No they didn't as they forgot to include a switch to toggle triangulation assistance off. Currently it can suck for those without a data plan you see...
Didn't know there were people w/o data plans w/ an iPhone, i'm sure fairly small number - and no app developer would put effort against that
... and does triangulation come from 'data plan'? or 3G cellular signals? i don't know
... finally, i have an old 3G w/o a sim card and my v1.4 secured a GPS lock just fine
does anyone know a forum/discussion group or somewhere to get advice or instructions on how to use Navigon?
Not sure how to link to a different discussion, but this response from lordhamster in a different discussion thread was helpful to me ...
I used to have a Navigon 8100T which is quite similar and DOES come with a manual. While not an exact match, many of the features and cryptic symbology is the same.
If you need a 3GS to run this monster, then they need to make that clear when you buy it. I should minimally be able to listen to my iPod and run Navigon at the same time. I can't on my 3G.
While I've seen mixed 3G reviews, the vast majority are negative on laggy and skips. Navigon needs to take feedback like this seriously and improve performance, or it will (or has!) impacted their ability to sell to 3G owners ... and should probably say something in their app description.