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...Use OS X / Windows programs and see the quality difference in software available... And no, the iPad/iPhone apps can't replace those types of software.
Is it not partly the objective of the iPad/iPhone to complement what's there, or provide a desired functionality under a given context? Not to act as a replacement for everything.

e.g. When recording at home I would use Amplitube rigged up to my Mini/Windows laptop, but for noodling about (while not completely abandoning my wife) I'll run up Amplitube for iPhone. While I don't expect the latter to replace the former, it does run as a great companion to it, and gives me a degree of portability that I wouldn't have otherwise.
Portability aside, why is the argument iPad vs Netbook? For surfing and light casual use, I don't think there's any doubt that the iPad smokes the Netbook in user experience. But the iPad isn't priced in the netbook range; it's priced close to a full-sized laptop.

Have to agree with Steve when he said "netbooks don't do anything well" though.
Portability aside, why is the argument iPad vs Netbook?

Its because ipad is gaining grounds in the portable computing market, this news was on mac rumors yesterday, thats why i made this post.

Although they are priced higher than most netbooks, they are still in range. Take MBPs for example, their pricing is WAY outside of the laptop price range, but they still compete, cause they help the user accomplish similar goals, thats why the consumers are paying in the first place.

Think of iPads vs Netbooks as MBPs vs Notebooks. Then iPads are just high end netbook competitors cause they help users complete similar tasks (similar enough imo, stated in the original post)
My netbook has an intel core solo, 2 gigs of ram, 250 gig hard drive and an 11 inch screen and cost 100 less than the cheapest iPad. And yes it takes a minute or two to boot up but once it does, it is plenty fast. I do use my iPad more but I still can't get rid of my netbook because I need flash. How else am I supposed to track my orders from dominos?

To be honest I got the iPad for the apps and was not expecting to use it for web browsing at all. I am using it quite a bit for web browsing however it will never be able to replace my web browsing completely due to its limitations. Possibly one of the rumored android tablets in the future but we'll see.
Also keep in mind that the iPad has only been out like 3 months, while net books have been around for much longer. Give the iPad a year or two and I think it will get all the functionality that a net book will ever have
Not one thing I can do on my netbook, now under my bed, that I can't do on an iPad. And don't mention **** like Video calling and web cam that I don't use any many of us don't use.

With a program like Jump or other programs I can grab from the app store that can get to any program or file I want from my PC. Hell I just played poker online at Poker Stars from my iPad.

Somehow I think some of you give up to easy on finding ways to get work done on an iPad. This is a sweet device. I can even log into my customers PCs and work on their box, saving me from driving to their place.

Open up your minds.
I have had an ipad since launch. It is fine for watching videos and some websurfing some sites but it is too limited for me. My desktop went down and while I wait for the power supply I have been relying solely on my ipad. The reliance on itunes is irritating. I coudn't download the shows I had season passes for because it wanted to charge me for them.

I used my wifes netbook more because it did the things I wanted. Another thing I couldn't even sync it with my wifes netbook using my itunes account because it wanted to erase everything off of it. What kind of device allows you to only connect it to one computer.

Some may like the ipad but this past week has showed me the glaring weaknesses of it for my usage. I want a tablet device with a full OS. I will be checking out the Toshiba Libretto when it comes out.
My netbook has an intel core solo, 2 gigs of ram, 250 gig hard drive and an 11 inch screen and cost 100 less than the cheapest iPad. And yes it takes a minute or two to boot up but once it does, it is plenty fast. I do use my iPad more but I still can't get rid of my netbook because I need flash. How else am I supposed to track my orders from dominos?

To be honest I got the iPad for the apps and was not expecting to use it for web browsing at all. I am using it quite a bit for web browsing however it will never be able to replace my web browsing completely due to its limitations. Possibly one of the rumored android tablets in the future but we'll see.

11" screen, Intel core processor = sub notebook, not net book. There is also the FREE Order Pizza for iPad app, if you like eating crappy pizzas.

Andriod tablets? Didn't Kmart just come out with one ? And only $150.

Another winner. You just can't install apps on it, or use the Skype app.

Not one thing I can do on my netbook, now under my bed, that I can't do on an iPad. And don't mention **** like Video calling and web cam that I don't use any many of us don't use.

With a program like Jump or other programs I can grab from the app store that can get to any program or file I want from my PC. Hell I just played poker online at Poker Stars from my iPad.

Somehow I think some of you give up to easy on finding ways to get work done on an iPad. This is a sweet device. I can even log into my customers PCs and work on their box, saving me from driving to their place.

Open up your minds.

Thank you... Especially for the webcam comment.

I have had an ipad since launch. It is fine for watching videos and some websurfing some sites but it is too limited for me. My desktop went down and while I wait for the power supply I have been relying solely on my ipad. The reliance on itunes is irritating. I coudn't download the shows I had season passes for because it wanted to charge me for them.

I used my wifes netbook more because it did the things I wanted. Another thing I couldn't even sync it with my wifes netbook using my itunes account because it wanted to erase everything off of it. What kind of device allows you to only connect it to one computer.

Some may like the ipad but this past week has showed me the glaring weaknesses of it for my usage. I want a tablet device with a full OS. I will be checking out the Toshiba Libretto when it comes out.

The wiping of your device is not Apples fault, but the Hollywood powers that be. They control how their content is ditributed. They wouldn't want someone else hooking up to your pc and stealing their content.

Full OS tablets have been around for over 10 years, but they are expensive and offer substandard performance. I believe Dell still sells them. Search their website and buy one. There is also a company that will convert your MBP to one for $600- $700. Give it a try. Also TiVo is a wonderful (magical ?) device, and you won't have to buy the episodes from iTunes.
Since when is a 15" 2010 MBP, a netbook. Use OS X / Windows programs and see the quality difference in software available. And no, the iPad/iPhone apps can't replace those types of software.

I feel sorry for you that's the way you get your stuff, little kid. Some of us actually work and have plenty of money.

With me being one of them. I have plenty of money to buy whatever I want but I only buy things that I can and will use. The iPad for me is a tool because it allows me the freedom of not having to carry a laptop (17 i5 MBP) when I was on vacation in Italy with my camera (Nikon D300S) and the various lenses that I use. Try that with a full size laptop then come back and try to educate us.
It all boils down to what you expect to accomplish with your portable device.

For many, the iPad replaces a Netbook. It all depends on the individual user's needs.

I think you pretty much summed it up. There really is not one individual opinion that trumps all others. For example, I had a netbook but gave it to my brother in-law. It is very useful for him. He does his quickbooks on it in the car, uses the webcam everyday, and uses it for other purposes he has found use for. It is a great tool for him.

I then got a wifi iPad. For me it made the most sense. I commute on the train and used to buy a newspaper each day, lug around one book to enjoy, a few pdfs, and a professional book. I now download news and podcasts before I leave for work, have my books downloaded, and my pdfs downloaded. I even respond to emails and send them over wifi when I get to work. For me, there isn't anything out there that will let me do this besides an iPad. I liked my netbook but it was unrealistic to open it on the train and use it while standing.

So as sushi mentioned, it all depends on individual needs.
11" screen, Intel core processor = sub notebook, not net book. There is also the FREE Order Pizza for iPad app, if you like eating crappy pizzas.

Andriod tablets? Didn't Kmart just come out with one ? And only $150.

Another winner. You just can't install apps on it, or use the Skype app.

Well what I got was in the netbook category on amazon and it was still cheaper than an iPad.

And I'm not talking about an order pizza app either. I am talking about order tracking. Dominos has this awesome flash site that lets you track everything about your order status. It is very handy because with the flash site, I can see when they leave to deliver my order and I can put my dog in another room because she is psychotic. And thanks for sharing your opinion that Dominos pizza is crappy because that really has a lot to do with everything.

There are several other flash sites that I use that I can't use on the iPad but I guess since my iPad should be replacing my netbook I should just stop using those sites until they are willing to conform to Apple's standards. I think I just saw the light! Thanks!

Yea because that is the only android tablet that is coming out...
There are several other flash sites that I use that I can't use on the iPad but I guess since my iPad should be replacing my netbook I should just stop using those sites until they are willing to conform to Apple's standards. I think I just saw the light! Thanks

Not to worry!!! There are plenty of iPad friendy p0rn sites on the web now.
There are several other flash sites that I use that I can't use on the iPad but I guess since my iPad should be replacing my netbook I should just stop using those sites until they are willing to conform to Apple's standards. I think I just saw the light! Thanks!

Nobody's saying the iPad is a complete replacement for a netbook, nor that it is the better choice for YOU. And if anybody does say that, don't listen to them.

What I was saying is that, for some people, maybe even for many people, the iPad overlaps enough of the functionality of a netbook, and brings more pros than cons to the table, that it is a very functional alternative. Myself included.

If you need flash websites, then so be it, Apple iDevices aren't for you. Personally, I think I've only hit a couple of websites that required flash in all my surfing on the iPad, and one of them was a restaurant website that used Flash just to look pretty, and nothing more. Given the other advantages outweigh this and a few other inconveniences, I went ahead and sold the netbook after I bought the iPad.

That said, if I were to make my netbook purchase over again today, I wouldn't be buying one of the pokey Atom-based 10" machines, I'd buy an 11" model like the Acer Timeline 18xxT series with the CULV processors, discrete graphics, thin-and-light form, and 8+ hour battery.
With and iPad can you:

Can you connect a webcam and video chat NO NEED TO
Use Facebook chat YES, USING BEEJIVE
Plug in a USB drive for extra storage NO, BUT REALLY NO NEED TO IF YOU USE DROPBOX
Plug in any USB device other then a camera to import pictures YES. USE CAMERA KIT AND CREATE A FOLDER CALLED DCIM ON YOUR THUMB DRIVE
Visit flash based website YOU CAN VISIT ANY SITE YOU WANT TO :cool:
Change or replace the battery NO NEED TO
Add additional ram NO NEED TO
Add additional storage NO NEED TO
Run full version office apps instead of striped down mobile apps NO NEED TO WITH THE IWORK SUITE OF IPAD APPS
Install traditional chat programs like yahoo messenger instead of stripped down mobile apps YES. BEEJIVE
Download and store any file type without the need of an app STILL NEED AN APPLICATION TO OPEN THE FILES, REGARDLESS OF A WIN MACHINE OR AN IPAD

The list goes on and on.

The iPad is NOT a netbook or a laptop replacement. It is a media consumption device, a giant iPod touch if you will.


You forgot a few things....

Can you start up a Netbook in less than 10 seconds?
Can you navigate and use a Touch interface on your Netbook?
Do you have optimized applications specifically built for your Netbook?
Can you easily work without a touchpad or mouse with your Netbook?
Can you easily work in a confined airline seat with your Netbook?
Can you watch Hi-Def movies for 10 hours straight with your Netbook?

see... these arguments are totally worthless, as were the ones you listed above.

It is not about what one does better than the other, it is really about which device works best for your needs. I have a Netbook AND an iPad, and the netbook has not been opened / used since I purchased the iPad, as for me, the iPad does everything better.
notjustjay said:
Nobody's saying the iPad is a complete replacement for a netbook, nor that it is the better choice for YOU. And if anybody does say that, don't listen to them.

What I was saying is that, for some people, maybe even for many people, the iPad overlaps enough of the functionality of a netbook, and brings more pros than cons to the table, that it is a very functional alternative. Myself included.

If you need flash websites, then so be it, Apple iDevices aren't for you. Personally, I think I've only hit a couple of websites that required flash in all my surfing on the iPad, and one of them was a restaurant website that used Flash just to look pretty, and nothing more. Given the other advantages outweigh this and a few other inconveniences, I went ahead and sold the netbook after I bought the iPad.

That said, if I were to make my netbook purchase over again today, I wouldn't be buying one of the pokey Atom-based 10" machines, I'd buy an 11" model like the Acer Timeline 18xxT series with the CULV processors, discrete graphics, thin-and-light form, and 8+ hour battery.

Here is the thing...I still love my iPad and do use it for a lot more web browsing than I even anticipated...I was just saying that the iPad can not 100% replace my web browsing experience and someone has to get all defensive about it and say I like crappy pizza.
Good post, but the ipad isn't in the netbook price range, its in the mid range Dell laptop price range, which generally come with core 2 duos or core i3's and a 15" screen.
Here is the thing...I still love my iPad and do use it for a lot more web browsing than I even anticipated...I was just saying that the iPad can not 100% replace my web browsing experience and someone has to get all defensive about it and say I like crappy pizza.

Dude you're reading into it too deeply. However, since going to a few specialty pizza kitchens, I can't choke down Dominos, Pizza Hut, Papa Johns, and most frozen Pizzas anymore.

But that's not my point, my point is: "There's an app for that" and your sub notebook is superior to a net book.
After more of a week having my iPad I can say that my netbook has been closed and shut off for a while and I dont miss it, well, not even my wife wanted it for a gift. :D

Its amazing the way I travel light now, just a Belkin Neoprene case and thats it... Have downloaded and buyed plenty of books and magazines, downloaded almost my entire music and photo collection from my MBP 13" and i can carry them easily to show to my potential costumers.

I´m a graphic designer, musican and photographer, I knew from the beginning the things that the iPad could do and between them using Photoshop, Illustrator, Logic or Aperture wasnt there... but when I need to work I use the iMac 27" i5 or even the MBP 13" at home... and at the office I have a MacPro everyday.

I have found my ideal travelling computer, dont need anything else...

By the way, try to use Adobe suite or Record music or edit video on a Netbook...its useless.

Never used a webcam, I use dropbox or iDisk to share files, dont mind to use "linux"... Maybe I will keep my Netbook when I have the need of Windows software but at this time I will be keeping it as an expensive paperweight.

greetings from mexico city.
After more of a week having my iPad I can say that my netbook has been closed and shut off for a while and I dont miss it, well, not even my wife wanted it for a gift. :D

Its amazing the way I travel light now, just a Belkin Neoprene case and thats it... Have downloaded and buyed plenty of books and magazines, downloaded almost my entire music and photo collection from my MBP 13" and i can carry them easily to show to my potential costumers.

I´m a graphic designer, musican and photographer, I knew from the beginning the things that the iPad could do and between them using Photoshop, Illustrator, Logic or Aperture wasnt there... but when I need to work I use the iMac 27" i5 or even the MBP 13" at home... and at the office I have a MacPro everyday.

I have found my ideal travelling computer, dont need anything else...

By the way, try to use Adobe suite or Record music or edit video on a Netbook...its useless.

Never used a webcam, I use dropbox or iDisk to share files, dont mind to use "linux"... Maybe I will keep my Netbook when I have the need of Windows software but at this time I will be keeping it as an expensive paperweight.

greetings from mexico city.

Beautiful post... I personally carry a 15" "real CPU" laptop and my iPad when away. 80% of the time the laptop is in the bag ready and willing when needed.
It seems like people are bending towards the iPad being able to do the things netbooks are MEANT to do, but better...
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