Well, after pondering which app to get and having already gone on a trip, I finally just purchased Navigon 1.4.
I have only just turned it on, but I put in a destination, turned on locations services and......well, let's see....
It started me one street over from where i was and had me do a bizarre right turn, left turn and right turn again instead of just taking me straight ahead on a main street.
Then in order to get me onto the expressway (about 1.5km from my start), it turned me onto a very busy street and then off again instead of just continuing straight ahead.
That is twice that it had me re-route in a right/left/right rather than just continue ahead for no apparent reason.
I know this won't be understandable if you don't know where I am talking about, but I am planning to drive from Toronto, Canada to Washington DC in a few days and I'm really concerned about following directions on an app that can't get me over the first 2 km in a reasonable fashion.
Google maps does it right but, of course, I can't use that or the data charges will kill me.
So far, I feel like I just blew a whole bunch of money!