As the other fellow said, simply click the time remaining on the screen to toggle to the ETA.
As for the routing, before committing to the TomTom app, you can check out their routes on the current map by going to
Personally I like the Tomtom routing better, but I miss the traffic function from Navigon.
Thanks. That's a handy comparison tool. TomTom does indeed route much more like what I'd actually do. I'm planning a longer trip for later today right now, and Navigon has me going virtually the opposite direction for the first leg of my trip to get me to the highway. Nobody who knew any better would EVER go this way - it adds 20 miles to the trip, and takes you through a couple extra towns! TomTom uses the realistic route. I can't get Navigon to use the proper route on any route profile. Grr.