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you poor thing! why Why WHY must you wait that long!?!?

Well, I'm remodeling my room at the end of December, and that's where the quad will be - vesa mounted to the wall on an articulated arm. I'm not going to instal the arm until everything is painted, furniture moved etc. Which means January.

Plus, additional considerations - I won't lie, I'd like to see a few weeks of user feedback. It would suck royally if suddenly the quads developed a problem that was corrected shortly thereafter by Apple... like just happened with the C2Ds. So far it's just a handful of users, so it's not enough data. By January, it should all be crystal clear.
OldCorpse - seriously, just get what you want. Even if you put the thing on a coctail table in your living room - so what. Life's too short. I'm sure they'll be fine and if not, it's likely just a software update fix.
Well, I'm remodeling my room at the end of December, and that's where the quad will be - vesa mounted to the wall on an articulated arm. I'm not going to instal the arm until everything is painted, furniture moved etc. Which means January.

Plus, additional considerations - I won't lie, I'd like to see a few weeks of user feedback. It would suck royally if suddenly the quads developed a problem that was corrected shortly thereafter by Apple... like just happened with the C2Ds. So far it's just a handful of users, so it's not enough data. By January, it should all be crystal clear.

aahh yes that does suck. good luck with it!

i agree with you on the lack of results, but i will take the plunge in a few days i think.
Really looking forward to WoW, Warhammer and Aion on a 27 inch IPS screen..... :) Gaming really doesn't get much better than that! (well for me anyway)

Just a quick one, you've probably already mentioned it but are you using windows 7 64 bit on your BC partition?

Haha, same. I play on a 20" iMac, about medium settings, no shadows or high quality models, no AA etc, and a resolution of 1280x800. I can only imagine how awesome it would be playing it at 2560x1440 on a 27" screen completely maxed, I think it would be overwhelming!
Hey Carressa,

You got round to aion yet? :D

Well, the good news is ya it ran great!! not so good news is it looked streched and I was unable to get it to adjust to the Larger screen size. I plan on working on it more tonight and will give you and update then may have to run it in windowed mode.
Have you ran any 3d benchmarks under boot camp or played any other games in windows yet..... sorry for the constant pestering i'm just so looking forward to the arrival of my imac it almost hurts :D
He seems to think so ;) But I sooooo suck at shooters!

Smart man! I get motion sick on shooters but give me Titan's Quest Immortal Throne, AOE3, or Company of Heroes and my kids and grandkids can play for hours!

In a couple of years I'll get one of these 27" monsters. Enjoy!

no HD grinding noises

Maybe a certain MacRumors member with a certain computer would be kind and patient enough to see (under Apple Menu>About this mac>System Profiler if I understand AppleInsider correctly) whether her computer has a Seagate HDD or a Western Digital HDD installed. Pretty please?
The reason is that my Seagate external HDD makes a noise like a lawnmower on gravel, and that's a noise one wouldn't like to hear emanating from a mac.
Maybe a certain MacRumors member with a certain computer would be kind and patient enough to see (under Apple Menu>About this mac>System Profiler if I understand AppleInsider correctly) whether her computer has a Seagate HDD or a Western Digital HDD installed. Pretty please?
The reason is that my Seagate external HDD makes a noise like a lawnmower on gravel, and that's a noise one wouldn't like to hear emanating from a mac.

My i7 came with a Seagate and it is VERY quiet.
My i7 came today I've been playing with it for a couple of hours now. God damn this thing is a frickin' work of art! It's true love.
The only time I've actually heard it was when I added over 4,000 images to iPhoto, but like I said, it was quiet.

I suppose that is inevitable until we segue to SSDs. So long as it's not a continuous distraction there's nothing for me to complain about.
Thank you so much Carressa for everything.
Could you do me a favour and time how long it takes for your iMac to do a cold boot?

Many thanks in advance.
This has been a really exciting thread :cool: I've ordered my Quad Core i5 iMac and I can't wait. I'm checking my order status about 20 times a day - still says Shipping : November...

Thanks to everyone for very informative posts.
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