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May 21, 2010
Hello all, my name is Jacob, I represent NDrive Navigation Systems. We have been working very hard in the office to launch an affordable, and strong navigation application for the USA.

Below is a clip from a press release that has just become public.

USA, 24 May 2010 — There’s a buzz about the NDrive office. Clicking of mice, sipping of coffee, and intense discussion between employees are the sounds emanating from their workplace. After all, NDrive developers and managers alike have been working around the clock for months to offer something the USA Apple App Market has yet to realize. NDrive USA : a full license, professional on-board GPS navigation app for $2.99.

For a short video on NDrive:

After seriously impacting the European Apple App Market, NDrive Navigation Systems S.A, a leading iPhone on-board navigation system in the Apple App Store in countries such as Germany, United Kingdom, Italy and Brazil has launched a campaign today to offer a promotional price of $2.99 for the first 1,000,000 downloads in the United States. This campaign seeks to make NDrive software appealing to the masses of hardworking individuals in the US. The launch will leverage NDrive’s core-competencies which include a world class development team while staying true to their motto, ‘It’s not what the software does. It’s what the user does.’ Whether you’re a taxi driver in the big apple or a white collar weekend warrior, NDrive has targeted you. This new application turns your iPhone 3G/3GS into a fully functioning GPS navigation device that is ready to use in the car, while walking in the city or during outdoor adventures. App Critics agree that NDrive USA has great usability, fluid GPS tracking, and fully functional signposts and lane-assistance which are sound improvements to their existing platform.

As competition continues to be fierce in the US application market, providers like NDrive have stepped up to the plate ready to swing away. NDrive is a 4+ star rated application of the Apple App store worldwide (even in the demanding German market) and company managers believe that the next logical step is to follow the market demand which is strong in the American Apple App Store. The launching of ‘Democratize’, NDrive’s latest campaign to sell 1,000,000 navigation applications at $2.99, is part of the company’s global strategy to gain traction and hit USA markets hard. Well known on-board GPS navigation providers such as TomTom ($59.99), and Navigon North America ($49.99) provide similar services at a much higher price. However, the future of navigation solutions inherently puts power in the consumer’s hands. Today we ask you to exercise that power, download NDrive’s turn-by-turn navigation application for $2.99, and decide for yourself.:apple:

For More Details on NDrive USA:

Discussion, and comments are encouraged!

Best Regards, The Team @ NDrive Navigation Systems
Question about text to speech. The web site claims it is available but I can't find it as an option anywhere and it is not announcing any street names. is there a hidden menu for this option or does it not actually say street names?
Reply to BassGuy

Good day BassGuy,

One of the most frequent questions we have received since the release of NDrive USA version 10 is about the TTS (Text to Speech).

As the application is already large due to detailed Navteq maps for all of USA, developers and managers alike had to leave out certain features that proved to be large in binary file formats such as TTS.

Additionally, navigation providers offer their apps at a discounted price or free with hopes of creating revenue in the future from add-on such as Different voices, TTS, Multiple skins, etc. Fortunately, NDrive Version 10 TTS is to be released as a downloadable option in the App Store in the immediate future.

Please advise: The description in the Apple App Store does not mention TTS as a feature for NDrive USA Version 10.

At NDrive it is our mission to provide our customers with the utmost transparency regarding our products and services. We apologize for any misunderstandings.

The Team At NDrive
Thank you for the quick reply, very much appreciated. Glad to hear it will be available, I know it's not listed on the App Store page but it is listed on the web site as:"(2) NDrive 10 only. Pre-installed in the USA, Canada and Australian maps. Can be purchased separately for a selection of maps. Not available for Symbian and Android" which is why I thought I was missing it somehow.
For the price it seems so far to work well and you do get a lot for your $2.99, with TTS it will make it a lot easier and safer as you won't have to study the map while driving to determine which street to turn. Depending on price of TTS this could be a great deal.
I got it yesterday, I only used it a bit to test, worked fine. I have a stand alone Tom Tom unit but this will be perfect as I drive company cars, and our other vehicle often that don't have GPS.
I actually use this on my iPad. I have Navigon...and while the TTS is not present...for $3 its pretty darn good. I like that the street names are HUGE and it does have lane assist. Had this come out before the others..I would have bought this and been happy...especially considering the price.
Appreciate the Comments

Thanks for the feedback, we are actively listening.

Any questions will be answered promptly.

I almost bit on this yesterday, then read a lot of the app store reviews and it just doesn't seem ready for prime time - even at $3.

Also, anyone that knows a little about GPS technology would know that maps aren't put out by's NAVTEQ.
Reply to fhall1

Unfortunately in the navigation application marketplace, competition is fierce. During our market entry in the USA, we have come to the realization that negative reviews for NDrive possibly aren't always from genuine customers. From our side it is difficult to decipher between possible mock reviews and end user reviews. Because of this, I would be cautious basing decisions on 'user' recaps alone.

I believe we have a strong navigation application and that you would find it preferable. PM me for a promo-code and maybe you'll agree.

Having a navigation system with the possibility of viewing the map in 3D including the buildings...a must have IMO. and all the features that the equipment brings for the price (here, in the nacional market) it's quite competitive, at least. Of course i'm speaking about the equipment itself not the app, but i guess the kind of map viewing it's the same.
Unfortunately in the navigation application marketplace, competition is fierce. During our market entry in the USA, we have come to the realization that negative reviews for NDrive possibly aren't always from genuine customers. From our side it is difficult to decipher between possible mock reviews and end user reviews. Because of this, I would be cautious basing decisions on 'user' recaps alone.

I believe we have a strong navigation application and that you would find it preferable. PM me for a promo-code and maybe you'll agree.


It's not possible to PM you. =(

Well I can say this. I do like the application however I can't say that it's as good as my 3 year old stand alone Garmin. It is a little buggy. For example it wanted me to get on the freeway this morning. The on ramp is on the right it told me to "Exit left". This was specifically "Exit". I was on a surface street so I guess you could say that I was exiting that street and entering the on ramp. It was wrong however on the left part. It was on the right and has been since it was built years ago. It would have been easy to blow off if it had not repeted itself 3 times. There have been several instances similar. I have used it 6 times and it has been correct 3.5 times out of 6. Not too bad but my stand along Garmin has a much better track record so far. This will be good if I am traveling and need something portable on my phone. I am keeping in mind that this is all taking place on a phone anyway. The voice prompts are nice. They are clear and easy to understand. I would have enjoyed text to speech and I too mis-understood that they came with this application and looked everywhere in settings for it. So, is there a list somewhere of add ons that we could expect soon? Do we know how much some of these add ons might cost?
Reply to Machoo

Firstly, thank you for the constructive criticism and review.

Secondly- as we have a new map provider, our maps were updated March 2010, which has improved accuracy but we have received similar criticisms from extremely new structures.

Question: Was the info lane or signpost assistance correct when approaching your exit?...They usually even if GPS isnt aware of new structure are.

Lastly, there will be add-ons available in the immediate future such as TTS, Funny Voices, and Aerial photography for no more than a few bucks.
Are there any promo codes available?

Also what is the difference between NDrive USA for $2.99 and NDrive United States of America for $32.99? Both look similar except for TTS. Are there other differences?

Well I don't remember if the lane assist was correct or not. I will try again tomorrow and try to pay attention to that. I look forward to the text to speech soon. Question. If I am navigating and take a phone call will the voice prompts. Continue? If not with the multi-tasking coming soon will they continue then?
Please advise: The description in the Apple App Store does not mention TTS as a feature for NDrive USA Version 10.

But the App Store link to a more detailed description on your website does.

NDrive 10 only. Pre-installed in the USA, Canada and Australian maps.
This doesn't say anything about different apps or future add ons. The website claim for the app store product is included TTS in this current version. I don't get it.
Reply to rKunda

In order to provide our customers a price of $2.99, there are certain features that had to be left out of our most current version. These features such as TTS and 3-D buildings incur the highest cost to us. Notice that no other 'low cost alternative' nav app has these features either. Its because with them, a competitive price would no be possible.

We have our most detailed country specific description in the apple itunes marketplace because that is where customers are purchasing the application. Our website is a worldwide generic introduction to V10. Note: We sell V10 in 90 countries. To customize a V10 page for each on our website would be redundant.

In response to your link.

It states that V10 has TTS, and it does.

There are two V10's available for sale in USA. One that is stripped down, lean and mean for $2.99 and another for more demanding users with TTS, 3-D buildings, etc. for $32.99.

For demanding customers (most macrumors users) i would certainly recommend the full V10 version.

Hopefully I clarified a few gray areas. Other questions and comments are encouraged.;)
Thanks for the reply. I get how you're explaining it now—but it would be highly respectable to be more specific in the App Store, not just explaining what's included but what is not.

I went ahead and bought this not long after my first post. I read the App Store description and then went to your website to get more info, and when someone goes that route, it's more than slightly easy to see how they'd be mislead into thinking the $2.99 app has features that it does not.
So how is the app for those of you that have bought it? The appstore reviews are all over the place.
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