and went back to my good ole mac wired keyboard:)

Can you use both keyboards at same time? Say, you have the wired one hooked up, and the wireless laying around for use at distance?
Can you use both keyboards at same time? Say, you have the wired one hooked up, and the wireless laying around for use at distance?

Why yes you can I found this out when I was playing a game and all of a sudden my characters started jumping up and down and I couldn't get her to stop!!! I was like what the heck!! My husband had picked up the wireless keyboard and mouse and moved it across the room and the mouse was hitting the jump key on the keyboard!!! ..I thought I was losing me mind!
Why yes you can I found this out when I was playing a game and all of a sudden my characters started jumping up and down and I couldn't get her to stop!!! I was like what the heck!! My husband had picked up the wireless keyboard and mouse and moved it across the room and the mouse was hitting the jump key on the keyboard!!! ..I thought I was losing me mind!
I will get my imac in Japan, so I figured I'd get the standard JIS wireless and have an English wired up with numerics so I can type all those weird Japanese characters with easy, when needed.
Just hope OSX knows how to take input from different language keyboards.
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