Its sad that how people even in this age are so quick to judge people and ruin someone's day. If someone is stoked and passionate about something let them be happy. I understand "to each his own" and everyone has their own opinions, but if u have something negative to say that's gonna potentially hurt someone's feelings, it's better not to say anything. Wether he cares what you guys think or not, it still sucks that people can be so negative. Why not just say, "I dont like it and would never do something like that, but I'm glad u do and I'm happy for u"?, how bout some of you that are on this forum? I know a bunch of you are techies, geeks, nerds, etc. or whatever you wanna stereotype, but I'm not on here calling you guys a bunch of tech geek nerds. Anyways, I'm just saying be nice and respectful of what makes others happy (unless of course it meant to hurt others). And I do think that the tattoo looks pretty good, no I wouldn't put that on me, but I'm glad that he's stoked on his piece. It's art man.