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I managed to get a refund for Co Pilot GPS. I was having issues where there were entire neighborhoods in my town that were 5 years and older and they weren't even showing up on their maps.

Fair enough... I contacted them to inquire about updated maps, when they would be available and how much money. I get a response back saying these were the most recent maps, end of discussion. At this point I asked for a refund and received no reply for over a week. By now Im pretty pissed off and have purchased Navigon so that I have a working GPS.

After I write back again, asking if they were planning on responding to me I finally get a response saying that they will give me a free update to the new maps once they come out. Let me remind you this is about 10 days from my original inquiry and I have already purchased Navigon because of their original response to me. At this point I write back explaining all of this and they respond rather quickly saying that they can not give out refunds.

Next step was taking all of these emails and forwarding them on to Apple, 6 hours later I have my refund.

Had Co Pilot told me that I would be eligible for a free update I would have gladly waited and spent $35 less than Navigon. I really had no problems with the software itself, just the maps. That being said... I am more than pleased with Navigon!
To me, Co-Pilot feels more like Roadee. It sucks soo bad I too switched to Navigon.
My Navigon works great here in UK (takes a bit of time to get signal but has neve lost it once locked)

However I wanted to get a switcheasy capsule case and was concerne dit may affect my GPS signal. Anyone have one of these cases and comment on how it has affected the GPS on Navigon?

I have a Switcheasy Capsule Neo, and it has little effect on using Navigon. GPS signal acquisition is pretty quick, much quicker than when using a Speck Candyshell, fwiw.
I have a Switcheasy Capsule Neo, and it has little effect on using Navigon. GPS signal acquisition is pretty quick, much quicker than when using a Speck Candyshell, fwiw.

Cool. Thanks for the feedback going to get a neo and maybe an incipio feather for a spare
I was just wondering if the people that were having issues getting a GPS lock are having them any more after the 1.2 update? Or did you resolve the problem before the update with all the possible solutions listed in this thread?
Not had a single GPS lock issue with 1.2 today, although it was a completely clear sky day if that helps. Will keep monitoring it.
Well I just got off of the chat with Apple chat support. I will have a refund within 3-5 business days.

I purchased the app on 09/29 and never got one GPS lock-- I followed all of the instructions on the Navigon website. I have a 32GB 3GS--- so seriously I would not think I should be having these issues.

I was traveling from NC to Indiana and at no point when I tried to use the app did I ever get a GPS signal. In frustration I signed back up for ATT's Navigator. I never lost signal even when traveling through a really really nasty thunderstorm with severe lightening. Google maps also didn't give any issues, but Navigon was a big ole fail.

Seriously-- I expect a GPS application to work at least 90% of the time. 89.99 is by far too much money to spend and not have the app work even 50% of the time. If the app had cost 10.00 or even 20.00 I would have probably just ignored the fact it didn't work, but not for almost 100.00 bucks.
Well I just got off of the chat with Apple chat support. I will have a refund within 3-5 business days.

I purchased the app on 09/29 and never got one GPS lock-- I followed all of the instructions on the Navigon website. I have a 32GB 3GS--- so seriously I would not think I should be having these issues.

I was traveling from NC to Indiana and at no point when I tried to use the app did I ever get a GPS signal. In frustration I signed back up for ATT's Navigator. I never lost signal even when traveling through a really really nasty thunderstorm with severe lightening. Google maps also didn't give any issues, but Navigon was a big ole fail.

Seriously-- I expect a GPS application to work at least 90% of the time. 89.99 is by far too much money to spend and not have the app work even 50% of the time. If the app had cost 10.00 or even 20.00 I would have probably just ignored the fact it didn't work, but not for almost 100.00 bucks.
I don't see how this could be the apps fault. It is not providing the GPS hardware. I have Navigon on two different iPhones (3G and 3GS) and it works extremely well. The only time I have lost signal is when underneath bridges...

I was visiting the US last month from the Uk and bought Navigon US & Canada for my 32Gb 3GS before I went.. I did a fair few hundred miles through Ohio, Kentucky and around Orlando, Tampa down through Naples, the Everglades and Miami - and Navigon worked almost flawlessly in all areas. A few times it was slow at picking up a signal when first starting off but afterwards it was absolutely fine.

I was driving a Ford Explorer up north and a Mazda 6 then a Camry down in Florida and the 3GS was mounted onto the windscreen of all three with a Kensington mount (and always inside a Incipio Feather skin) - no issues at all. During the visit, 1.2 was released and so I had chance to spend a week with that - quite impressed with the street name TTS although I found that sometimes it took so long to read out directions that one event ran into the next.

mental note - do not leave the 3GS in the car in Florida sun again - damn thing took ages to cool down enough to be usable again.
found a solution

Had a similar problem that many of you had. Basically, the cover on the phone and restoring everything from scratch is BS. This is what happened to me and maybe my solution will help you guys also. For a while, I was running many different gps programs (navigon, tomtom, gmap, copilot). I didn't have a single signal issue with any of the above programs, and I keep my phone in a vent-holder. Pretty close to the windshield. Anyway, I was playing around with some other programs that I downloaded and I noticed that I could not get a lock on gps satellites with any of the programs. This happened suddenly. My initial thought was that one of the programs that I was most recently playing around with (and it could have been xgps) somehow switched the source of the signal from the build in receiver in the iphone to some other source. I went on cydia and downloaded an app called gpsserial. This app allowes you to change the default gps receiver. In my case, it was initially set to some module, but when I switched back to iphone gps, everything started working again!
I have a 32 gig 3Gs and had to take a long drive yesterday. I used Navigon and it was perfect the whole way. When I got to my destination, I was down pretty low battery-wise, so I turned off bluetooth and 3G. On the way home (same exact route), it kept losing signal. I couldn't figure out why Navigon was working so badly, and then I remembered that I didn't turn the 3G back on. It had to have made the difference, and a pretty big one .... there was nothing else that had changed. Some say in this thread that leaving the wifi on also helps.
Just bought Navigon with Traffic Update feature. NO GPS! I've reinstalled the app, reset the location services, start and restart the iphone, no luck. Google Maps with GPS is working fine. WTF Navigon!
Just bought Navigon with Traffic Update feature. NO GPS! I've reinstalled the app, reset the location services, start and restart the iphone, no luck. Google Maps with GPS is working fine. WTF Navigon!

Because like most people, you don't know the difference between GPS lock and cell phone tower triangulation. So you blame Navigon for not getting a GPS lock when it's your phone's fault.:rolleyes:

Your Google Maps application is NOT getting a lock either.
I have a 32 gig 3Gs and had to take a long drive yesterday. I used Navigon and it was perfect the whole way. When I got to my destination, I was down pretty low battery-wise, so I turned off bluetooth and 3G. On the way home (same exact route), it kept losing signal. I couldn't figure out why Navigon was working so badly, and then I remembered that I didn't turn the 3G back on. It had to have made the difference, and a pretty big one .... there was nothing else that had changed. Some say in this thread that leaving the wifi on also helps.

Yes you MUST enable 3G to enable GPS. :rolleyes:
The reason I bought this s/w over a conventional GPS was
because I thought it only needed the GPS chip and didn't
require cellular service to operate (as opposed to the Maps app
which needs access to Google). Why does it require cell
towers to help it find satellites? If that's the case then every
time I am in a low/no coverage area I won't be able to use
the GPS? This defies all logic.
The reason I bought this s/w over a conventional GPS was
because I thought it only needed the GPS chip and didn't
require cellular service to operate (as opposed to the Maps app
which needs access to Google). Why does it require cell
towers to help it find satellites? If that's the case then every
time I am in a low/no coverage area I won't be able to use
the GPS? This defies all logic.

You don't need cell towers to get a GPS lock. That's the beauty of software like Navigon where the maps are loaded on your iPhone. With programs like MotionX and AT&T's app you do have to have a GPS signal as they download the maps as you drive.
That's what I thought until I turned on Airplane Mode on the iPhone which shuts off all cellular and wi-fi and then attempted to get a GPS lock with Navigon. It wouldn't work. Does anyone have any suggestions?
That's what I thought until I turned on Airplane Mode on the iPhone which shuts off all cellular and wi-fi and then attempted to get a GPS lock with Navigon. It wouldn't work. Does anyone have any suggestions?

I would think Airplane mode would turn off all radios and receivers including GPS. While GPS is receive only I would definitely think it'd fall under what would be shut down in that mode.

* Edit:

The better test (which I just tried) is to pull the SIM card out and turn off WIFI. I was able step outside and get a GPS lock pretty easily although not nearly as fast. That definitively shows you don't need data of any kind to get a GPS lock although Navigon obviously makes use of the A-GPS (assisted) when possible to get a quicker albeit less precise initial reading. I typically get some sort of initial "lock" within 20-30 seconds where no cellular or WIFI took about twice as long.
It's about time someone knows what they are talking about. Thank you very much for the post on pulling the SIM card. It worked!
Navigon and FM transmitter


I have trolled the Internet for a solution and emailed Navigon SIX TIMES, but have not found a solution.

I have an iPhone 3G and Navigon works pretty well using a cradle/FM transmitter that I bought from Satechi. It mounts to the window, giving me clear line of sight.

Here's my problem: every time (without fail) when I turn on the FM transmitter, I lose my GPS signal. When I turn off the FM transmitter, the GPS signal returns. Navigon has a special "listen to music" feature, so there has to be something wrong in the settings.

I am going crazy with this.

Anyone out there have any suggestions? They would be most appreciated.


Well I just got off of the chat with Apple chat support. I will have a refund within 3-5 business days.

I purchased the app on 09/29 and never got one GPS lock-- I followed all of the instructions on the Navigon website. I have a 32GB 3GS--- so seriously I would not think I should be having these issues.

my 2 cents ... agreed, you shouldn't have those issues ... sounds like to me, Apple successfully 'navigated' you away from a 3GS replacement due to faulty GPS chip ... best of luck w/ AT&T Navigator

my experience with Navigon on ...

3G - Good, regularly locked in 20-25 seconds (from icon to lock)
3GS - Excellent, regular lock in 8-12 seconds (from icon to lock)

I think GPS lock is both hardware and software related ... my non-techy understanding is that the satnav apps ask the iPhone GPS to receive a lock - they monitor the progress of the GPS lock and do have 'guidelines' on what they will start navigating w/ ... so for example, if the lock is 1,500 feet, they don't start ... if lock is 1,000, they don't start ... if lock is, 500 feet, then start navigation ... each app may have different guidelines that they will start creating faster or slower locks ... there are pros/cons on starting too soon - pros: quick lock, happier 'lock oriented' customers...cons: lack of precision in location, routing causing drifting ... anyways, there are trade-offs.

An iPhone that can't get lock or fades in and out is either hardware related or other app interfering w/ what iPhone GPS capability to use (learned that on this thread) ... too many of us are using the exact same version of Navigon and working very well w/ GPS navigating ... the variables betwen us is GPS hardware working or not; and the variety of apps that use the GPS / Triangulation capability that may be interfering.

... just a few random thoughts, not even sure how accurate they are.

p.s. i've used Navigon and a Garmin Nuvi in both city, suburbs and rural ... both act the same when interferance by tall buildings, but I've actually noticed that Navigon picks up and begins routing sooner than my wife's Nuvi once interferance is cleared ...

p.s.s. the GPS chip is under the volume up/down button on side of phone ... make sure that side is up during landscape use
I have found the few procedures works for me.

At first I also had the GPS locking problem, that everytime I start the app. It takes me 15 minutes to get navigon to locate me. It will drop signal about every 10 seconds. I searched on google, and found this thread.
I found that I had exactly the same problem stated by some users that navigon did not prompt me to locate me when I first started the app.
Originally I had 3G disabled(since I do not have data plan), and wifi off. I enabled 3G in network and enable wi-fi. I also did the reset location warning. Then I went to google maps to get a location first, then start navigon. I got signal right away not even a second.

Also, I have found this site:
Hope this helps to other users.
navigon gps reception problems

Had same problem as most here. Tried the hard reset navigon recommends - no luck. All other suggestions, re-selecting the 3G option and wifi in setting>general also didn't work. GPS RECEPTION NOW WORKS GREAT, after I did these two things: I pulled the sim card and then put it back in the iphone (google "remove sim card iphone" and you'll see plenty on youtube on how to do this). After this, i got into the Navigon app, selected "more" and then "direct help". Somehow this seemed to reset the app to my approx location. After that it reads my gps signal like a charm. Try it - hope it works for you.
this is frustrating.

Ok, so i've done the soft reset recommended by navigon, nothing. I've deleted and reinstalled the app, nothing. I've stored my phone from a back up, nothing. Taken out the SIM card and put it back in, nothing.

When i go into the 'more' options and select direct help, there is a gps location there that is somewhat accurate to where i am, why would that work and nothing else? When i go to 'show map', it shows me in Birmingham, AL (sadly, i'm in Los Angeles).

any other advice going forward?

I restored as "new" not from "backup", which is what you are supposed to do with JB iphones. I think I know just a tad bit about JB'ing but thanks anyway. :)

on JB'd on 3.1.2 - do i need to restore to "new" sync all apps over to iphone again then JB again? sorry, don't mean to renew the thread...
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