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Thank you for your participation but please refer to post #44, focus, Q&A!

In response to ddfdfd: I would have to kindly suggest reading the forum before posting; as we have already discussed the difference between the two versions in posts #4 and #23. Your diction is rather strange as well, 'trial' implies a time sensitive, limited version, which it simply is not.

All other posts, thank you for your feedback- It is well received.

I would kindly suggest you reading my post again before you reply. I say that this forum is not the place to be identifying the differences in versions. DO IT SPECIFICALLY IN THE APP DESCRIPTION. The NDrive USA app description NEVER says that there is another NDrive app available with more features. It leads you to believe you're buying the full version, and as NDrive improves the app over time, everyone will benefit; even those who jumped in early for $2.99. It's great you're pointing this out in post #4 and #23 of this forum, but at last look, 2,357 poeple viewed this thread. How do you plan on telling the other 997,643 people?

You want to pick on one word in my last post, go ahead, I'll pick another one. I think everyone gets the point.

The more I am reading here the more I do feel like I was mislead. It seems like I am not the only one who took this to be a full featured app for a low intro price to get users onboard. I too followed the link that showed all kinds of great things like tts and 3d buildings. But alas they were nowhere to be found in the settings menu. I too looked high and low and finally came here for answers....after I bought, only to find out that indeed this isn't as "full" featured as I was led to believe. I will also say that this app is a little buggy as I have said in my earlier posts. Now I am wondering if the nice updates will be reserved for those who bought the "bigger" package and those of us who bought at this "intro" price will just be left with what we got. At the end of the day I am disappointed. Now when I see the Ndrive app on my homescreen I associate "sneaky" with it. I am still waiting for this available "soon" business on the text to speech to show itself and what it's going to cost. So, will our "cheap" app be updated or only for the people that bought the more expensive version?
After reading this thread while I was downloading the app yesterday I was ready to be terribly disappointed. What in the world could one expect for $3? Other than the fact that it took me the L O N G, trafficy way around to where I was going, I had no trouble following the directions. It didn't tell me, by voice, what street to turn on but the top of the screen did and it was big enough to read in a glance. I'm talking about on the streets and highways of San Francisco (and I live in a small rural Massachusetts town and am not used to this craziness). I think it's just great for $3. Honestly, the reviews of the expensive ones are just as buggy and glitchy. I do miss the Garmin that fell out of my coat pocket on the plane when I came out here in Feb. Now that was a jewel. It was also about 75x more expensive than this one and I can't say 75x better.

Muito obrigada!
Edit: Description in app store modified 'Features>Application Features' to state that TTS will be available for store-in-store sale in immediate future.

I also purchased NDrive at $2.99 and one of the deciding factors was TTS. Your support website features chart still says TTS is a feature and makes no mention of which version. The footnote says "NDrive 10 only. Pre-installed in the USA, Canada and Australian maps." I bought the USA version of NDrive 10.

If you want to call it slander, go right ahead (I call it the truth)...NDrive has falsely advertised a feature. And, according to your "edit", if TTS is now going to be an extra charge, NDrive is doing a classic bait and switch.

NDrive should have thought through the ramifications of the offer. TTS was advertised as included. According to NDrive customer support, the recent update to the $32.99 app features TTS. There is a very easy fix. Update the $2.99 application in iTunes and eliminate the hard feelings we have that we got screwed. BTW...This is a great way to run a promotion.

App is Gone

Anyone know where the app went? I can no longer find it in the apple store. For that matter I can't find anything called NDrive.

Ok, interesting. I am not finding the app on itunes now either? Where did it go? Hey rep, where is your app?
Ok, interesting. I am not finding the app on itunes now either? Where did it go? Hey rep, where is your app?

I wonder if they pulled the apps or it was taken down. I wonder if Apple will do refunds on this one. I think I am going to try. I've never asked for one before, but to not put more $ into this company after this poor showing is a good motivator.
App Store

As of now, we don't exactly know why our app isn't available. We have been tuning it to achieve high quality standards. Consequently, we are experiencing technical difficulties & collaborating with Apple to fix the problem as soon as possible.
Come on guys you keep on complaining. Logically what do you think you can get from a 2.99. You expect to much.
Come on guys you keep on complaining. Logically what do you think you can get from a 2.99. You expect to much.

Consider actually reading the substance of the complaints. The claim is not "Wahh, this $3 app doesn't do what the more expensive ones do!" The problem is that it was billed as a full app for a limited time, and outside of this forum no indication was given that features were crippled or not included. In fact, following the product description to the entire NDrive site indicated that features like TTS WERE included, when they were not.

It's not that it lacks features, it's that the features don't match the advertising. Get it?
Yeah not whining about price

Yes again read the substance of the posts. It has nothing to do with the price of the app. For $3 it is a good value. The problem is that many of us jumped on it with the full understanding that it was a very full featured app that would rival $70 navigation apps. In fact it was billed as a competitor to those more expensive apps. Links were provided to the Ndrive site with nice videos that showed all the great details of this app. The premise was that they wanted to get people on board so it was a low intro price for this nicely full featured app. Well, we buy, then start digging around in settings and come to find out that it isn't so full featured.....then we find out that you have to upgrade to get those features as add ons. How much are the upgrades you ask? Who knows. The advertising may have been unintentional, it may have been a mistake, maybe they just didn't think people would look into the features before buying....but we here at Macrumors know better and the features for us are what sells a product. Anyway, now if we want it to work the way we expected it to when we bought if for $3 we will have to shell out more money.....not just $3 now anymore is it? See the rub?
my ndrive disappeared

I dunno what's going on with this app, but I purchased it for 2.99 as well, because it was marketed all over the web, and the Co-Pilot North America wouldn't transfer over to my iPad, so I was looking for an inexpensive alternative to just have something on the iPad. It was a little buggy, but I figured I wouldn't bother to complain for 3 bux. Well, I hadn't used it in awhile and today I needed it, because we took the second car out and didn't take the stand-alone gps with us. Wouldn't you know it, but my N-drive USA has completely disappeared from my iPad. So I said to myself, something messed up, I'll just use google maps and reinstall it when I get home. So I go home and the app is missing from my itunes as well. WTF?! Since when can apps just be taken away from us after we buy them without our permission? I hadn't even synced my iPad, so this is really weird. It's not in the app store either. No company has the right to take software off my iPad or my computer after I have purchased it for any reason. I don't care what is in the fine print that I am forced to click through in order to get my itunes and my iPad (and the accompanying software I use with it) to work properly. If there is no meeting of the minds there is no agreement and I do not agree to let anyone access my files remotely ever, for any reason.
It's still on my iPod Touch. I got an email from NDrive saying they're resolving some technical problems with Apple and the app should be available when the problems are resolved.

Before I found this forum, I had complained to Apple about the missing advertised TTS and the fact that a "full featured" promotional app wasn't getting the same updates as the more expensive app. I pointed out the NDrive website that lists the iPhone version's features with no mention of feature differences between any of their iPhone app versions. I also pointed out that NDrive's site linked to the $2.99 version on iTunes. Maybe Apple dropped the hammer and told NDrive to fix it.?
Technical Problems

The problems that are we are currently experiencing have nothing to do with developers at NDrive choosing to offer TTS as a store-in-store purchase in current version. As we have received feedback concerning NDrive USA's description on our website, altering is in the pipeline.
Is there a way to fully simulate a route at like 5x or 10x normal time? Or a way to view the turn by turn list?

Yesterday for the heck of it I tried Ndrive to get to a local restaurant that's about 30 minutes away. I couldn't figure out how to get the directions in a list view, and the simulation of the route was going 18mph in a 55mph zone - I couldn't sit there for an hour to watch the simulated route. So, we took it on the road.

I kinda knew where I was going, but Ndrive was taking me out in the boonies - way out of the way to get to the place. We arrived and it still was showing us miles from our destination.

Like I said, if I could have seen the route it thought we needed to take, maybe I could figure out what it was trying to do.

I'll give it another chance, but if it screws up royally again, I'll delete it and use Mapquest or Waze or Skobbler.
The problems that are we are currently experiencing have nothing to do with developers at NDrive choosing to offer TTS as a store-in-store purchase in current version. As we have received feedback concerning NDrive USA's description on our website, altering is in the pipeline.

So you've decided to just change the text on the app instead of doing right by those who've already purchased?
The problems that are we are currently experiencing have nothing to do with developers at NDrive choosing to offer TTS as a store-in-store purchase in current version. As we have received feedback concerning NDrive USA's description on our website, altering is in the pipeline.

Your company is nothing more than a scam. Misleading advertising. You owe a lot of people a refund, and a lot of people an apology. Stop trying to feed more BS, and admit your unethical tactics.
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