I am no tech great expert.
However many people who know much more than I will ever learn say that
1) building a similar powerful computer with those specs would need a huge ugly enclosure.
2) similar components would cost much more if bought separately
I might be wrong but love and admire my nMP more than any of the different computers I previously had.
You are free not to agree.
P.S. I believe that the idea of gathering all the unavoidable heath generated by the different components into one single hollow room, allowing in this way to suck the warm air by a single, large, and therefore quiet moving fan (the only moving part in the whole computer) seems such an obvious solution for the heath disposal problem in any computer, that it should had been adopted long ago.
Instead, manufacturers just added whenever needed a further fan to those already present.
(This includes the previous generations of Mac Pro as well, the 2010-2012 had 8 fans!)
Even my weakest netbook makes therefore much more (fan) noise than a nMP.
So much so that at the end I became used to the noise of any computer or notebook and did not realize it could be different. Fan noise became thus "normal". Human beings are known to get used to permanent working sensorial phenomena to the point they finally are no longer aware of them.
Once I heard that our ears ignore from early childhood molecular generated noise which otherwise would make us mad. (I don't know if it is true, am no expert in that field either).
However to "hear" once my nMP I had to stress it with a Benchmark.
Otherwise only the small lamp tells me if it is on or off.
That is in my opinion reasonable computer design and for the moment I am not aware of any other manufacturer disposing of heath in such a straightforward, simple and ingenious way.
And heath is the factor limiting CPU and GPU speed and performance AFAIK and not a minor inconvenience.
Well, that's my opinion for what it might be worth...or not.